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Posts posted by VCH

  1. A6 is a beautiful game with lots of awesome side-quests. But the main storyline is weak. The whole job-board type plot progression is not to my liking. Take Levit's quests or Merhewys quests for example, they were all given at once like a job board would provide them. This seemed to take away from the feeling that I was actually effecting any change in the game world. I would have preferred that the main plot advancing quests be given one at a time. I mean why would my commanding officers give me 3 quests that I can do any two of? It is more likely that they would have single large missions that need to be done. I believe A6 is the first of Jeff's games to give 3 main plot quests at once. This was not a good idea for the progression of the story. He could have maintained the three quests but he should have revealed them in a linear way. I guess Jeff wanted to give the player a feeling that based on what quests they did the world would be effected accordingly. But really who didn't do all of the quests the first play through?


    And in the end the player really can't effect the ending all that much. Jeff straight-armed the ending no matter what you do. There is very little variation in the endings. I think this is a product of Jeff wanting to end the world forever and in his own way, meaning the player's choices have little impact.,


    In short Job-board style plot progression is bad.

  2. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    You realise "professional" means "working in exchange for money", right? Where do you think that money comes from?
    Just playing the devil's advocate here: it's legal for VCH to copy music for private, non-commercial use (see sixth point).

    Not nice, especially if you're copying music from a little-known artist, but still legal.

    Yeah that's true. I could rip it from youtube if I can ever find it, or some other source.

    My point was that the song is 100+ years old so there should be some instrumental versions scattered around that people haven't maintained the copyright on.

    Originally Posted By: Thuryl

    You realise "professional" means "working in exchange for money", right? Where do you think that money comes from?

    And professional in this context means high quality, as in I want a good copy.That's why i said I wanted a more professional copy than what youtube has. Although if you want to be anal about it, yeah normally money, capitalism, blah, blah.
  3. Youtube hasn't provided anything but random people playing a guitar etc for what child is this. I want a more professional instrumental version.



    Yea I found the green-sleeves instrumentals. They are slightly different though.

  4. Any idea where I can download the instrumentals for "what child is this". I can't see why it would still be copyrighted 100+ years later. Yet I haven't been able to find any free copies, and Frostwire gives me nothing.

  5. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Originally Posted By: Lord Safey
    Also having an insulated house saves a fortune on cooling or heating while it may not be worth it tearing up your house (spending lots of money to do so) to insulate your house, it is something that should defiantly be considered when buying one.
    Definitely worth looking into, especially since we're eligible for government money now when we re-insulate our homes.

    But ugh, not fun work. A couple of Saturdays ago, I was spraying insulation in a friend's attic. The old 'insulation' was several inches of wood shavings. Not fun getting slivers when you're crawling/rolling around in a low-clearance area.

    I know what you mean. I've been rolling around in a crawl space for the last week. Sharp rocks hurt! I think that government programme is over in February. But it was one of the more useful ones for sure.

    The ecoENERGY Retrofit seems to be still running.

    Frozen Feet how is this topic your area of expertise?
  6. Thanks guys.


    I'm not so sure about turning the furnace down at night though. I suppose it depends on how far and how cold it is outside. If it was turned down too far it might take more fuel to warm the house back up the next morning than to maintain that temperature through the night.



    For example if you turned it down to 1C and then back up to 20C the furnace would likely run longer to get back up to 20C than it would to maintain 20C.

  7. Here's a question for all you physics people.


    Will a house maintained at for example 25C loose heat more rapidly than the same house maintained at 14C? Let's say the outside temperature is -30C.


    I recently had a natural gas furnace serviced, and the technician said that it makes no difference whether the home's temperature is maintained at 14C or 25C, heat loss will be the same no matter what and the furnace will use the same amount of gas.


    Heat moves from warmer to cooler objects, but does a larger temperature difference (between the cool and warm objects) mean faster heat loss?


    My point here is will maintaining the home's internal temperature at 14C save energy as opposed to maintaining it at 25C?


    Side question: What about the conventional wisdom that furnace thermostats should be turned down at night? Would turning the thermostat down 12C then up to 14C lead to more energy use bringing the temperature back to 14C, then would be used if a constant 14C was maintained?


  8. I haven't been able to trigger the Gladwell ending. Apparently if you do all the Dragon's quests and all of Gladwell's quests the dragon wins and Gladwell disappears. Even after I killed Melanchion and left Gladwell alive Gladwell still losses out, although he doesn't die.


    So what happens if you trigger the Gladwell ending? Can someone send me the text or post it?



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