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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Those can't both be true, though....
  2. The traffic signs are good clues, but I'm not enough of an expert on international road sign standards. #6 looks to be a left-handed traffic country. So, Britain or Australia?
  3. The church in #3 looks Orthodox and the buildings look Mediterranean. Gonna say Greece or Cyprus, maybe.
  4. Steam provides a wider market of people who wouldn't otherwise visit the SW website. So advertising for Steam on the website would be kind of counter-productive...
  5. Against plausibility, I'm now imagining you visiting these boards every day without posting for the past 12 years, and that's kind of scary.
  6. Yes, there will probably be a new Forge eventually. Not until late 2014 at the earliest, though, and it could be as late as 2015-2016. It'll take a month or more of dedicated work (that's what it took when I made the first one in 2007, and it was a hack job at that). I'm hoping to finish my M.S. degree next year so I can't take that kind of time off. Edit: Actually, scratch this. It's unlikely for the Blades Forge to come back in the next few years, and basically irrelevant after that. The ratio of required effort to potential audience is low, and the ratio of effort to profitability is even lower. When I made the original Blades Forge in late 2007, I was twenty, unemployed, not enrolled and living with my parents. I'll never have that much time again, and I don't think I'll be able to spend it on a project like this.
  7. Aran

    Big Argument!!1

    They do label the vegan stuff as vegan. Definitely eggs and milk in these...
  8. Aran

    Big Argument!!1

    In my defense, I didn't know that you had to look for cupcakes that are explicitly marked as vegetarian now. :-( Edit: The college cafeteria actually had pancakes (the sweet kind) labeled as vegetarian today. That was mildly creepy.
  9. Aran

    Big Argument!!1

    Well, pretty sure I've eaten horse meat at some point. And now... Checkmate!
  10. Aran

    Big Argument!!1

    I never really considered it, but those turtles must be the sanest creatures in the universe. That's kind of scary.
  11. Aran


    By conversion or by infiltration, CalRef's take-over of the SW leadership is progressing nicely. Wait, damn, I said that out loud.
  12. Debated whether or not to try this again, but my schedule this month is already full twice over.
  13. I like the convenient healing, but I can see that a mode labeled "hard-core" could be more so. I play too casually to enjoy going all out on difficulty, but if I did, I think I'd prefer having the option to really, really be forced into decision-making and resource management. Some of the most enjoyable and least tedious parts of Avadon were those dungeon crawls that cut off the escape route. But (and I'm basing this on Avadon, since I haven't picked up the sequel yet), the thing about the pylons is that if you can reach them to get healed, you could also go back to the castle and heal up anyway. So stripping pylon-healing wouldn't add difficulty, just inconvenience. A better answer might be to attach a cost to returning to safety, like respawning enemies or losing some progress.
  14. Found a shareware collection CD in 2000 with Exile 3 on it. Then went on spidweb.com in 2001 to download the others, and regularly came back as the Avernum games were released. Finally joined the forums in 2003.
  15. Not for a while. Maybe that board header should be updated.
  16. Equilateral? (But apparently neither vegetable, animal nor mineral.)
  17. If it managed to blend into the background like in most* Myst games or Minecraft, and was only on occasionally at random moments, maybe. Anything else, I'd probably turn off inside of ten minutes. Also, definitely no on slapping on some random free tracks, or even licensing ready-made stuff. If they get music, they should get a characteristic and unique soundtrack. Don't see where you get the lack of dialogue from, though; these games are pretty much full of it. (*Except for Serenia. Had to turn off the music entirely there to stop losing my sanity after an hour of it.)
  18. He actually lost me completely at this point (at least with the rest of the simplified explanations, I could mostly picture something), when speaking of the universe having singularities "in real time" but not "in imaginary time". I thought he might be talking about real and imaginary components of a complex value for time, but that didn't seem to make any sense either. I haven't taken any physics, of course. Do "real", "imaginary" and "singularity" mean roughly the same as they do in mathematics?
  19. I am not in the picture, but at least you can sort of see my name if you squint.
  20. In my ebook version, the explanation of Euclidean space-time, and imaginary time, starts around page 106.
  21. You keep using that word. The file format isn't even obfuscated, let alone encrypted.
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