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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: Speaking of which, is there a version of the BoA 3D Editor that has no sounds? It'd be nice to listen to music during town design. I've been asking this for months now, and I've been told there is a version out there with no sounds. I can't for the life of me find it though.
  2. I listen to The Smiths, and Radiohead. But quietly - I like the background sounds...
  3. I'd use lots and then edit a SDF so that I would have actually used none. Seriously though, I don't know if I'd use them. People can be manipulated in ways not involving raw power, and I've always been good with words...
  4. Okay, had an idea last night, but dunno how workable it is... Basically, I would like to know if there is a way to record what kind of damage a PC does to a bad guy.. Example - party x always uses a particular spell against the bad guys, who for arguments sake are bandits. Now, after a while the bandits realise that they keep being pummelled by the same spell, and make armour to counter it. So if it was Ice Lances, for example, the bandits make armour that would give a resistance to cold damage, and so on. In order to do this, I'd need to record how often the party uses a particular attack type (probably in a series of SDFs), and adjust monster stats accordingly. And I can't see a way of doing this... Any ideas? And if I'm right and there isn't a way, any workarounds that you might think of would help Thanks.
  5. With all respect, you people aren't getting my point at all. Healing magic in the Geneforge world AS IS is a shaping skill. I know. But, if shaping was replaced, or never existed, which people mentioned elsewhere in the thread, my point is that there is a possibilty that some other school of magic would develop it's own ways of healing, like the priest spell in Avernum. Without shaping, or using essence.
  6. I think I should clear this up.. I HAVE played all the Geneforge games, with the exception of the newest addition. What I was getting at was the point that healing magic exists without Shaping. Shapers may use essence to heal others, but did the Sholai? And, what about healing magic in Avernum? What's to say that with the lack of any shaping, that kind of healing magic wouldn't be developed?
  7. Quote: Originally written by Guilt by Dissociation: Aizo, Pralgad, and Vantanas appear in one of the books available in E3/A3. Doston is the continent that's a pure fabrication by this community. —Alorael, who uses "this" very loosely. Please don't respond with angry rants. May I rant for not being a n00b, and yet still being unaware of the continent of Doston?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: What's wrong with the secret door wall terrain that already exists? That's what Jeff used to port the first three standard scenarios. Dikiyoba. Also, it's easy to make trees and rocks and stuff that you can walk through by editing the terrain in a custom data script.
  9. Ah. Sounds like a good idea. Crimson Editor, which I'm using at the moment checks for spelling, but not grammar, so it should help some. Consider it downloaded.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: I shudder to think of what people would eat if it were not for them. Well, based on this: Quote: It's...nutritious and delicious... I think Cheerios would suffice. And isn't Healing magic a priest-thing? It doesn't NEED essence to do it. Edit: If you don't get the Cheerio's reference, you live on the wrong side of the Pond.
  11. I feel awfully dense, but what does this thing do? Is it a dialogue writer?
  12. This topic has inspired (wrong word, but meh ) me to try porting a smallish BoE scenario, just to see how hard it is. So, I chose 'Bandit Busywork' (hey, I'm a sucker for alliteration). After using the import tool (in the normal editor, the 3D one didn't like me doing it), I quickly realised things aren't all that terrible. It looked workable, terrain-wise at least, and I thought I may even be able to work around some of the scripts. So I dived in. Terrain isn't a problem, although I have had to lose a few specials because of the different terrain types (being able to walk through trees, for one). In fact, from the aesthetic point of view, it all seems okay. I've not done everything yet, but it's doable. Then I realised that I don't have the notes for the scenario. Meaning that I don't know what any of the flags are for, unless I run through all of the scripts and manually make a list (which isn't a problem for this scenario, but would be for bigger ones). The biggest problem I can see is the fact that it's not my world. I'm just prettying it up. From a design point-of-view, I could port the damn thing. I just don't really WANT to. Yeah, so this is neither interesting nor funny. But still. Porting can be done, and it's not terribly hard if you're porting rubbish that nobody wants to play
  13. He moves from Delan and Krizsan, and on every third day I think he is not at either place.
  14. You'd also be less attractive, Thuryl. I have begun working in earnest on Redondo Beach (working title), and finished designing the outdoors today. Hopefully, with the enthusiasm I'm feeling for the project, it'll be done before TV.
  15. I am slowly working on three scenarios, which is probably a bad idea.. First of all, there is Twilight Vale. This is a purely plot-driven scenario - no combat at all, and which is probably going to be out first, maybe by about February. It takes place on the surface of Ermarian, and is basically a horror story. The second scenario is merely a few pages of notes and an outdoors section, set in Avernum towards the middle of the Empire War, shortly after the barriers fall down. No idea when this will be finished. And finally, I have ideas for a series of scenarios based upon the seven deadly sins. Want to keep that one under wraps for now, and will probably take a while.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: (insert Canopy special spells jokes here) Brave words from the creator of the spell system in Exodus
  17. I'm more excited about setting. We know it's not all in Avernum. But it's still the underworld. Does that mean Vahnatai caves? Or just somewhere old, but unexplored like west of Fort Remote? The fact that Jeff says "a new area" implies it's not the Vahnatai land we know.. Still, yay! I need to replay A4 sometime...
  18. Edit: SoT said it all, and better. That said, it IS possible to play as a non-cannister user. You just can't do very much I believe somebody did it once, and ended up as a level 5 Shaper.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Sturg: Random item shops are the source of rare priceless magical items, for a price. (Paraphrased.) Also, Mithril isn't brilliant, and even spellcasters can find better armour.
  20. Quote: Originally written by 25AnarhIztok11: P.S.: Who doesn't like a nice soft cushy pink little animal to hug and squeeze and ... BUM! I do hope that this wasn't intentional, and that the author meant "boom". Ahem. Fyora are cute. Period.
  21. Cheeseball is not mentioned, as far as I rememeber, in A4. He definitely doesn't appear. Much to my dismay.
  22. Also, I'm sure that somebody other than Solberg claims that the passages were let before humans reached Avernum/Exile... possibly even Erika in another game. I'm going to comsult the games right now, and get back later if I find quotes.
  23. Are we still limited to having just three different types of creations at one time? That really got my goat in previous GFs...
  24. Quote: Originally written by Dominator52: Quite. Iraq has, what, 53.1 billion barrels of oil in reserve? That's what the U.S administration WANT you to think.
  25. Okay, this might not be an issue, but it is a .bmp right? Also, its not being used for owt else, is it?
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