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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Originally Posted By: Thuryl

    IWhat on earth have you been spending all your skill points on, if you've only unlocked three disciplines by that point in the game? Even my mage almost had Mighty Blow by that point.

    I haven't needed to spend many. I just keep leaving them in a big pile and continue on playing the game. The characters advance on their own well enough, especially with DT and EW or NM or PS.

    Here's some screenshots of my party skill levels.

  2. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus
    Originally Posted By: Master1
    I'll be in college, so I can play games for hours on end!

    Heh... hehe...


    Oh. Sorry. Being awake 40 hours studying tends to make me weird. tongue

    It's possible to play games and party all you want. But the thing people don't understand is that 1 week before a midterm or two before a final you need to be studying 8 hours or more a day. It's called making use of your time. There's a time to play and time to work.

    Most midterms and finals occur close together if not the same day, so it's only a short period of time one actually needs to do any work. Unless you're in a lame 2 midterm course.

    Edit: The above probably doesn't apply to Math or Physics unless you're a savant.
  3. Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    As has been discussed before, the problem with a First Expedition game is that we already know that everyone in the First Expedition died. Of course, it's not like Jeff hasn't retconned things before, but...

    But we don't know if there were more expeditions sent down. Maybe it could be a rescue mission for the lost expedition.
  4. I've found Hard is little different from Normal in most of Jeff's games. But I doubt I want to up the difficulty to torment. I mean who wants to play on a difficulty called torment?


    I have yet to face the Slith Horde or even get into the Eastern Gallery or the Abyss. Does the game difficulty ramp up in the Northern half of the map?

  5. Does mighty blow affect all attacked characters for say ice shower or lightning?


    And did you get most battle disciplines unlocked by endgame. I'm doing the find Melachion's letter quest after having cleared the Great Cave Portal Keep Area and Mertis area. So far I have the first three unlocked for my fighters and the first two for my mage and priest.

  6. I'm not a super dedicated RPer but if you want to, the editing in tool use etc can be justified by some backstory for one of your characters. Maybe character number two was a ninja thief before joining the army. What I'm saying is that there are ways to smooth over editor use.


    I use the cheat codes to refill spell points and health when and only when I can safely return to a town but don't want to bother doing the clicking. I mean what's the point in madly racing back to town and then back into the dungeon. If you can get back legitimately why not make things easier and just say you did but use the editor instead of actually moving. I try to eliminate busy work that is overall meaningless to my enjoyment of Jeff's games.

  7. Who else thinks tool use should be totalled amongst all the party members? Nature lore and arcane lore are. Having four people with 1 point nature lore doesn't make them equal to one person with four points in my mind. If you have four people that can say the alphabet it doesn't mean together they can write a novel. So why not make tool use like the nature lore and arcane lore, unrealistic as they are?

  8. I recently decided to have my mage start throwing some stuff at the enemy. It's a good way to conserve spell points. But why do most thrown weapons do so more damage than bows? My Nephilim priest archer with 7 points in bows and 4 in sharpshooter does average 16 damage with a yew bow. But my mage with zero points in throws and 4 in sharpshooter does average 25 damage with steel javelins. I realise steel javelins have a higher base damage range. But that doesn't mean bows have to suck.


    Does it have something to do with thrown weapons needing to be restocked?


    I'm thinking I maybe should have had both mage and priest use throws. But maybe there wouldn't be enough thrown weapons for the two of them.


    On that note, what are the thrown weapons exactly, (javelins and razordisks only), or are there more? And why can't I throw rocks, there's lots of them around and it seems like a waste to leave them on the ground.



  9. (On hard difficulty)


    So far I've finished the three first-tier quests and pretty much done everything else in the Great Cave. But I have yet to face anything challenging or even reload worthy. I also have ~30 skill points staked up on each character. I haven't spent any skill points beyond a couple into arcane lore, or nature lore when necessary. Does the game get harder when I leave the Great Cave?

  10. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Going back to a friendly town also eliminates the effect.

    Oh forget it! I didn't know going into town would remove the effect. I guess I pick up all my food and continue on. I think it would have made the game better if food had been more important for my party.
  11. What does the (- chance% to hit) thing really do. I've never missed much of anything in Jeff's games and I've always equipped the bulkiest armour as soon as possible.


    It doesn't reduce damage done I hope? What about for mages?



    And I agree dual-wielding is super powerful. I for once had to give up frown my knight fighter (sword/shield) in favour of increased damage dual-wielding does or at the worst equal damage to max for a single weapon.

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