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Triple Slartifer, Part 11


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"My names," Slartibus said to the Demon, "are like English diphthongs. And now there are all these Restorations and Counterparts, too. Please help me." The Demon replied:





It's time to banish some more PDNs! In the post below, you will find a list of 51 PDNs (chronological) and 51 crossword-style clues (alphabetical).


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 2 OR MORE points per reference correctly identified. The standard value is 2, but clever explanations will increase it. Points will accumulate going forward; and yes, there will be another prize at the end for the highest point totals.


You may now make up to TWELVE guesses per day, up until you have SIX correct guesses. Essentially, you get six "free" misses that do not count against your cap of six guesses per day.

Day will be enforced loosely and approximately; just try to stick with the spirit of this limitation (letting everyone get a chance to guess) and you'll be fine.


I will update the list periodically to remove PDNs and clues that have been successfully guessed. You are welcome to use Google (or any other resource) to try and figure things out. Some will be easier than others. Good luck! And watch out for Great Justice and Great Vengeance points, which may make a return appearance.


Note: When making a guess, please make everyone's life easier by pasting the entire PDN (with number), as well as the clue. Please do not retype it from memory as this tends to introduce errors which confuse people. For example:


1. Dame Annals -- Murasaki nickname

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452. Bestial Oblivion -- Princely counterpart to a craven scruple

453. Lord of Empty Sand -- Ozymandias, e.g.

454. Plastiche -- A synthetic imitation

455. Breathing in Fumes -- Fast counterpart to being stripped down to the bone

456. Lost Property -- Something I have remarkably little experience with

457. Lost Properly -- Fair and true counterpart to a materialistic PDN

458. Postmodem -- Pretty baud ligature confusion

459. Brits Enact Exile Plan -- A May update to an old Scorpius creation?

460. Diversion Control -- Ironic counterpart to the old Disambiguation Cage

461. Death Addend -- Target of a Golden Axe villain, maybe

462. Safe Word Gauge -- In which Cloud is restrained, and takes damage

463. Wonderful Limitations -- Duke Ellington's prescription for everybody

464. StatueHuge StatueBroken StatueateEmpire -- Fragmentary fantasy of an Exile town planner, maybe

465. Ten Million Pounds of Sludge -- Made the monkey go to heaven

466. Some Orc -- The critique of democracy offered by Shelob's web, maybe

467. From the One I reach out to the Five! -- Adam Warlock's attempt to influence the Infinity Gauntlet from afar

468. Black Shades and Policemen -- Your skin color was seen!

469. Lynchpin -- Helps keep a suspect class in their place; may be an ACME Chief

470. Could the heavens truly have sided with the apes? -- "Unnatural Selection?"

471. That these bodies high on a stage be placed -- Danish Restoration's the thing

472. Overbooked Eumenides -- When injustices continue to accrue

473. Pokemon Godel Number -- A nonavigenseptencentesimal representation, perhaps

474. Overcoming Slyness -- Dudebro counterpart to an in-demand library book

475. Tempestuous Winds and Gusts -- Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion

476. Save to the Rhythm -- Grace Jones is compelled to retry until she gets what she wants

477. Antici--- -- Famous Frank line

478. Ms. Ann Thrope -- Discontent contestant on _But Who's Counting?_

479. Safety in Numbers -- Majoritarianism, unless you fail the identity test and plummet

480. Striking Silent Letter of Them All -- Snow White

481. Wiz-Burj -- Rappin' skyscraper

482. Atlatlas -- Greco-Aztec David and Goliath story

483. Detales -- Modular counterpart to a whole story

484. Hell's Special Place -- Something that may exist for my old landlord

485. The Analysistrata -- Forcing a peaceful resolution through logical retention

486. Oshioki yo! -- Expression of punishment for a small child, from a sailor

487. Unexpurgatory -- Place where questionable books go to be preserved

488. _phantasmal coarticulation_ -- 1st-level linguist grammar in which sounds appear to spread

