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Posts posted by VCH

  1. For the exploding slimes I just sacrificed my two front fighters. They get full XP because they die after the slimes have exploded. My tactic was send the front two in, then blow up all the slimes with some ranged magic, then cast return life.



    It was really funny too.

  2. I would have never thought being the captain for a soccer and a ball hockey team would be so damn hard.


    Over the last week I've been trying to figure out who can play and when. But people are terrible at getting back to me (quickly) over facebook or email, even texts. I guess I should have anticipated this as I take a long time to respond to messages too. I'm thinking this will be the first and last time I take on the role of organiser. It's much easier to fend for myself.


    What tricks do you have for getting people to respond to messages? Spamming their inbox? lol

  3. Thanks all. If you're really good this year Santa might let you beta test my thesis smile



    I should be done by March. The more people I get feedback from the better. I don't actually expect anyone to want to read it, but this is the best place to ask when the time comes.


    Just don't try to publish it before I do.


    And yea it should have been italiced.


    imma consider bugs in the matrix as a good attention graber too.

  4. Originally Posted By: Spidweb
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    I think Jeff should have placed more encounters with gropus of adventurers in the game. Isn't Avernum full of adventurers? Why do you not meet any then?

    You know all those bodies you're always finding in the back tunnels with tiny chunks of loot on them? There's your other adventurers.

    Also, every pile of bones and skulls.

    - Jeff Vogel

    They can't all be dead though. There must be some that are still wandering around. I guess Vanderin counts as one of the living.
  5. I'm going to be giving an update on my university honours research project January 28th. To promote the event to people that want a good snooze they've asked for titles for each persons project. I am horrible with grammar and seeing as the people here are pros, I would appreciate it if you would point out some problems in my working title.


    Keep in mind this is a title for a research article so some of the laws of grammar do not apply.



    Risks in the matrix: Disentangling the effects of matrix landscape structure and patch quality on animal dispersal decisions, using two terrestrial isopod species (Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellio scaber) as a model system

  6. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    Originally Posted By: VCH

    I used to be damn scared of Basilisks. But the ice version kinda sucks now.

    Canadians are just blasé about freezing solid. Happens all the time, and as long as you don't get that boot to the head with a frozen mukluk while you're vulnerable, you'll thaw out by spring, no prob. But for a lot of folks south of the border, it's scary.

    Actually January is crazy warm this year, everything is melting at +3C.
  7. You're supposed to change the last attacker in your party every so often. The Lich will attack the last character in your party that attacked it. The flame gets stronger round after round but resets when you switch in a new character to attack the lich last.

  8. That test was lame.





    Introverted 11%

    Sensing 1%

    Thinking 12%

    Perceiving 11%



    Why are all my scores so low?

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