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Posts posted by VCH

  1. 1. What treasure does the Fang Clan chief drop? I like cats and don't want to kill him if he doesn't give up something great.


    2. What method will work to kill the arenae queen? My brain protection spell doesn't stop my fighters from becoming charmed.


    3. What are the ingredients for knowledge brews? I want to start selling some herbs, but don't know which ones I can part with.


    4. Who gives the quest to kill Lord Farrar and when does this happen?


    5. What method will work to kill the Lich in the Eastern Gallery (under the bone shards keep)? Is the fight more difficult than Nicodius the necromancer?

  2. What does uping spell levels actually do. I understand why it's better to invest in trainers. But investing in spell levels must do something. I'm sitting at the 30,000 GP cap and I haven't entered the Northern areas. There's nothing left to buy so I'm just stockpiling all my gear in a huge pile at Ft Dranlon. I killed the Skribbane dealers.



    On a side note skribbane is super useful for tough fights, I've used it 2x now. When does the addiction start.

  3. Where exactly is Heart-striker? Breeding Tunnels?



    And does anyone know if I can get the Bow of Decay back by using the editor? I sold it but now I think since bows do minimal damage any way having some long lasting acid damage would be beneficial.


    You should add the blessed Halbred. It does more damage than anything except the Jade Halbred. There's also not that many in the game. I've only come across one so far.

  4. I noticed that there's a guy in Neon's shop West of Silvar that you can give meal to instead of Neon or the king of the refugees in Almaria. No quest appears for this guy but he never leaves and you can keep giving him bags of meal. Initially he says he needs only one, but he actually will take everything you have if you go through the dialogue options over and over. Is he supposed to do that?

  5. I find first aid extremely useful. After a medium fight it will heal 100+ hp on each of characters. But what specifically does each point invested in first aid give in terms of hp healed and spell energy gained per kill? Does it remain constant or is there some cap were further investment gives you little additional healing?

  6. So I've finally switched to torment difficulty about 1/3 through the game with a party of four. It really isn't all that bad. Fights take a bit longer but overall torment isn't all that tormented and is actually quite fun. My question is, does switching difficulty later in the game make torment easier, that is if I had started on torment, would things have been much more difficult.

  7. Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    Meanwhile, I just used up 4 invulnerability potions and 8 speed potions to kill the Portal Demon. I think I've finally kicked the habit of hoarding consumables; being able to buff up to kill enemies that are way beyond your normal ability to defeat is just too much fun. By the endgame you're powerful enough that you don't really need items any more anyway.

    Yea I'm starting to use potions wands and scrolls more now too. otherwise they just sit there. What do I need 14 invulnerability potions for by 1/3 thru the game lol. There's obviously more to be had in each new area.
  8. Since it's interesting looking at other people's characters, I'm going to post my ~level 18 party. I haven't entered the Eastern Gallery or finished exploring the Abyss. The pics are taken with the douche bag Gladwell who I think I'll have to kill to make me feel better about doing some of his quests.


    It's a good thing I left a lot of gear lying around in dungeons. Going around for a few hours and picking everything up made trainer use possible.


    (Note the wasted investment in Strength)











  9. I had the same problem with buying extra levels for spells, until Thuryl pointed out how bad an idea that is. But in my defense the game text says buying extra levels makes the spells stronger, so how would I know it doesn't really do all that much. It makes perfect sense to use the trainers instead of skill points but up until now I've never had the money to do so. Buying spell levels is a huge drain on coins.


    That being said Hard is less challenging now that I've started to use the trainers. I may have to up the difficulty to torment.


    And strength WTF? Doesn't strength increase damage? Why is it less useful than melee weapons or pole weapons skills? I'm starting to think Jeff's in game descriptions of skills etc are there to make life difficult as none of them are as useful as he makes them seem?


    Oh and did anyone ever find out exactly what luck does in A6?

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