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Everything posted by tridash

  1. Probably Quote: 2. You are allowed to make 5 changes to the terrain of Warrior's Grove. does that just mean that 5 tiles can be changed?
  2. also the post is actually just a copy of the first post in the thread
  3. hopefully there won't be any threats involved, though they'd probably be justified by now...finished work for the term, will get this wrapped up start of this week.
  4. I've been rather busier than I'd anticipated, but after I've done an exam on saturday I should be able to actually finish up my judging and if possible get the rankings out....sorry again for taking ages
  5. Originally Posted By: Dantius So do you want a serious and analytical treatment that basically teaches you QM, or more an explanation in simpler terms, or more a history of its development and the invention of the mathematics behind it? If you're looking to learn the math and concepts, try the Feynman Lectures, but that does require a substantial background in math and science. I'm not familiar with any solid yet easy descriptors of the math accessible to laymen. I'm sure there's about a dozen books tackling the history of the development, just check the science and mathematics section of your local bookstore/library. hmm....I guess what I want is a history of the development that actually does talk about the motivation & development of the maths behind it in reasonable detail (I've covered QM at university so that part's not really the problem, just trying to get slightly more of an understanding of where it came from / how it developed).
  6. This seemed the best place to put this without starting a pointless new thread or something, though it's probably rather too specific a request anyway....does anyone have any suggestions for a good book (or webpage i suppose) that talks about why quantum mechanics developed as it did? I don't mean just describing the problems QM had to solved, but going over more how the operators (and the maths behind it) arose etc..i suppose the motivation behind the actual structure of QM.
  7. bleh, am snowed under with work / cold, really sorry...I will make sure to work on getting this out soon
  8. Sorry for my failure in getting judging going so far. I think it's best if we judge the entries as they've been submitted, but keep in mind that some of them might not be as polished as they could be. I'd best get the judging started now..results hopefully to be announced in 2 weeks.
  9. I suppose a PM thread between the judges might work better anyway.
  10. Sorry for not putting this up before. If you're interested in judging for the contest, please reply. Judging will probably go on until early-mid September, there will be some kind of meeting where the judges make the final decisions, and then results will be announced. If you have entered the contest, you'll only be needed as a judge if there aren't enough judges. There are 6 scenarios, so you're unlikely to be a judge unless fewer than 5 or 6 people sign up. Judges: tridash Enraged Slith Dantius Turtle Fractal ???
  11. 6, duck submitted before the contest email was up
  12. [edited first post to reflect deadline change to end of sunday pst]
  13. I'm not sure about the thread, but there was a script that's probably related to what you were looking for at the Blades Forge.
  14. Quote: Make a scenario where the party has to make a daring escape. The scenario will take place in a marsh or swamp. The party will spend most of the time fighting giant spies. Three things will be important to the plot: dangerous cutlery, a good idea, and a powerful mage the party meets. should be interesting..
  15. In order to hopefully get some activity going here, here's the Randomised Scenario Contest. RULES The Randomised Scenario Contest will involve being given some basic elements of your scenario at random, from HERE, such as basic plot, location, and enemies. Other than that it's basically a 1/10 contest, i.e., you can have at most 1 outdoor section and 10 towns in the scenario. The contest has begun now, but you can still enter if you want. Final entries are due by the end of Sunday August 15th (that's PST). Judging will occur starting Monday August 16th and all reports from judges are due by the end of Sunday August 29th. Results will be reported publicly on Tuesday, August 31st. As you can see, the contest will extend past July. This will give contestants more time to test their scenarios. As a general rule of thumb, aim for development to be completed by August, so you have a couple weeks to have your masterpiece beta-tested. And of course, nothing stops you from creating an improved version of your scenario after the contest, so it's better to release early than release never. JUDGING Will not be too serious, and open to anyone who wants to do it. As above, will be in the second half of August. Everyone who creates a scenario will earn the respect and admiration of the community, but there will be a fabulous prize to the designer who produces the most outstanding work. A Best Scenario award will be given to the designer who produces the best entry. The prize? A Spiderweb Software game of that designer's choice! (We'll supply the winner with the registration code for the game, and make sure Jeff knows we're buying it under your name. Own all the games already? No worries -- if you're willing to wait, I hear there's a new one coming out soon.) Finally, it has to be pointed out that there are a lot of new designers who've signed up for the contest. To celebrate this, there will be an identical prize for the Best Scenario by a New Designer! (Note that it's entirely possible for a new designer to win the Best Scenario award, and thus have the two awards given to new designers.) ENTERING If you want to enter, visit the randomiser page, get your randomised scenario ideas, then post them in this thread to enter. ENTRANTS: Niemand tridash Enraged Slith The Mystic Nikki Duck B.J.Earles Fractal Dan Handyman Nioca Metatron Grail Shadowblade Ackrovan Celtic Minstrel w-dueck Faerie_Storm Dintiradan Abrum lampshade and more?? Originally Posted By: Dintiradan SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS So here's how it's going to go. Once you're done with your scenario and happy with it, here's what you should do: [*]Get beta testers to test your scenario for bugs, plot holes, combat balance, etc. This isn't strictly necessary, especially for a smaller scenario, but is still very, very recommended. [*]If your scenario has custom graphics, make sure you make a PC version and a Mac version of the scenario (because them Mac folks do graphics a totally different way than us cool PC people). Feel free to ask for help for this step. [*]E-mail your compressed file(s) to blades.contest (at) gmail (dot) com. The version the judges will use for the contest will be the one attached to the last e-mail you send before the deadline. Speaking of judges, now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their community. Post here if you want to be a judge, and you'll be sent the contest e-mail password and further instructions once the submission deadline passes.
  16. just to remind people this is today (or maybe early tomorrow depending on your time zone), presumably it should take place in aim chat room "blades"?
  17. er.. sorry about that, clarified in the post, I meant 12 *am*...so would be 7pm Thursday your time.
  18. i didn't get too much of a response, so it's going to be on Friday 18 July at midnight GMT (so 1am Friday UK time, and sometime Thursday evening US time)
  19. here, I did one of those fancy whenisgood things: http://whenisgood.net/yy4mg5 if you want to have some say in when the meeting is, please do so by monday (I'll be away until monday evening uk time)
  20. if it's not too short notice I can do pretty much any time this thursday/friday, if a later time is better I'm also free any time starting next tuesday..
  21. It's probably a bad idea giving me leadership over the contest, but I'll give it a go Alright...anyone else interested in either judging or participating (obviously it's not binding...)? Personally I think ES's idea for the type of contest seems good, though with only four people showing much interest so far I don't know how well it would work. The other option seems to be a 24-hr contest. I think it might be worth doing a (hopefully fairly short) aim chat or something in order to sort the details out...when would be best for people? would be nice if people interested in judging would give some input into the contest as well (even if they won't be entering anything)
  22. ok, I've finished exams now...would it be sensible to do an aim chat or something to sort out some of the details of the contest?
  23. ES's idea sounds good to me - what sort of categories would we have to pick things from at random? How would we decide what the available choices were?
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