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Posts posted by VCH

  1. Mcdonalds is no more disgusting than what most people insist is home cooked food. It's also not unhealthy if you actually get off the computer now and again and do something beyond a leisurely walk, or some other pretend physical activity (old people excluded of course).

  2. Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah
    you can definitely learn from your mistakes. for example, everyone knows that thomas edison found tons of ways to not make a light bulb before he found one way to make it. however, you should also be able to learn from other people's mistakes.
    plus, memorizing something and learning it aren't the same thing.

    I've always felt that memorization is valid way to learn. Memorization provides one with a large bank of information that can be applied to novel situations and questions. You have to know the basics first.
  3. What do you think of this.


    It makes sense to me and the quote by one of people comenting on the article really sums it up: "experience is the worst teacher, it gives the test first then the lesson".


    Except I think that's precisely why the whole "get it wrong first" thing appears to work. How frequently do animals go into a novel situation with a prior knowledge of what will work and what will not? Normally, (aside from humans and other species with some form of meme propagation) animals would first come up against a problem then learn how to solve it.


    One problem I see with their research is, people have to care about trying to solve the problem the first time around, rather than just ignoring it and waiting for the answer. How could an education system motivate students to care about putting some effort in for the first try.

  4. Originally Posted By: Synergy
    There are unprecedented situations in our current time that have not (to our knowledge of earth history) ever occurred on this planet before: the excessive proliferation of one species using up an unsustainable amount of the earth's resources to the detriment (if not outright anihilation) of all species, and an inevitable showdown with escalating warring over the basic necessities.


    Exception #1:

    Oxygen Holocaust

  5. Originally Posted By: ΛΞΨ
    In E3, refusing to pay the troglos that guard that pass by Emergence was pretty fun back in the day...took a lot of thought if you were a low-level party.

    Also, the Ruined Tower dungeon was fun too. I remember keeping a dedicated party saved at day 190 (or whatever it was, it's been awhile) because the demo editor couldn't change the day.

    The trogol battle in front of their fortress in E3 was cool too. It seemed to me that the whole screen was filled with them. I don't remember it being particularly challenging, but it was an extremely large battle.
  6. Well I guess allowing people to die with no healthcare coverage maybe is like murder, and probably allowing people to live homeless is pretty bad too. Current world leaders may not have had people tortured or assassinated under their administration but past leaders definitely have, and I would bet it's quite a regular occurrence in most countries.

  7. Twilight Imperium is a horribly painful waste of time. 9 hours later nothing has happened. Why they even have victory points is beyond me. The game would work a lot better as a war game in space.

  8. If I'm do die of anything but old age related things, it will be in a traffic accident. I consider myself an excellent driver when I actually pay attention. But I tend to take too many risks such as looking out the passenger side window for more than a brief glance, and then realising when I look back to the road that there's a vehicle where there wasn't one before, and that I'm nearly over the centre line.


    I find driving extremely boring unless there's snow on the road, then it becomes more interesting in a challenging sort of way. I would definitely hire a driver if I had the money.



  9. I still think we need some description of what a 1, 2, 3 or D, C, C+ is. Teachers don't mark without a list of letter grade descriptions, or one is available at the very least. I realise that everyone has a different idea of what outstanding or first class combat or plot is. Yet I still feel we need at least a sketch of what each letter or number actually means. We should be trying to standardise the reviewing process. Every reviewer should look at the list of number descriptions and then decide what number that scenario deserves. Otherwise it is like pulling a number out of the air. "I like 5s today, maybe a 5 will be a 7 tomorrow".

  10. The discussion should obviously be here. SV and CRF are minor satellites. I would assume that everyone that has an interest in BOA comes here at least several times a month. A sticky should be made in the BOA section of the SW forums for the discussion. If we continue to host the discussion were only established and well known people will post then the result, I believe, will be at best neutral.
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