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Everything posted by Balladeer

  1. Uh-oh... now I have to work on it. I did put in three hours yesterday writing dialogue. Now just to do that everyday...
  2. Niemand says I'm wrong, Nikki says I'm right... What do the ^1 and ^0 mean in your equation, Niemand?
  3. Shouldn't (1,1) be 3 at 600 since it will be 1 at the initial setting? From turn 1-250, (1,0) has had 250 added to it once From turn 251-500, (1,0) has had 250 added to it twice From turn 501-750, (1,0) has had 250 added to it 3 times Unless you're gonna initially set (1,0) to 250 in a different code. I like math, it's so logical.
  4. Thank you for your concern. Consider me informed. You may stop telling me now.
  5. It might help if we knew what kind of outdoor terrain it was. Can you describe it any better? If anyone had ever used it in a scenario, it'd be on my site, though not necessarily under his name. Not many people did a very good job of labeling the custom graphics they used.
  6. Yeah, I must be blind for missing it the first time I looked. In other news I now have a pretty, pretty bathhouse and a good feel for how (at least terrain) graphics work. Looking at the code for a different scenario helped the most. Learn by example. Edit: I wasn't planning on porting Redwall at all mostly because it's not really my story. That and I suck at 3D graphics and Redwall needed a lot of custom ones.
  7. Right then, I'm trying to define my first custom terrain graphic (animated statue fountain) and was thinking it'd be handy to import the waterfall since it's what I used to make it, but I'm not really seeing a number anywhere (editor, docs, appendix, cookbook) to distinguish it from the rest. Am I supposed to just count down from the top in the editor or what? Edit: Me found it.
  8. I can live with the bottom line being cut off. I just thought maybe I was missing a preview of the selected terrain, like BoE had. Of course, it kinda makes sense that it's not included since Jeff originally made the editor in 2D. It wouldn't have looked right anyway. An extra 'Thank You' to those who worked on the 3D editor since it's obviously 100x easier than it used to be. Edit: Is there a way to double up terrains (ie. walls or columns that are twice as high) without making custom graphics? And is there a graphic to make indoor rises not look like dirt cliffs? Edit2: Gah! Stupid walls that look like they only take up a sliver of a space but really take up a whole square...
  9. 1024x768 The laptop has only one other option of 800x600. I have to restart the computer to switch so I'll tell you tomorrow if it worked.
  10. Is there something wrong with my view of the editor? The last line is partially cut off and there is no big example of the terrain/floor that I have selected. It's rather annoying to have to put a terrain into my town to see what it really is. As far as I can tell, I can't make it any bigger. PS. Pay no heed to the terrain, I'm just putzing around with it.
  11. *squeals for joy* How. Did. You. Know? It's perfect! Exponentially more perfect than that other one. Are you psychic, too?
  12. I've started reading through the BoA Editor Docs v1.2, but it reads rather rough (like it was written by someone who's been programming for a couple decades and can't think like a beginner any more) and I was wondering if anyone's made a more easily understandable guide or one that focuses more on the differences between BoE and BoA and what you have to do differently in designing. If not, subsequent recommended readings are welcome.
  13. I just took what y'all pointed to as the most up to date version in the Which Editor thread. The readme said it was Issac's but I didn't pay close attention. So it is Notus' revised version.
  14. As I said in the first post, it's Issac's 3D version, though I didn't mention I'm on windows. It's not your build, Niemand. I was trying to put a terrain that looks like a cave onto an already made hill and the editor just wouldn't respond. It would let me put the cave on the flat ground but not on the hill.
  15. I've never made a hill before so I don't know how it's supposed to go. I did have auto hill on. Does it need to be off when you place a cave?
  16. I've tried both, it works on neither. Maybe I should use the original editor and see if it works there. Edit: Yep, that worked. I suppose I should have guessed it was a bug in the 3D editor. *sigh* One mystery down...
  17. So, I'm taking a look at the BoA editor for the first time using Issac's 3D editor. Just playing around a little trying to get a feel of it and my first (of which I'm sure I will have many) problem, is placing a cave entrance on the side of a hill. I have my hill but the cave entrance will only be placed on flat ground which has given me a good 15 minutes of frustration in trying to figure out how to get it on there. I'm sure there's some simple thing I'm missing but if someone would explain the trick to me, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance for the tons and tons of help I'll inevitably be getting from y'all.
  18. Originally Posted By: Dahak Well... #1 is inside, #2 is in a shadow shrouded forest, #3 is nighttime, #4 is pretty light, and #5 in underground. I guess the shadows are dark, but before I posted them I made sure they weren't that dim. You should be able to see them with little trouble in well-lit room. It's probably just me then. I have my monitor on 100% bright but in the scene with the soldier, all I can make out is his shield. Everything else looks black. Time to change monitors, me thinks. *Just happens to have a spare monitor sitting on the floor next to her and hooks it up.* Ah, much better.
  19. Is it just me, or do all the pictures seem really, really, dark?
  20. I like all my characters be melee with basic spells. Bless, haste, cure, etc. Usually after around level 10 in sword/spear I branch them out.
  21. Should we hold you to that and pelt you with tomatoes if you fail to come through?
  22. Not that it makes that much of a difference to me but I've noticed an odd error in the new ubb. A picture of what's going on. It changes the size end tag to color whenever you try to enter in a size that's not preset. If it's purposeful, it's an awfully clumsy way to keep people to the preset sizes. If the software has the ability to change text, why not just change the number? Anyways, just letting somebody know if they have the will or ability to fix it.
  23. Originally Posted By: Ghaldring I used to steal everything that wasn't nailed to the ground, but as I've grown older, I role-play games more. Maybe you haven't caught on yet, but when I role-play I like to be a jerk. As opposed to, you know, in real life.
  24. Energy potion the most, healing next. The rest I only use if my people can't cast the same spells and then only sparingly. What I like to do better is sell the stuff I don't use and buy better spells.
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