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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Is food actually limiting? I started the game looting every piece I could find. Then I got curious from the message after leaving the castle for the 1st time about how food is so important. To test food's importance I stored all that I had at the fissure post, and haven't picked up anything in a long time. When do the effects of no food kick in and what are they?

  2. Here's a task for someone that likes to dig.


    Since A6 is the end of a series and it's obvious that Jeff has made sure most past characters make an appearance, it would be cool if we had a list of who those recurring characters are, and what they did/where they were in past games. I remember some of them, but the vast majority I only vaguely remember the name, and nothing more. For example Lark, is familiar but exactly what she did and where is not.


    This might be something for the encyclopaedia. Of course this is a lot of work!


    Just an idea.

  3. Originally Posted By: Benithil
    Hello and thank you for your comments regarding the artwork. I am, in fact, the artist responsible for creating the splashscreen, illustrations, and interface art for Avernum 6. I've been doing the art for Jeff's games starting around Avernum 5; before that, I think it was done primarily by an artist named Andrew Hunter.

    You can see my online portfolio at:

    -Ben Resnick

    Cool. I love those splash screens. Honestly like I said they'd make awesome posters.

    Do you do everything or is there a helper?
  4. Originally Posted By: Nullbuggery
    VCH: It's in the works.




    Like I said it's not a question of what the best build is or isn't. It is a question of what the heck certain skills etc actually do beyond the brief explanation Jeff gives in game.


    I only ever play games once through, and I want to do everything, see everything and know what everything does. I'm sure others are the same.



  5. Is it possible to make a good archer/priest? Or will this spread the skill points too widely? I want both archery and priest spells to be strong. My archer/priest is a Nephilim.


    Oh and I think for a lot of people the editor is a good option for Tool Use. I just bump TU to 10 early on. Training in TU doesn't add any more fun to RPing.


    "Oh there's a box. Ah I can't open it . . . I'll come back. Screw that no I wont . . . open editor . . . yea!"


    The only problem is if you bump TU too high there's a danger that some doors that really shouldn't open when you're too low a level will open. There's one in the memorial grounds west of the Castle. I round a corner and bam my 1st in line character is blown to pieces, then the second and the third. It's quite funny actually.


  6. I really like how the mini-map and the party roster can be collapsed and moved around the screen. Is this a new feature for A6?


    Furthermore is there a quick-key for collapsing and opening those windows?


    If there isn't I think there should be for future games. I like the atmosphere when all that clutter is off the screen. But opening them with the mouse is annoying, not to mention trying to open the mini-map window causes the whole screen to move.

  7. Wow quite enlightening. I used to always take toughness and the other low XP penalty traits. My rational was to level all my characters out to around the sam XP penalty. Now I see that was a mistake. Thanks.


    Someone should put together a party creation guide, outlining what one should and should not do.

  8. Is it worth it to take the XP penalty for any of the (advantage) traits? I am going to be playing on hard for this game. I've always played under the assumption that xp penalties are a bad thing.


    What about the disadvantages are any of them worth bothering with?

  9. The sad thing is Canadian schools, at least in BC, are moving slowly towards the US (or is it just California) style of testing then testing then testing some more. Because we all know that data are so very important, especially when the administrators do nothing with the data, lol.


    That being said, you can pretty much do what you want in the public schools system, as nobody really as the power to fire you or tell you how to do anything. Having seen the school system from the inside I can say you basically are your own boss, and ignoring people that have positions of "power" is quite easy. In my opinion it makes teaching an attractive job.

  10. They're just some cheap Toshiba laptops, no firewire port and Vista. Everything seems painful on them, compared to a Mac, but I'm betting that's just because they are low end models.


    2GHz Centrino or something like that.


    Found them.

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