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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. I used to have this problem all the time - I think I downloaded the latest version and it worked. Of course, make sure that if you have defined any custom items/terrain etc, your custom terrain script points to the right file, and that the graphics files are actually there - that might do it.
  2. Quote: Originally written by KernelKnowledge12: Quote: Originally written by White Lady xx: Is there a way to turn off the sound in the 3D Editor? There is no way to turn off sound in the 3D editor. If you are having audio problems starting GarageBand tends to help for some reason. I'm using Windows... It's not a major problem, it's just damn annoying.
  3. Is there a way to turn off the sound in the 3D Editor? Whenever I load up BoA to test, and then come back to the 3D Editor, it tells me that it can't play sounds, and then freezes. Which is annoying.
  4. In Window$, you can try pressing [Alt]+[Enter]. I've not tried, so I can;t be sure it works. And you can always hit [Tab] to go to another program.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Well theres the stuff about Burma Shave in exile/Avernum. It isn't a very well hid easter egg, since its written on signs. But I seem to remember it popping up somewhere else as well. Burma Shave in Avernum is blatant and unfunny. It is on the signs by the road leading up to Blackcrag Fortress, or near the path that leads... It's near Blackcrag. In Exile (E3 at least, I don't know about the others), you had to press [shift] and either [6],[7],[8] or [9]. I think that's right, and unfortunately, I can't check. It definately wasn't on a sign though... I think.
  6. All based upon BoA designing: Working/Ending. The bit where you load up Crimson Editor and the BOA Editor, and look at it, and realise that you have a few dialogue nodes to do, and one or two special encounters to do before its finally finished, when suddenly your mouse slips and lands on the AOL icon, or you inadvertantly phone a friend and arrange to go out, or, which is worse, you close all open windows and load up another game. I could finish my scenario. I could do it soon. But if real life isn't stopping me when I actually do want to design, I tend to put it off.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus.: Edit: Stupid UBB makin me double post. I'll try to salvage this, Err, "How about those boolean opperators eh? What a group of characters!" This bought me more joy than you can ever imagine... I need to get out more. And to add fuel to the "&&" argument (is it an argument yet?), I tend to do it like this: Code: if((get_flag(x,y) == z) && (get_flag(a, != c)) { For some reason, I think it's more clearer than writing Code: if(get_flag(x,y) == z) { if(get_flag(a, != c) { do_something_here(); }}
  8. ...But will my mage recieve enough skill points to be able to max out her mage spells skill as well as get a high enough tool use level? I'm concerned that my mage will be able to open every door in the game, but won't be able to cast any decent spells. Or is that not a problem?
  9. The Madhouse Monastary in A3 was also an Easter Egg, especially some of the hidden messages that were...erm... hidden there. It's on one of the south-eastern islands, and you need to have bought the key from Firefox(?). This is all based on memory, since I haven't been anywhere near any of the games for a long time.
  10. I finally got some free time, so I'm going to try and complete A4. Now, I have a save game at the Formello barrier, which I played through the demo version with before I registered, but I may have missed/misused a lot of stuff. I probably also set my characters up totally wrong as well, so is it worth starting from the beginning again? And if so, what kind of set-up would you suggest? My regular Avernum party (Slith polearm-man, Nephil archer/thief, priest and thief-mage) managed all right so far, so will they be okay through the rest of the game? Thanks, Nkkxx
  11. I have but one issue - resolution. I run a really awful old monitor that won't even run Av4. If Nethergate goes upto 106756770xWhatever, then I won't be able to play it, which would be bad... If I had confirmation that it would run in 800x600, I'd pay the money now. In fact, I'd pay my $25 again.
  12. Interesting premise Salmon. So I edit the floor, and make te_switch_to (or whatever is is) to a blank florr with no terrain script? I'll see if it's worth the effort. But thanks for that anyway - it might come in useful later.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Niemand: No, you can't dynamically remove scripts. Instead, modify the script so that it checks the flag in question. and does stuff only if is not 1: The code will check a flag that is determined by the value of two memory cells, and if the flag is 1, stop the script from doing anything else. I already did this. My initial post wasn't very good, but I altered specobj.txt to do this very thing. The problem is, the terrain script is still searchable - pressing "l" in-game highlights it as something of interest. I guess I just wanted to get rid of this.
  14. Is there any way to get rid of them in-game? I looked through the appendices for a call to do this, but no cigar. What I want is for a terrain script to be usable up until a flag is switched to 1. After that point, the terrain script should go, or at least be invisible. I've made a kinda remedy by altering specobj.txt so that if a given flag is over one it isn't searchable, or if it is, it displays no message or whatever, but the text description still says that it's there. So, any ideas?
  15. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: Your conversation with this sailor is very short. It mostly involves his asking why you are in his room, combined with several harsh comments regarding your appearance, ancestry, and the availability of your mother. I prefer the one when you see one of the sea monsters for the first time. I forget the quote, but tentacles feature prominently.
  16. It's not too bad. I especially like Motrax's Cave and Formello. I would list reasons, but, I can't be bothered. And I've only completed the demo. Anyway, I give it an 8
  17. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: Sigh. Once again, I'm waiting for the Windows version to come out. I'm not. I don't find writing dialogue too bad...
  18. Quote: Originally written by When in the course of Nathan Ashby: It doesn't freeze usually, however - only pauses briefly when changing levels, and when autosaving. For me, it's only that it pauses for a second whilst autosaving, and loading new scripts. Everything else is fine, and I'm using far worse computers than you for running it. Is it something to do with how scripts are loaded? With the scrolling nature, they need to be loaded and unloaded for more rapidly, and now during game play, than before.
  19. Make sure that in your creatures editing box, the script defined is basicnpc, or even better, leave it blank. Then make sure that basicnpc.txt is in your scenario folder. Otherwise, it does it say which state it can't run?
  20. This seems the right place for it... How much more is there to explore once you've reached the Shareware Barrier? I'm pretty good with the geography of Avernum, and it seems there's a lot more, from what I know, but that map looks pretty small...
  21. Quote: Originally written by Sibling Reconciliation Bereavement: Tool Use is the only skill that has no obvious benefit for the character but still should be concentrated in one character only. —Alorael, who will point out that there's no benefit to spreading out the spreadable skills except lower overall skill point cost. Would you focus the skill on a mage, for Unlock Doors, or over two? I'm used to Tool Use not affecting Unlock, and gave my Nephil archer having around 12-13 points, before realising. Is it time to start again?
  22. Yeah, is it just me, or is the barrier a lot closer to the start of the game? Surely I've not played a fifth of it yet...
  23. You have to make them yourself. The script needs to be in this format: (name of town script)dlg.txt For example, in my scenario, there is a town called Fort Bluebird. The townscript is: FortBlubeird.txt So the dialogue script is called: FortBluebirddlg.txt I presume you know how to format the scripts?
  24. Quote: Originally written by Solymr: Like Imban, A4's sent me back to BoA. I was hoping for better in A4, but it looks like BoA is the only way I'll get my Avernum fix now. He he he. A4 is awful, no?
  25. Quote: Originally written by Drakefyre: It's not the scripting that puts me off BoA - it's the Avernum engine as a whole. But I just played A4, and ran screaming back to the warm embrace of BoA... Opinions are split on this... I did take the time to learn to node in BoE, and in all fairness, I prefer the BoA system. It's less... complicated for me, even though I was a BoEer to start with...
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