489. Don't Cross Carolyn -- Advice for an aspiring apprentice

490. Four Letter Patsy -- In M.P. Sex Row

491. Mortality Play -- Last Rites, maybe

492. Phlegmolplex -- One kleenex followed by a hundred blows.

493. Slime had the Cough. -- Rare cough drop

494. Identification with the Romantic Irony -- In which the broken fourth wall starts talking to the audience

495. 1y 6n 1y 6n 1y 2n 1y 10n 1y 6n 1y 18n wam 1y! -- In which Madeline Khan makes some very BIG decisions

496. Surfene USA -- Negative example of an obscure generational California accent

497. Tectonic Suit -- Continental plate armor

498. Haxing the l337 and twinking it to the n00b -- English Restoration, of modern sorts

499. O wad some Pow'r the giftsie gie us -- The Malachite Brooch, maybe

500. Changesslarty -- So I turned my PDN to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker

501. Sub Roma -- State secrets, maybe

502. Amelia Bedelia Changes Her PDN -- Likely precursor to a publicly displayed pie

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461. Death Addend - Target of a Golden Axe villain, maybe

Golden Axe is an arcade/PC game that had Death Adder as the main villain (who had a fantastic helmet, I must say). An addend is one of the terms in an addition expression.


466. Some Orc - The critique of democracy offered by Shelob's web, maybe

Shelob of Lord of the Rings fame was a giant spider who lived in a mountain pass on the borders of Mordor. Charlotte of Charlotte's Web fame was a not-giant spider who saved her porcine friend Wilbur by inscribing praises to him in her webs ("Some Pig" was the first of these). This made Wilbur a celebrity, not Charlotte, which is something that confused Baby Dintiradan.


477. Antici--- - Famous Frank line

Frank-n-Furter is one of the main characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He says and sings many lines, but this one will make you shiver the most.


497. Tectonic Suit - Continental plate armor

Continental plates are also known as tectonic plates. A suit made out of them would protect you but be rather cumbersome.


I'll keep looking.

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461. Death Addend - Target of a Golden Axe villain, maybe

Golden Axe is an arcade/PC game that had Death Adder as the main villain (who had a fantastic helmet, I must say). An addend is one of the terms in an addition expression.

YES +5 (with the last point for the helmet comment)


466. Some Orc - The critique of democracy offered by Shelob's web, maybe

Shelob of Lord of the Rings fame was a giant spider who lived in a mountain pass on the borders of Mordor. Charlotte of Charlotte's Web fame was a not-giant spider who saved her porcine friend Wilbur by inscribing praises to him in her webs ("Some Pig" was the first of these). This made Wilbur a celebrity, not Charlotte, which is something that confused Baby Dintiradan.

YES +3

This is also, and most directly, a reference to one of Tolkien's letters, in which he wrote:

I am not a 'democrat' only because 'humility' and equality are spiritual principles corrupted by the attempt to mechanize and formalize then, with the result that we get not universal smallness and humility, but universal greatness and pride, till some Orc gets hold of a ring of power -- and then we get and are getting slavery.


477. Antici--- - Famous Frank line

Frank-n-Furter is one of the main characters in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He says and sings many lines, but this one will make you shiver the most.

YES +4


497. Tectonic Suit - Continental plate armor

Continental plates are also known as tectonic plates. A suit made out of them would protect you but be rather cumbersome.

YES +3

As opposed to plate armor which is simply from continental Europe. I think I may have had something more specific in mind when I set this PDN, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was, so I went with this.

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Got it.


481. Wiz-Burj - Rappin' skyscraper

The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai. Wiz Khalifa is a rapper, I'm told. To be honest I'm more familiar with his sister Mia.


482. Atlatlas - Greco-Aztec David and Goliath story

An atlatl is a Mesoamerican tool used to throw spears. Atlas was the titan who held up the sky. The "David and Goliath story" is about someone slaying a giant with a sling (a tool used to throw stones).

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481. Wiz-Burj - Rappin' skyscraper

The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai. Wiz Khalifa is a rapper, I'm told. To be honest I'm more familiar with his sister Mia.

YES +3

This was also inspired by a vague memory of an item called "WIZ-BANG" or something similar in some old game. In my memory it's a Wizardry game, but I can't find any evidence of this anywhere.


482. Atlatlas - Greco-Aztec David and Goliath story

An atlatl is a Mesoamerican tool used to throw spears. Atlas was the titan who held up the sky. The "David and Goliath story" is about someone slaying a giant with a sling (a tool used to throw stones).

