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Everything posted by alhoon

  1. Well, the problem with Shaping Unbound is that you need Akari Blaze's will to keep them in line, for a time. With severe effort and concentration. And Akari wasn't fighting while he was driving them through Burnwood; when it was time to fight, they just released the Unbound.
  2. FIIIINAAAAALYYY! ! ! Of course, I had to watch the fight even if it's waaaaaay ahead of where I am in the story. I've seen poor Blxz suffering too much to leave this for later. You can hear Blxz doubtful that it goes well... a kind of "It's too good to be true!" attitude. As if expecting the Unbound to suddenly pop a message of "and then, the creature heals!" or something. Believe it... You just KILLED AN UNBOUND! PS. It didn't happen in a short amount of time; it happened when you upgraded from creations with 150 health to creations with 800 health. Loved your description of post-Unbound Ephoria Blxz. I was like: "Phewwww... now that I know I am on the top 15 most powerful creatures in Terrestia, I can get on with the game". You now know, deeply in your heart that there are two kinds of computer gamers: Those that have killed an Unbound and those that have not. Blxz, do you want to have a reaaaaaaally good self-back pat? Watch episode 34. Jump back in time. Relive it. See the horror. The nightmare you now woke out of! About the "20 XP for an Unbound " part: Yeah, that's probably because they're not very high level, but just powerful. So, when your creations get to 35 level and you have dex artifacts on, Unbound won't even be able to hit them. They will miss 80% of the time. At which time, you would find a lot more enemies that do more damage than Unbound. Unbound and the Patchworks: What did I do: I got a Fyora to get the attention of the Unbound before I went to fight the Patchworks. I was a Shaper, not life-crafter. Expendable creations are just that.
  3. That's unfortunate. She goes from fanatically killing rogues to spawning rogue infestations. I also tend to gravitate towards the "OK, poor Serviles. What have I done! Murdering sentient creatures on the orders of a distant council! What have I d... Wait... wait! Canisters allow me to short-circuit years of training, research and jumping through hoops!?Powwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeerzzzzzzzzzz! Yeah, I'll align with you. DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES!" And the Cannister abuse did the trick and she became a mass murderer that tells people. "Yeah, I made the monsters that killed your friends. No, I won't stop. I'll transform you to something that can fight them back, forever soiling your chances to be pardoned by Shapers " That's cause she's bat-crazy...
  4. Question: Please avoid major spoilers in answering. Do we actually learn why Litalia went bat-crazy in GF3? She says some things in GF4 and GF5, but they are few and they don't really add up. In the early stages of GF3, she says a few things about the tyranny of the Shapers etc etc, but did she really started the rebellion to free the serviles she had no trouble supressing before? Really? Greta according to what she says balked at the treatment of Serviles from the very beginning and was kicked out. Not that Litalia is not insane enough for me to believe she had that sudden change of heart and decided to set fires to Terrestia to save the Serviles, but ... it seems there would be something more there*. More precicely: Does she clear, convincingly why she became so hateful of the Shapers? Aside of "And then as I was wiping Drakons out of existence, Ghaldring convinced me to flip sides." One of the reasons I play GF3 is to find out what drove Litalia to flip sides and go against everything she stood for with a flamethrower. To listen to her explaining. *That's GF5 spoilers here: There are some comments she makes in GF5, that make me think Litalia was having very weird feelings about Ghaldring. I wouldn't call them "love" but more like obsession\devotion\forbidden-love complex.
  5. I just hope it will be updated sooner or later with the better game mechanics of the later games.
  6. Wait what? Servilles form long-term relationships? Is that in GF1 only and the isolated for centuries servilles or it's everywhere? Cause I haven't seen a Serville in 3 games talking about his or her mate. Which, with Unbound, Shaper armies, Rebels, diseases etc ravaging the land should have made an appearance. Serville families breaking up by the rebellion as some join and others are transferred would be interesting quest.
  7. Oh, no. Not that kind of hero. Not the celebrated kind. You die reviled by many and inglorious, but some people think that you did a good thing.
  8. Since nearly none of the serviles I've met in GF3-5 are actually directly under Shaper control... wouldn't it make them all rogue creations that just choose to follow the orders of Shapers? And yet, there are instances that Serviles that have been loyal, "awaken" and become "free-willed" according to the text and the perception of Shapers\Serviles\Rebels. Which to be sincere, in most cases seems to be the case of "I decided to stop following orders!" rather than "HA! The supernatural control over my mind is broken!" case. However... there are strange and rare instances when Shapers take control of Serviles and at one point Moseh (GF4) absorbs some Serviles. However, those exceptions could have different explanations. Like Shapers brainwashing and conditioning the weak (and independent) mind of Serviles as they could have done with humans. Or Moseh using magic and the weird machine the Serviles are connected to feed on them implying he could use that on others. What do you think?
  9. " I think real people get more tired of war and instability much faster than in the games. " I think real people would get more tired of war way faster if they had to face Unbound...
  10. Yeap. He wasn't giving me the quest, stuff like "stay here and help the infiltrators" while I've done the quests for most of them. I had to go on.
  11. Well, she didn't for me. And Alwan in Porypha doesn't give me the quest to go on or anything, although I gave them Monarch's papers. I'm quite sure the rebels can turn against you, aside of Greta's speech. It is pointless to have several rebel places guarded heavily if you're not supposed to fight those under any circumstances.
  12. Well, when I gave the papers to the Shapers and read Greta's speech... I loaded.
  13. Without reading what the others wrote: If you helped Moseh, you either give the papes to Greta or you're considered rebel enemy. If you killed Moseh, you either give the papers to Shapers or you're considered Shaper enemy.
