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Posts posted by VCH

  1. The reason I want to use online storage is so that I can upload large amounts of data quickly via my universities' internet connection. I am working on an honours project that uses infrared modified web cams to track the movement of terrestrial isopods. The previous student that worked with this system went the hardrive route but apparently with USB 2 it took hours to move all the data onto the external hardrive. I figure that uploading then downloading should be much faster, as I can upload simultaneously from the four computers, and university upload speeds are crazy fast.

  2. Do you know how I can get the memory card in my digital camera to show up on the desktop, rather than having iphoto open automatically. I really dislike iphoto and would prefer to simply browse the photos on the memory card. It's also much easier to drag and drop pictures off a memory card than trying to use iphoto.


    Any windows machine I've used always gives the option to browse the memory card, why Am I forced to use iphoto with newer Macs?


    This problem occurs with my Canon SD 1000 and a Kodak camera.

  3. Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    Originally Posted By: I need no introduction
    By The Way does anybody live in the northern country's of our planet.

    no. nobody. the entire northern hemisphere is a deserted wasteland.

    Lol. smile
  4. I hope you don't make Normal too easy. I always play on normal under the assumption that normal is the mode that designers intend their games to played in. Am I wrong to assume that normal is the intended mode?


    Also what exactly is the difference between Normal, Hard, and Torment?



  5. Originally Posted By: Half a person.
    Originally Posted By: Ephesos
    Pretty sure it was Niemand, not me. In fact, pretty sure that Niemand links to it in the post directly above yours.


    Nah, I thought it was Ephesos too. Are you sure it wasn't? Maybe you should ask him.

    Yea it was definitely Ephesos.
  6. Originally Posted By: ☭
    All sports are boring to watch and fun to play.

    True. I've watched less and less NHL hockey since I started playing 2 times per week.

    Tennis doesn't belong with golf or bowling. They actually do something when they play tennis.
  7. You know what . . . people don't eat at Mcdonalds for the same reason they like to say they wont get a coffee at Starbucks, or shop at Walmart, they think they're too good for it, and by not eating there, they are superior to those that do. When a company gets powerful and rich suddenly it becomes uncool to eat or buy from them.


    As for home cooked meals, they certainly can be better, way better, but seriously most ethnic foods are worse than fast food. How many families actually make sure there are vegetables and whole grain food products on the plate? More often than not a home meal is some prepackaged deal. Now that's not too say that everyone eats unhealthy at home but I would wager that most home meals are no better than Mcdonalds. A greasy stir fry doesn't really make the food healthy, it just makes it food.


    That being said I don't go to Mcdonalds that much either but it isn't because of some moral superiority thing.

  8. Apple has an article on how to clean the mighty mouse. If I remember correctly it contains a suggestion to turn the mouse downside up and roll the ball over a wet cloth. It works for a while, but ultimately it doesn't help much.

  9. I think it depends on where you use the mighty mouse. I use mine on a dusty desk that I rarely clean.


    Taking it apart is not a problem. The only tricky part is making sure you don't loose all the tiny rollers that interact with the scroll ball. The rollers are actually the thing that gets gummed with dirt.

  10. For those of you unfamiliar with apples mighty mouse, it has a tiny scroll ball that gets jammed and the only way to clean it is take the damn thing apart, then glue the bottom back on. So not having to do that makes the magic mouse attractive to me.


    How are you cleaning yours SoT?


    Oh and BTW lithium ion batteries are by far the longest lasting batteries out there, quite expensive though. They're great for cold weather too, I've had 3 outside in remote thermometers, in ~-45C weather, 3 years and still going.

  11. Does anybody have experience with it? I'm thinking of replacing my mighty mouse because I'm tired of cleaning the scroll nipple every few months. I really like the idea behind the magic mouse. But I've read conflicting reviews. Any thoughts?


    magic mouse

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