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Posts posted by VCH

  1. I wonder how Jeff is going to work in the backstory and personality for the two characters that can join your group? Maybe it will be something like NeverWinter Nights where the characters start up a conversation at certain points in the game.



    And, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the original Exile series allow sleeping outdoors to restore health and spell points? Why not just bring that back?

  2. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES

    a good theory-relevant game like Settlers of Catan

    You're joking right? That game is all about getting the best spots on the board early.

    If you think Settlers is only about getting the best spots on the board early, then you haven't been playing against strong opponents.

    I would crush you

    that is a challenge

    Socratic moment: if you are so certain that you can crush me, then surely the game isn't all about getting the best spots on the board early. Or did you mean "I would crush you... unless the turn order is more advantageous for you"?

    I would crush you because I'm a master cheat, think David Blaine skills. cool

    I've always found Dominion to be too much of a loner game. There isn't enough interaction with your opponents.
  3. I think they should have just ended the series without answering any of the big questions. Sure, people would have been angry, but really the answers they did provide were super-lame. Better to just leave the island a mystery

  4. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    Originally Posted By: VCH
    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES

    a good theory-relevant game like Settlers of Catan

    You're joking right? That game is all about getting the best spots on the board early.

    If you think Settlers is only about getting the best spots on the board early, then you haven't been playing against strong opponents.

    I would crush you

    that is a challenge
  5. 1. What is your name?




    2. How old are you?




    3. Where do you live?


    the wilderness


    4. What is your favorite color?




    5. How many phones do you own?



    7. Wait, what happened to question six?


    who cares?


    8. Someone has just loaned you a time machine that can take you to any location on the planet during any time period. Where/when do you go?


    My home town 150 years ago


    9. If you were forced to change your PDN to something completely unrelated to its current form and your original username, what would it be?




    10. If you could transform at will into any living animal, what animal would it be?


    A crow


    11. It's ninja sliths versus pirate nephilim. Who should win?


    Nephilim. I started the original thread on that topic and I still believe Nephilim are superior in every way.




  6. So I'm replaying some of A6 and doing some quests I skipped. I'm having a problem with the food thieves North of Dharmon.


    I approach the gate and some guys come out and tell me to strip down, take off my armour, weapons, etc so I can come inside. But when I do that they don't let me in, they just kill my party. What's up with that? I've done everything they asked of me. Is there another entrance?

  7. The first game I registered was Exile 3. I found some old one dollar American bills around the house and stuffed them in an envelope.


    I wonder if Jeff remembers receiving a letter from Canada full of ~25 one dollar US bills. lol

  8. Originally Posted By: Synergy
    VCH - I spy a folder on your desktop titled "Reality TV Auditions"...please do tell.


    I applied for Wipeout Canada and Mantracker. Didn't hear from the Wipeout people but as 44,000 Canadians applied that wasn't surprising.

    As for Mantracker me and my partner are alternates for season 6, which basically means we'll be doing an episode in late September or October IF one of the teams has to cancel. But that's highly unlikely baring some real disasters, I mean who in their right mind would give up a spot on Mantracker. I'm hopeful for season 7 though.
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