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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Speaking as an end user who doesn't use BoA because it already seems too clunky, I agree with Celtic Minstrel and Niemand.
  2. The real web issue is when you meet enemies who throw webs nearly every turn, but who can't damage you. The game can easily get stuck in an infinite loop, then.
  3. Whoa, Microphage, please cool down. First of all, maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't sound like ItwasTed was talking about you in the first place. It sounds like he was talking about the Code of Conduct, since earlier in the thread, Dikiyoba and Velzan were discussing the fact that people don't always read it when they register. Secondly, even if he HAD been talking about you, there's nothing even remotely rude about his post. He said thanks for all the info in Strategy Central (presumably including yours) and then he gave some feedback about what happens when too much important information is jammed into one place. And frankly, it was worded pretty politely. You sound very upset in your reply. It's clear that you feel attacked. I don't really understand why, but again, I may be missing something. If that's the case, please PM me and I will try to help you resolve things. However, making posts that mock the original post (your use in quotes of phrases from ItwasTed's post) and that deliver up bitterness ("... criticize me while offering no valuable input to the thread, please feel free to ignore any posts by me") is not constructive, particularly not in this thread which a lot of players turn to for tactical help. Please refrain from making more angry posts here. Thanks. Slarty
  4. Originally Posted By: icelizarrd Just to confirm--looking at the code again, as far as combat calculations go, bless/curse does indeed have a maximum of 8 and a minimum of -8. So the proposed alteration wouldn't affect the power of blessing or cursing--just the length that it lasts. I believe. This is incorrect. Bless and curse show up in numerous places in the code, and different caps are applied in each case, and in at least one place different multipliers. See: http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=202052#Post202052
  5. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. This is well-known territory. People have pretty much always known that certain Bless spells stack to ridiculous heights, as far as certain effects go. This is part of how BoE (and previous Exile games) have always worked. Whether or not this behavior was intentional when Jeff originally coded it is hard to say. I'd wager to guess that each individual instance of Bless effects (capped or uncapped) were intentional, but the inconsistency (and overpoweredness) probably were not specifically intended. If you are seriously intending to change things like this, then stop right now and branch the code, because this is very much a part of BoE, and some of the people who played BoE a decade and a half ago will want these exploits preserved.
  7. Goethe's Faust is one of my all-time favourites. It's long, but it's well worth the effort. If you want to read it in English, I recommend Walter Kaufmann's meticulous translation, which is printed in parallel with the German. (When I was in high school and preparing for the AP literature exam, my teacher told us that we should prepare a minimum of six books for the exam. Part of the exam poses general questions which you have to respond to in essay format using one of the books you have prepared, and we would need multiple books in case the question hinges on a particular plot point (e.g., betrayal) not present in every book. I told her that I was only going to prepare one, and challenged her to come up with any general literary question that I could not respond to with reference to Faust. She couldn't come up with one. The thing is literally about everything.)
  8. Infernal, you probably know that half of Creator better as Ash Lael. Ash and Marlenny are the ones who got married. Too bad Alec's not here so the two of you can't get in banfights over race anymore.
  9. FACE. PALM. Infernal, you've missed quite a few episodes of Spiderweb Soap. In particular, you've missed a marriage and a shift in expression.
  10. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Making new annotated maps should not be hard... BZZZT!!!
  11. Keep in mind that the advantages are very different from in A4-6, so if you spammed Divinely Touched because of recommendations from those games, it's not remotely as good in the earlier games.
  12. Originally Posted By: Randomizer That predates Lisa. No, it doesn't. In fact, the Apple ][e and the Lisa were released on the same day!
  13. Lame. Why wait until the END of teenager's february breaks to publish it?
  14. I don't think there are lots, but there are definitely a few: I know there were one or two messed up monster abilities that many people used, intended the labelled effect, but some people used intending the coded effect. The "Legacy Options" dialogue box sounds like a good idea to me.
  15. The difference in conversation formats is one of the primary differences between BoE and BoA. It's also something that many people have strong opinions about. Changing that over entirely would alienate some potential players. Just creating the option to use it seems like a waste, since that improvement could not be applied to the hundreds of BoE scenarios that already exist, whereas other potential improvements could apply universally. However, and more saliently, the BoA format is coded very differently from the BoE format. You use the word "scriptable"; BoE doesn't use scripts at all, just nodes, which -- although similar with regard to control flow logic -- are very different as far as the interpreter is concerned. They are also much more complicated. Even making it an option to use them would be an awful lot of work for something that already exists in BoA.
  16. Right, the issue comes up because some old scenarios might have been INTENDED to have the behavior for an ability listed in the documentation, rather than the effect that ability actually had in BoE, and just never noticed the weirdness. On the other hand, other scenarios might have intended or even relied on the undocumented behavior. Just an old/new scenario flag isn't enough for this, hence my suggestion to make one giant player-controlled flag.
  17. I assumed that most existing changes made to OBoE would not be relevant to this option -- just things that you suspect might break old intended behavior. Fixing miscoded monster ability effects, that kind of thing.
  18. I assume the harder part is just dealing with the preferences window, and not the actual control flow statements, which should be pretty simple, right?
  19. Winkies, actually. We are nickel-plating Jeff.
  20. I don't think anyone's arguing that Alwan is particularly horrible, as Geneforge characters go, but it's pretty hard to portray him as consistently ethical.
  21. Mindduel is not a continuous effect. A single mindduel happens, with a single transfer of SP and possible side effects, each turn you cast the spell. So, yeah, it uses up AP on the turn you use it The main problem with Mindduel is that it's sometimes slow, and the things you would want to Mindduel are often quite dangerous. It would be more attractive if the seriously exploitative ways of dealing with Rakshasi et al. did not exist (antimagic fields, null bug and basilisk simulacrums, etc.)
  22. Rock Solid, by the way, is a phenomenal game -- I highly recommend it!
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