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Everything posted by Mechalibur

  1. Criticals are +50% damage, so 5% more critical is effectively +2.5% of your base damage to your damage output. So you have to do the math on that, but it depends on what your base damage already is as well as how much crit you already have.
  2. 3 Ro is also really good for the skill that gets you mental/stun resist. You can easily get your whole party to 90% resistance for the most annoying effects in the game.
  3. You can, but his answers are for ranges of reputation. Sometimes more precise measurement is desired, such as the Prova Krug outcomes where even very high rep might not be enough.
  4. You've got it right. The weapon attack portion is independent of the physical damage caused by Mad Flurry, so if you have an arcane weapon, +magic damage effects the weapon damage, and +physical would affect the flurry damage.
  5. Pretty sure more ranks in bloodletting increases the chance of it triggering, not the amount of bleed.
  6. It does physical damage, so +physical would affect mad flurry damage, regardless of whether you have an arcane weapon or physical weapon equipped. Yes, it's counterintuitive.
  7. Dedication choices are permanent as far as I'm aware.
  8. I think you just type "location" into the cheat prompt from the menu.
  9. I don't know about crits. I *think* it's 50% bonus damage, then apply armor, but armor has consistently confused me in how it's implemented, so it's hard to say. Whirlwind damage is affected by your bow's weapon level, so it gains bonus damage regardless of whether it's a magic damage bow or physical damage bow. However, if you have a bunch of physical damage bonus and not magical, you're better off using a physical bow.
  10. Weird, I never even noticed him try to heal. Even on torment, I was able to get him down quick enough before he ever tried.
  11. I think it maxes at 3/6 extra damage to the party at rank 1/2. It's reflected in the damage tooltips.
  12. It's the hardest fight in the game by my estimation - getting to level 21 first definitely will help. Clearing more content might also help if it gets your Ro reputation high enough to avoid one of the fights (although it could also be too late in your case. Couldn't hurt at any rate) The regular enemies won't fight right away. They'll wait a few turns unless they're damaged, in which case they'll start fighting the next turn. My recommendation is to focus down Wolf and Purity (or charm Purity), then take out the mages in the south ASAP since they have lower hp than the other Ro enemies. After that, they'll probably all start joining the fight, so focus on one flank while using summons (and summon consumables) to keep the other flank occupied.
  13. Difficulty affects how much Ro reputation you need for a certain event at the end of the game, so that can indirectly affect your endings.
  14. It's a bug. Jeff said he's working on fixing it for the next update.
  15. qw2cpqeggdcjuan My "optimized" ending where I got the highest favor level with the Queen, only Wolf challenged at Prova Krug, both governors replaced, rights for women improved in Low Dhaga, and Sutter challenged for the throne. Didn't interact with the Nisse.
  16. If you've already asked him to get started, then he'll be at the Fangs of Judgment.
  17. Appointing a new governor isn't immediate. It's like how US elections take place in November but the offices don't change until January. Yvette smugly believes the Queen will rescind your decision by the time she has to go
  18. You don't need to fight anyone at the Icegate location. Just stick to the right side and go down and you can avoid fighting any of the Ro.
  19. Probably still makes sense to start a thread so people have a resource to take codes from if they lose theirs for QW3 😛
  20. No idea about Mac, but on PC, it's Documents/Spiderweb Software
  21. I don't know the answers to those. Honestly, I haven't really had any problems with resources in my games so I haven't paid too much attention to the specifics. Most of these could probably be tested by intentionally increasing theft by angering Low Dhaga, then testing exactly what difference doing various things does, if any. My general strategy has just been ignore the mill line of buildings unless I have a huge surplus, and be generally nice to the Ro. It's worked out fine without me needing to do a deep dive into the specific mechanics.
  22. That's just what I've noticed from paying the game. I don't have a full list.
  23. Appointing bad governors increases theft. Even confirming Ivanna adds 10 theft to High Lithia. A few actions that support women in Low Dhaga can add to theft. I think burning groves affects Kranas theft as well.
  24. I've noticed this issue happens sometimes when I click a blank tile before clicking on the orb I want. Like Randomizer said, exiting the puzzle and going back usually solves it.
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