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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    What brought you away from Australia?

    Wait, what?

    I've never been to Australia. I've never lived out of the United States. My home IP traces to my ISP in Chicago. My work IP traces to Chicago as well. I don't recall ever accessing this website through a proxy. I don't think any internet cafes in Chicago have Australian IP's. AFAIK, I've never even mentioned Australia in any of my posts (except this one). What on earth would give you the impression that I lived in Australia?

    Well, I thought you were Canadian. Maybe it's time for a poll

    Oh and BTW I'm at 52°N, or I will be in a few days

    Edit: I know who I had you confused with, it's (Din ... something ) I think he/she is Canadian
  2. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    I think it's a Crocus.

    Yeah, that's a crocus. In a related news, my snowdrops are blooming, my witchhazel looks promising, and I can definitely see some serious action in my lilac buds. I'll take pictures if I can.

    What Latitude are you on in Canada? Nothing has even started to come to life where I am.

  3. Originally Posted By: Other
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    Send in your two fighters to attack the slimes directly. But keep your mage and priest back and have them fling spells. When the slimes explode your characters die, but they still get XP because NPCs die before PCs. Then have your priest cast return life, and go explode more slimes.

    Make sure both of your fighters die at the same time though or one will get slightly more XP.
    Unstable masses don't explode...

    I found that it is very good to kill them in one round.

    Which ones explode than? Any way, I was referring to the exploding slimes near Ft Monastery.
  4. Send in your two fighters to attack the slimes directly. But keep your mage and priest back and have them fling spells. When the slimes explode your characters die, but they still get XP because NPCs die before PCs. Then have your priest cast return life, and go explode more slimes.


    Make sure both of your fighters die at the same time though or one will get slightly more XP.

  5. Originally Posted By: Other
    It works! It works!I was just covered in that searing lightning by a scuttler, and when I used a regular curing potion, it went away!!!!!

    Cool, regular potions work too
  6. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    Originally Posted By: Masked Man of Inscrutability
    Richard White is now working at McDonald's in NZ?

    Really? The clear bead at last? How do you know?

    the implant???
  7. Originally Posted By: meAzuma
    Is the idea of pumping Arcane Lore, Tool Use, and maybe Nature Lore in character creation good for a singleton in Torment?

    "take on the aspect of a wild beast"

    An effective way I found around this unholiest upon unholy ability is to put up Bladeshield since the damage is physical. Even works against those f.o.e. with riposte's.

    Yeah that's an excellent way to do it.
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