YES +4

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453. Lord of Empty Sand - Ozymandias, e.g.

Ramses was a Pharaoh. A good part of his territory is desert thus empty sand?

YES +2

This is specifically a reference to Percy Shelley's poem "Ozymandias" -- today probably what that garbled transliteration of his name is most associated with -- which ends:


Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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485. The Analysistrata -- Forcing a peaceful resolution through logical retention


Lysistrata is, of course, the famous Grecian story of how Lysistrata aims to end the Peloponnesian War by persuading the women of Greece to withhold sex from their husbands. The idea is that by withholding sex, the men will be forced to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The PDN/clue also play on anal retention, and therefore psychosexual development, and honestly it's been a long time since Freud and all I really got was anal and retention. :p

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485. The Analysistrata -- Forcing a peaceful resolution through logical retention


Lysistrata is, of course, the famous Grecian story of how Lysistrata aims to end the Peloponnesian War by persuading the women of Greece to withhold sex from their husbands. The idea is that by withholding sex, the men will be forced to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The PDN/clue also play on anal retention, and therefore psychosexual development, and honestly it's been a long time since Freud and all I really got was anal and retention. :p

YES +4 - you pretty much got it

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454. Plastiche - A synthetic imitation

Plastic + pastiche. A pastiche is an artistic work that deliberately imitates the style of another work. A ket feature of plastic is that it is made of synthetic polymers.


468. Black Shades and Policemen - Your skin color was seen!

Black Shades are invisible entities from Exile/original trilogy Avernum, often located in bedrooms. Also in the games are the ability to steal items that aren't yours, but doing so in view of NPCs (including black shades) brings up a "Your theft was seen" message, and eventually causes the entire city to attack you. Policemen in the US are notorious for targeting and killing black people for petty offenses and "suspicious" behavior.



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454. Plastiche - A synthetic imitation

Plastic + pastiche. A pastiche is an artistic work that deliberately imitates the style of another work. A ket feature of plastic is that it is made of synthetic polymers.

YES +4


468. Black Shades and Policemen - Your skin color was seen!

Black Shades are invisible entities from Exile/original trilogy Avernum, often located in bedrooms. Also in the games are the ability to steal items that aren't yours, but doing so in view of NPCs (including black shades) brings up a "Your theft was seen" message, and eventually causes the entire city to attack you. Policemen in the US are notorious for targeting and killing black people for petty offenses and "suspicious" behavior.

YES +4

You got the message, which was the real key. The other thing I had in mind were the other breed of Black Shades, from A4, and the fear and paranoia they generated, which seems quite parallel to the police/suspect class situation in this country -- the police are afraid, and so are their constituents. Of course, there were two other meanings to "black shade" as well -- skin color; and the shades of dead people from the above situations.

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Sorry to disappoint, but I've only got one now, and it's a complete guess:


467. From the One I reach out to the Five! - Adam Warlock's attempt to influence the Infinity Gauntlet from afar

Adam Warlock is a character in the Infinity Gauntlet series (and probably a character in other Gauntlet-centric storylines?). The titular Infinity Gauntlet is formed by mounting Infinity Gems on it, of which there are six. I'm guessing (since I haven't actually read any of it) that at some point Adam Warlock acquires one of the Gems and tries to magically influence the other five through it.

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467. From the One I reach out to the Five! - Adam Warlock's attempt to influence the Infinity Gauntlet from afar

Adam Warlock is a character in the Infinity Gauntlet series (and probably a character in other Gauntlet-centric storylines?). The titular Infinity Gauntlet is formed by mounting Infinity Gems on it, of which there are six. I'm guessing (since I haven't actually read any of it) that at some point Adam Warlock acquires one of the Gems and tries to magically influence the other five through it.

YES +3

Yup. He had a previous connection to the Soul Gem, which he leveraged in order to attempt to disrupt the Gauntlet's possessor. All the gems were actually on the Gauntlet at that point.

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486. Oshioki yo! - Expression of punishment for a small child, from a sailor

A play on John Lennon's song "Oh Yoko!"; the name "Yoko" means "ocean child" and IIRC "oshioki" means something along the lines of "punishment".