  14. As a note, with avoiding spoilers: In several cases, Faction quests are NOT what you expect them to be. The Shapers for example are too eager to sabotage one another. It's really worth trying them, even if you do not put them in the saves.
  15. How dare you sir! I don't plan to land anywhere unless it's on the head of an invading force! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!
  16. Certainly not the best copy paste, but gives you an idea: http://s660.photobucket.com/user/MasterAckrovan/media/maps.jpg.html
  17. I have to thank you BTW. I'm showing to my sister episodes of you facing the Unbound to prove that when months ago she was listening me to suddenly shout "UNBOUND! Nooooo!" OR "Unbound! RUN! RUN! RUN" to my screen I had nothing to be ashamed of...
  18. With Tier 4s, you won't. And if you could with some difficulty take an Unbound at episode 51, you could comfortably get one at episode 70... I saw you have some tinker equipment BTW. Keep it. And when you find leadership equipment, keep it too.
  19. Man, that was a big enough post. Well, can't say I said anything important apart of saying that I think there was some artifact stuff in the Middle Shadow Road. And that you forgot to enchant the gloves. Oh, and another thing: Unbound aren't resistant to magic and Kyshaak can take the damage. Keep them away from the energy burst of an Unbound, blessed-protected-hasted-regenerating and you should be able to kill Unbound without casualties.
  20. Let me start by saying that most winter-season series I watch have ended and most summer-season haven't started. So I go on a binge on your episodes Episode 45: Back to the fateful path I see... 11 episodes after learning why mention of the Unbound give shudders to many players to this day. I find the idea with the fast-pace nice, especially in that case (let's not pretend we didn't eagerly wait for you to be running from the Unbound again ), but I would suggest you don't rely too much to it in undiscovered areas. Liked the music too. The fight: That must be the weakest Unbound in the game... Not this atrocious area attack, needs two attacks to take down a Vlish... disappointing. Meeeeeeh... The Unbound killed some interesting and likeable NPCs that were hunging there. Although, truth be told you would LOVE THEM since they do help to defeat the Unbound. I found them at like lvl 40, at which time the Unbound missed 80% of the time. The part where you go to a low level area with 6 max-strength 22 level Vlish was ... entertaining. You went full Unbound on the poor Cryoras. And your math was off indeed but just a bit. The chance to miss 3 times in a row with a 75% chance to hit is about 1.6% About the Gerash-Kel... you have been warned what lies there. But, in case you haven't clear the place yet, I think there's artifact stuff there. Episode 46: See? That's a real Unbound. You're lucky most of your guys were behind a corner cause the area damage and curse effects stink. You probably have cleared that area by now, but if you don't: It's supposed to be a mid-level stealth area. By the end of the game you would be so powerful that you could walk in there without blessing and have your tier 5 creations wipe the Unbound out. As I've said in a post above, near the end game, I took down the whole Rebel force guarding their borders, including the 4 Unbound. Together. However I completely understand where you come from and why you see it as impossible and why you avoid areas that are rumored to maybe hold an Unbound. It's the widely recognised "Geneforge 5 Unbound fear syndrom". I'm 36 years old, but to this day if my mother tells me "eat all your food or the Unbound will come for you in the night!" I would. Not really trusting that the atrocious senses of the Unbound would keep them away from me, I was leaving creations for them to destroy as I ran away. As for the Western Shadow Road... I had a completely different approach to it, thanks to my rebel leanings. The fight in 11:40. While I don't really mind, it seemed an interesting fight to watch a bit more slowly. But I respect your choices anyway. As for the dying, I would suggest retreating BEHIND your creations as you did before. For running low on essence, may I suggest you use ice instead of the essence-heavy searer? Episode 47: Can't be 100% sure but I think there was artifact stuff there. Episode 48: The Middle Shadow Road is notoriously difficult. I treated it IIRC as a stealth area. It's easy to evade the monsters with the stone I think. Secret Lab: I never ever got a quest to save the prisoners found there. Which had their stories and all, so I guess it's a Shaper quest. As for the creations, later in the game when I returned there for a different quest I was able to calm them. About your "Astoria can't see there can't be peace": The Drakons are not the whole rebellion. Pyhroviass tells you so. Greta more or less told you saw when you met her I think. What do you think she was trying to talk the Drakons OUT of, when she said "let's hope the Drakons will see reason, there's a first time for everything"? I would dare say that the hard-core Shapers and the Drakons are blind. Astoria and Greta are not in my opinion. Meh... I see you retreated in the end. A pity. You could totally kill him with that Vlish army if you used some of those potions to heal. Episode 49: Kyshaak. Good. Now you can realize that you'll need 18+ intelligence by the end of the game. Make 4 of these beauties and start taking out the Unbound. Very good episode indeed. Not my favorite, but nice. And of course, I can't stop BEFORE I see you making an artifact. Episode 50: Eh... why didn't you enchant the gloves? The misty crystal was IMO a very good choice. And although you probably figured it by now: Having 2 max-strength Vlish instead of 1 Kyshaak is ... a waste of essence. Episode 51: Ouch... the Poddling play-ground or how it was called. One of the worst areas IMO. I hope you did fast-track this one with the near endless area-attacking debuffing critters. As far as Kyshaaks being better than Vlish... well, they're 4th tier creations, and have a base cost like x4. They are supposed to be better. With their huge health, you throw a regen on them, hide in a corner and wait till they kill your foes. Oh, That's where Balme was hiding... I will repeat that the shaper in the game could well end with tons of intelligence to be able to have a nice big army worth 900+ essence.
  21. Well, so do the shapers and they don't eat people... Except of Moseh that is. He does.
  22. I would like to second that. I grew uneasy when modern history and events was brought up in this otherwise friendly and welcoming forum. Since the game takes place in an Medieval-Renaissance-enlightment era, I think it would be best anyway to use examples from that era.
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