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ĐªгŦĦ Єяŋϊε

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Everything posted by ĐªгŦĦ Єяŋϊε

  1. It makes you drunk. There's some sort of effect that is applied to the party.
  2. that seems odd. the gates are locked before you report to Vidican so you can't leave before completing it. are you sure it's not the nephil fort quest that you need to report back to vidican for?
  3. In the lead game screen the two bottom right save slots are for auto save and a save when you enter a new area. Check there.
  4. If you just lost them, try to see if you have an autosave from before
  5. It was also probably easier to exile Erika with a vague promise of eventually letting her out then it was to try to kill her directly.
  6. Definitely quicker. From trial to punishment in about fifteen minutes versus a five month sea voyage
  7. This is very much the same question that can be asked about England and Australia. Banishment to Australia became the number one punishment for everything for a while. Was the cost of shipping undesirables to Australia worth it?
  8. The only annoying thing I find is during a fight the letters change whenever someone gets killed. If I am trying to target enemy e and enemy b dies, it shouldn't change to d until I leave the fight.
  9. It doesn't. I have both the demo and the full game on my win 7 laptop and I didn't have problems
  10. I think the biggest issue was the change from indoor/outdoor to all outdoors. It was jarring enough that the regulars here didn't like it while new players just found a new game that they liked. And it was well liked.
  11. In exile there were four slots that were randomly assigned captures. So there were a few repeated battles to make sure that the right slot got written to. I wonder if there is something similar here. Or if that's how it works the second time around.
  12. which is funny because they will accept that excuse for killing practically everyone else
  13. your other guys aren't too stable either so don't get nervous from them when they also flip out
  14. i would venture to say that closing doors is gone for good. just be grateful that the doors in your house close.
  15. just out of curiosity, why doesn't Jeff have an open source graphics contest to develop new graphics? with a sort of open license to let him use it in all the games he wants?
  16. It's not really a cheat. U is just the shortcut to use an item (actually manipulate an object) and secret passages apparently count as an item
  17. i don't know if this belongs here but in A2CS the item description on towels is a reference to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  18. i always wondered what critical damage did. when you are in middle of a fight and get a notice that you just gave an enemy 2 points critical damage you don't really know what it is.
  19. i once tried that in the endgame. i blocked off the doors to the last room and tossed in quickfire and waited until everyone inside died. it didn't work.
  20. i'm playing on hard. This party makeup is what i have been fielding since the first Avernum and i have been happy with it. I have two tanks block off a space and then fire from behind with mage and priest. But if mages rule here maybe I should switch to all magic users. actually my question is more on turning a melee character into a mage. would it work? or is it missing the first crucial points and won't keep up until the levels balance out?
  21. i have been thinking of changing my party from one sword, one pole, one mage and one priest to three mages and one priest or a two and two party. i'm only in the first dungeon, the nephilim fortress, so i'm not too far in. should i try to convert my fighters to mages or am i better off starting from scratch?
  22. He's not wrong. I enjoy the updated everything, but I play for the game and not for the graphics. While I'm sure eventually they will get upgraded to be better, it will be incremental and not revolutionary.
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