496. Surfene USA - Negative example of an obscure generational California accent

A play on the Beach Boys (who are from California) song "Surfin' U.S.A." to sound like sulfene, a highly reactive and dangerous group of chemicals. There are many dialectal variations in California, so I'm not sure which one it's supposed to refer to, but it is similar to how many Mexican immigrants would pronounce the word "surfin".


500. Changesslarty - So I turned my PDN to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker

Lyrics of the David Bowie song "Changes": So I turned myself to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker. Presumably this is a joke about how you change your PDNs often.

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492. Phlegmolplex - One kleenex followed by a hundred blows

Googol is a number so large it's a one followed by a hundred zeroes. Phlegm is the mucus that blocks up your airways when you're sick.


502. Amelia Bedelia Changes Her PDN - Likely precursor to a publicly displayed pie

Amelia Bedelia is the title character from a series of children's books. She makes frequent mistakes, but makes up for it with delicious pie. PDN stands for publicly displayed name, so a mistaken PDN requires a publicly displayed pie.



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486. Oshioki yo! - Expression of punishment for a small child, from a sailor

A play on John Lennon's song "Oh Yoko!"; the name "Yoko" means "ocean child" and IIRC "oshioki" means something along the lines of "punishment".

YES +2

You're right about "oshioki" meaning essentially "punishment"; "yo" I think is a particle that implies address to a small child. The specific reference here, however, is to this stock footage:


Somehow Lilith did not get this one.


496. Surfene USA - Negative example of an obscure generational California accent

A play on the Beach Boys (who are from California) song "Surfin' U.S.A." to sound like sulfene, a highly reactive and dangerous group of chemicals. There are many dialectal variations in California, so I'm not sure which one it's supposed to refer to, but it is similar to how many Mexican immigrants would pronounce the word "surfin".

YES +3

I did not realize until recently that it was at all unusual, in this country, to pronounce "ing" as a suffix like "een" or "ene," rather than like "ing" in words like "ring" or "sing." Most of you will now think I'm crazy, but there you go.


500. Changesslarty - So I turned my PDN to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker

Lyrics of the David Bowie song "Changes": So I turned myself to face me, but I've never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker. Presumably this is a joke about how you change your PDNs often.

YES +3

The other reference is to one of his many retrospective releases, "Changesbowie"


492. Phlegmolplex - One kleenex followed by a hundred blows

Googol is a number so large it's a one followed by a hundred zeroes. Phlegm is the mucus that blocks up your airways when you're sick.

YES +3


502. Amelia Bedelia Changes Her PDN - Likely precursor to a publicly displayed pie

Amelia Bedelia is the title character from a series of children's books. She makes frequent mistakes, but makes up for it with delicious pie. PDN stands for publicly displayed name, so a mistaken PDN requires a publicly displayed pie.

YES +3

Additionally, this PDN was immediately followed by my current PDN, which involves pie. Ironically, since her mistakes all revolve around taking things too literally, she would probably not have trouble changing her PDN. It's a pretty literal phrase.

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474. Overcoming Slyness -- Grace Jones is compelled to retry until she gets what she wants

Grace Jones dated Dolph Lungren who battled Sylvester Stalone (Sly) in Rocky IV

she was also roomates with Jerry Hall -- who was later in a long term relationship with Mick Jagger who was co-writer and performer on You can't always get what you want

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Okay, in light of the bigger than usual size of this set of PDNs (which was not intentional on my part) I'm going to modify the 6-per day rule:


You may now make up to TWELVE guesses per day, up until you have SIX correct guesses. Essentially, you get six "free" misses that do not count against your cap of six guesses per day.


Hopefully, this will strike a balance between "random shotgun guessing" and the strict limit making it hard to guess if you aren't sure of anything, which is hard with a set of PDNs this big.

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474. Overcoming Slyness - Dudebro counterpart to an in-demand library book


Overcoming Shyness is a quest item Ness returns to a library in Earthbound. For some, it's not shyness that's the problem.



458. Postmodem - Pretty baud ligature confusion


Postmodem is typographically similar to Postmodern. As well as this being an unfortunate mistake, baud is the rate of data transmission for modems, and also forms part of the name of Baudrillard who was highly influential in postmodernism.

