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About BrTarolg

  • Birthday 06/08/1980

BrTarolg's Achievements

Burgeoning Battle Gamma

Burgeoning Battle Gamma (7/17)

  1. So just as a question, how DID you kill sulfras? Are there any harder bosses than sulfras?
  2. Oh so there were FOUR books... ._. Thanks for the help guys lol
  3. I've read all three books Not sure what's going on Maybe i already have the ritual and i don't know it?
  4. So... i ended up reading both books (i've read all the books in the empire archives now, multiple times..) I'm still getting the "it could take months to find and decipher one useful to you" message Am i bugged?
  5. So uhm, i cleared out the empire archives I read the book that describes the location of the teleporter ritual (on the NE side) Then i went downstairs to the "ritual book" and it kept giving me the "without knowledge of what you're looking for it could take forever to find" Am i bugged out or something here? Or have i done something in the wrong order?
  6. nope can't find it lol I'm about to finish getting the crystal souls at this point in the game so tbh i just wanna get this crappy dungeon over and done with (im a completionist lol)
  7. Oh ok well.. go ahead and spoil me because i've been stuck trying to solve this dungeon for ages lol i found the secret switch then i found the 4 runes on the floor then...???
  8. So uhh. another unrelated question In the spiral pit theres supposed to be a teleporter after the hidden passage for some reason my teleporter isn't there? I just see 4 runes and an empty spot. Did i do something wrong?
  9. Am i being dumb? Afaik you used to be able to go up from limoncelli's place but now you cant... does that mean the boats are stuck there permanently? what if i run out?
  10. Ah bought the game and it works fine now thanks
  11. If i upgrade now am i gonna have to spend another 250 coins to get a boat? D:
  12. I'm playing the demo version (will buy soon like all the other ones) I can't seem to buy the boat in cotra - i pay the guy, and i lose the money, but then when i goto any of the 4 boats in the dock it say's i need to register. I can repeat this process several times (burning my gold) Is it because i'm still in the demo version that i'm getting this?
  13. jees.. the point is - ANYONE can be hit by bind foe lvl 1. anything in the entire game. however, there are ALOT of creatures which are resistant to paralysis or sleep. actually, i was quite weak at the time - so i had becca <damn supercharacter> whack on gharzad whilst i spammed bind foe using my other 3 characters on everything else <i also summoned a couple rakshasha and hakaai> basically - if you are fighting a so called "boss" - like athron - then all you need to do is cast bind foe lvl 1 and shes dead you cant use bind for lvl 2-3 to kill her.
  14. ah i remember the days of avernum 2 when bind foe lvl 1 would web and permanently disable one character <like gharzad for example> and then i screamed when i got bind foe level 3 and reverted back to lvl 1 because its just better
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