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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Originally Posted By: To have; please hold
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    Torment isn't harder than Normal, the fights just take longer. Honestly that's the only difference I've noticed in switching from Normal to Torment. It doesn't take any special tactics or thought just more time.

    Torment is harder than normal. It's not really complex in its difficulty, but having everything hit harder and absorb more hits means that fights take longer and you are more fragile over that longer period of time. Thus, the standard advice: tactics that work on Torment will work faster and more easily on lower difficulties. Some "sloppy" tactics that work on easier settings start failing on Torment.

    —Alorael, who suspects that you're relying on the former. And that you may have a ways to go in the game before the wall of torment falls upon you.

    I probably am relying on some sloppy tactics. And like I said they don't seem to make life difficult on torment. The standard walk up and hack with some spells works just fine. Torment for me has been all about clicking the mouse button more often to kill a monster. I was quite disappointed by it actually. However, I am using a 4 person party, so obviously it's a lot harder to go with a one or two person party. I do like how torment slows the game down though. Quests take a bit longer to complete when everyone has a bit more life to hack away.
  2. Originally Posted By: You would, wouldn't you?
    How can someone give information on the difficulty played before they download the game?

    —Alorael, who doesn't think Jeff would rely on voluntary, self-reported difficulty. Or he shouldn't, anyway. There are all kinds of sampling and bias problems.

    Of course there is. But that's how surveys with humans work, people lie they lie, there's nothing that can be done.
  3. You can get the Jinx Blade in the Eastern Gallery somewhere. And it does

    11-33 damage.


    What's so good about heart-striker any way. The item description just lists the damage and says nothing about why it makes that cool sound and swirling light on impact. The blessed longbow does more damage than any of the bows too, except for Eliavri Bow.

  4. I was thinking more along the lines that someone in the community could make some cool free sounds for Jeff. I've always thought that movies and games could make better use of SILENCE. Sometimes a dramatic moment would work better with no soundtrack or background noise. Movies are the worst in shoving sounds in all over the place.

  5. Would you consider items that have +3 levels damage in combat better than say an item the boosts spell craft by 3, or gives +2 riposte? Currently I have two shields on my priest and mage that have the +3 levels damage, but I could beusing other items that boost spell-craft etc. Does the damage boost work with spells?



  6. Originally Posted By: BrownieMix
    Originally Posted By: Fael

    Obviously, however BrownieMix and I play, it's the complete opposite of each other, since each of us found one of these two encounters very easy and the other almost impossible -- but we each pick the opposite one.

    hahaha - I saw your gazer response first, and didn't understand what you were talking about...until now.

    I don't usually use wands, instead saving them for when I absolutely need them. The lich fight qualified as such, I was just not smart enough to realize that. I think I got so frustrated at the encounter I just used the blunt force approach, instead of taking a step back and working it out in the way you did.

    As for the second fight, this was easy only because I guessed right about the AI. As you know, when you activate the sentinels, there are four of them and the surround you quickly. What I did was I went into combat mode, put everyone but my fighter back in the bushes, then battle frenzied my fighter and activated the fight. In the bushes, the walking grid is only one square wide, meaning only one enemy can get through at a time. I ran my fighter back to the rest of the group, then watched as one sentinel chased me. Once the computer saw it couldn't send anyone else to attack me because the previous sentinel was blocking the path, they didn't move - sure, they kept summoning creatures, but they didn't actually move towards me. This allowed my fighters to switch off and pummel the one sentinel, my priest to have time/space to heal everyone, and my mage to cast battle frenzied lightning spray through the bushes. Basically, I could attack them, but they couldn't attack me. The other sentinels never really fought back, and I killed two of them with my mage alone. When there was only one left, I bull rushed it, and it went down easy.

    Yeah I thought that would work. I didn't bother with an actual strategy for that one though. I just went directly at them with my fighters using again two invulnerability potions (I have lots any way), and a speed scroll. Arcane blow is really useful too. It does ~100 to 130 damage to them.

    I forgot to mention that in the Lich fight I actually beat him with my first human character dead at his feet. Normally that would make me reload beacause of the lost XP, or take my party out of combat mode and cast return life (risky). But I decided to continue on, as he's two levels up on my other characters any way.
  7. I do have to say that the Solber mission has been the best part of the game so far. I really haven't liked the whole here's three missions job board type plot progression. The Solberg mission provided a needed bit of direction to the game. And it was an awesome end for Solberg. I finally got through the encounter by placing my spell casters in a corner away from the fight. While that should have been obvious as that's what I do in every fight, old Solberg said you might want to stick close to me . . . and believing him I placed all characters directly behind and to the side of him. That lead to my priest dying repeatedly. Also I agree that the man-burner was too easy, even on Torment she was a push over.


    QUESTION: Solberg does ~200 to 300 damage on Torment, how much damage does he do on Normal or Hard?

  8. Just finished him off. I used Skribbane again for the second time. It's so useful for tough fights! The flaming sword with the Jinx sword seem to really take hp out of the lich. I gave my two fighters invulnerability potions and just left them in the centre (ward of elements on), pounding on the lich and my two spell casters ran back and forth casting dispel spirit on him. I


    The construct fight was pretty easy after that.

  9. There's something to be said for just getting your book out there. Maybe let that one out the door see what people say and get on with another one. At some point it is what it is , and further revision wont change that.

  10. It seems like Jeff has made A6 play out pretty much as he wants it too. Admittedly I'm only at the aid Solberg part of the game, but I am wondering who the main game changing characters are. That is what NPC if supported will have a significant impact on the game ending. My guess so far is Gladwell and Melichion. Are there others?

  11. Is it worth clearing Formello after killing the shadow and impaler? The sliths there are giant hp stacks on torment. Although the mutant wolves south of Ft Monastery are about the same. It gets pretty boring when my party isn't at risk of death but killing one guy takes several minutes.


    What about the major Slith army camps, are they worth bothering with? Is the XP really worth it?


    I could clear both out but it would like chipping away at a mountain. Am I missing anything if I leave them?

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