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474. Overcoming Slyness - Dudebro counterpart to an in-demand library book


Overcoming Shyness is a quest item Ness returns to a library in Earthbound. For some, it's not shyness that's the problem.

YES +3

Technically, Ness doesn't have to return the book to the library, but he does have to track it down and share it with an exotic group of characters.


458. Postmodem - Pretty baud ligature confusion


Postmodem is typographically similar to Postmodern. As well as this being an unfortunate mistake, baud is the rate of data transmission for modems, and also forms part of the name of Baudrillard who was highly influential in postmodernism.

YES +5

As for 'ligature', it's a typographic term for special, slightly altered images used for sets of characters that, e.g., look like they should overlap or connect when they are adjacent, as may exist for letter combinations like 'rn'

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459. Brits Enact Exile Plan - Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion.


If i was *absolutely* on topic this very likely is wrong. But i thought. European union covers much and more of the roman empire. And trojan allusion as in trojan horse used to in a way to lead to the end of a siege from the inside. And while saying EU "fell" is extreme. It was sorta from the inside.

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459. Brits Enact Exile Plan

English Restoration, of modern sorts

The original restoration was when king Charles was restored to the throne and eventually formed great Britain out of England, Scotland and Wales.

This Brexit is the modern take, in which British hegemony is restored by their exile from the EU.

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478. Ms. Ann Thrope - Discontent contestant on _But Who's Counting?_

Misanthropes really don't like people, and as such are likely to be discontented.


472. Overbooked Eumenides - When injustices continue to accrue

Eumenides is a name for the furies, which are the goddesses of vengeance. Too many cases of injustice would result in them being overbooked.


501. Sub Roma - Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion

Roma is Latin for Rome. Beneath Rome are extensive catacombs, which were abandoned and forgotten about, then rediscovered as an important historical and archaeological site, kind of the same way the location of the city of Troy was lost, then rediscovered as an archaeological site.


465. Ten Million Pounds of Sludge - Something I have remarkably little experience with

1. Because it's funny. 2. Hopefully it's also true.



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478. Ms. Ann Thrope - Discontent contestant on _But Who's Counting?_

Misanthropes really don't like people, and as such are likely to be discontented.

YES +3



472. Overbooked Eumenides - When injustices continue to accrue

Eumenides is a name for the furies, which are the goddesses of vengeance. Too many cases of injustice would result in them being overbooked.

YES +3


It's a bit of a euphemism, often translated as "the kindly ones."


501. Sub Roma - Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion

Roma is Latin for Rome. Beneath Rome are extensive catacombs, which were abandoned and forgotten about, then rediscovered as an important historical and archaeological site, kind of the same way the location of the city of Troy was lost, then rediscovered as an archaeological site.

No, but plausible enough. This PDN involves wordplay.


465. Ten Million Pounds of Sludge - Something I have remarkably little experience with

1. Because it's funny. 2. Hopefully it's also true.

No, but, yes, true. The reference here is more specific.

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473. Pokemon Godel Number - A nonavigenseptencentesimal representation, perhaps


The PDN refers to both Pokemon Go and Godel numbering (which was used in the proof of Godel’s incompleteness theorems, and involves assigning integers to some objects). With all the new Pokemon generations coming out, any list of Pokemon can be proven to be incomplete, but a sensible way of numbering them would be by their pokedex number. At the time the clues were written, there were 729 Pokemon (though I think a few more have been announced now!).


484. Hell's Special Place - Something that may exist for my old landlord


Not a big fan of them?

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473. Pokemon Godel Number - A nonavigenseptencentesimal representation, perhaps


The PDN refers to both Pokemon Go and Godel numbering (which was used in the proof of Godel’s incompleteness theorems, and involves assigning integers to some objects). With all the new Pokemon generations coming out, any list of Pokemon can be proven to be incomplete, but a sensible way of numbering them would be by their pokedex number. At the time the clues were written, there were 729 Pokemon (though I think a few more have been announced now!).

YES +5


Godel numbering, btw, is one of the most insanely cool things ever. It doesn't sound like it at first, but it really is.


484. Hell's Special Place - Something that may exist for my old landlord


Not a big fan of them?

YES +4

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459. Brits Enact Exile Plan - Fair and true counterpart to a materialistic PDN

This sounds like a reference to the very old SW thread "News at Eleven" in which real-life political figures were banished to Exile (if I remember my lore right), and to conservative news sites (like Fox News) claiming to be "fair" and "unbiased" compared to mainstream liberal media.


464. StatueHuge StatueBroken StatueateEmpire - Fragmentary fantasy of an Exile town planner, maybe

Statues are an important feature in Exile/Avernum, including ones that are alive that can talk to or attack the party. Looking at them would give you a description similar to those found in the PDN. One can imagine an architect laying out the pattern of statues in Silvar momentarily wishing they had the power to raise an army of living statues to take on the Empire.


487. Unexpurgatory - Place where questionable books go to be preserved

Expurgation is the censorship of offensive material from art and literature. The original version would be unexpurgated. Purgatory is a temporary state in the afterlife for purification until the dead are free to move on. Unexpurgatory would be where books hang out until they've been adequately censored or changing mores allow them to be published in their uncensored form.


491. Mortality Play - Last Rites, maybe

Morality plays occurred in the Middle Ages, and educated people about the importance of being virtuous. A mortality play would educate people on some facet of death. Last Rites are (typically) Catholic prayers given to someone who is dying or dead. They might be the topic of a Mortality Play.



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495. 1y 6n 1y 6n 1y 2n 1y 10n 1y 6n 1y 18n wam 1y! - In which Madeline Kahn makes some very BIG decisions


Empress Nympho (Madeline Kahn) selects from a lineup of soldiers for a midnight orgy in History of the World Part 1. The important parts are on display.


493. Slime had the Cough. - Rare cough drop


A slime occasionally will drop a rare item when killed; the rare item could be a cough. A slime with a cough would presumably welcome medicine.

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459. Brits Enact Exile Plan - Fair and true counterpart to a materialistic PDN

This sounds like a reference to the very old SW thread "News at Eleven" in which real-life political figures were banished to Exile (if I remember my lore right), and to conservative news sites (like Fox News) claiming to be "fair" and "unbiased" compared to mainstream liberal media.


You're on the right track here, but it's a different old thread, and a different conservative figure than Fox News.


464. StatueHuge StatueBroken StatueateEmpire - Fragmentary fantasy of an Exile town planner, maybe

Statues are an important feature in Exile/Avernum, including ones that are alive that can talk to or attack the party. Looking at them would give you a description similar to those found in the PDN. One can imagine an architect laying out the pattern of statues in Silvar momentarily wishing they had the power to raise an army of living statues to take on the Empire.

YES +3

In fact, this PDN itself is a fragment of data from one of the Exile games. I thought it was particularly funny.


487. Unexpurgatory - Place where questionable books go to be preserved

Expurgation is the censorship of offensive material from art and literature. The original version would be unexpurgated. Purgatory is a temporary state in the afterlife for purification until the dead are free to move on. Unexpurgatory would be where books hang out until they've been adequately censored or changing mores allow them to be published in their uncensored form.

YES +4

Purgatory suggests a place of purging; unexpurgatory then would be a place of not expurgating.


491. Mortality Play - Last Rites, maybe

Morality plays occurred in the Middle Ages, and educated people about the importance of being virtuous. A mortality play would educate people on some facet of death. Last Rites are (typically) Catholic prayers given to someone who is dying or dead. They might be the topic of a Mortality Play.

YES +4


495. 1y 6n 1y 6n 1y 2n 1y 10n 1y 6n 1y 18n wam 1y! - In which Madeline Kahn makes some very BIG decisions


Empress Nympho (Madeline Kahn) selects from a lineup of soldiers for a midnight orgy in History of the World Part 1. The important parts are on display.

YES +3

Specifically, this is a shorthand version of the following line:



The clue reference is at the end of this clip (note, not a Clue reference).


493. Slime had the Cough. - Rare cough drop


A slime occasionally will drop a rare item when killed; the rare item could be a cough. A slime with a cough would presumably welcome medicine.

YES +3

This is a play on 'drop' as 'rare item drop'. The specific language, as the Slime may suggest, is from the Dragon Warrior series.

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For convenience, here's a copy of the 23 remaining PDNs and clues. (This post will not be updated further, but the original one will continue to be updated.)


452. Bestial Oblivion

455. Breathing in Fumes

456. Lost Property

457. Lost Properly

459. Brits Enact Exile Plan

460. Diversion Control

462. Safe Word Gauge

463. Wonderful Limitations

465. Ten Million Pounds of Sludge

469. Lynchpin

470. Could the heavens truly have sided with the apes?

471. That these bodies high on a stage be placed

475. Tempestuous Winds and Gusts

479. Safety in Numbers

480. Striking Silent Letter of Them All

483. Detales

488. _phantasmal coarticulation_

489. Don't Cross Carolyn

490. Four Letter Patsy

494. Identification with the Romantic Irony

498. Haxing the l337 and twinking it to the n00b

499. O wad some Pow'r the giftsie gie us

501. Sub Roma


"Unnatural Selection?"

1st-level linguist grammar in which sounds appear to spread

A May update to an old Scorpius creation?

Advice for an aspiring apprentice

Danish Restoration's the thing

Duke Ellington's prescription for everybody

English Restoration, of modern sorts

Fair and true counterpart to a materialistic PDN

Fast counterpart to being stripped down to the bone

Helps keep a suspect class in their place; may be an ACME Chief

In M.P. Sex Row

In which Cloud is restrained, and takes damage

In which the broken fourth wall starts talking to the audience

Ironic counterpart to the old Disambiguation Cage

Made the monkey go to heaven

Majoritarianism, unless you fail the identity test and plummet

Modular counterpart to a whole story

Princely counterpart to a craven scruple

Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion

Snow White

Something I have remarkably little experience with

State secrets, maybe

The Malachite Brooch, maybe

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471. That these bodies high on a stage be placed --Danish Restoration's the thing

Act V, Scene 2 from Hamlet is the course of the first part, which is the final scene of the play and includes the deaths of almost all of the characters, including Hamlet the King of Denmark who has just restored the throne of Denmark. The second half also includes a version of "the play is the thing" which is a quote from the Act 2, Scene 2 of the same play.

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471. That these bodies high on a stage be placed --Danish Restoration's the thing

Act V, Scene 2 from Hamlet is the course of the first part, which is the final scene of the play and includes the deaths of almost all of the characters, including Hamlet the King of Denmark who has just restored the throne of Denmark. The second half also includes a version of "the play is the thing" which is a quote from the Act 2, Scene 2 of the same play.

YES +3

This is Horatio's line from an exchange with Fortinbras, who somewhat ironically is the 'restoration figure' of the play, who restores order at the very end. Hamlet unfortunately doesn't quite restore the throne himself due to (400 year old spoiler alert?) dying, and ceding the kingdom to Fortinbras. I suppose he might technically be king for a few brief moments.

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452. Bestial Oblivion - Princely counterpart to a craven scruple

Another Hamlet reference. Prince Hamlet: "Now, whether it be / Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple / Of thinking too precisely on the event"


456. Lost Property - The Malachite Brooch, maybe

The Malachite Brooch from Exile/Avernum is lost until the party finds it, so it might qualify as lost property.


459. Brits Enact Exile Plan - A May update to an old Scorpius creation?

This is a reference to the very old thread "Bush Enacts Exile Plan" or BEEP, which was apparently started by Scorpius, and of course the recent Brexit referendum.



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452. Bestial Oblivion - Princely counterpart to a craven scruple

Another Hamlet reference. Prince Hamlet: "Now, whether it be / Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple / Of thinking too precisely on the event"

YES +4

From maybe the best soliloquy ever.


456. Lost Property - The Malachite Brooch, maybe

The Malachite Brooch from Exile/Avernum is lost until the party finds it, so it might qualify as lost property.



459. Brits Enact Exile Plan - A May update to an old Scorpius creation?

This is a reference to the very old thread "Bush Enacts Exile Plan" or BEEP, which was apparently started by Scorpius, and of course the recent Brexit referendum.

YES +3

The Brexit vote, of course, was in June; 'May' is a reference to Theresa May and the role she had/has re Brexit.

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The remaining PDNs seem to be some kind of sticking point, so I'll offer some hints, along with this copy of the 19 remaining PDNs and clues.


455. Breathing in Fumes

456. Lost Property

457. Lost Properly

460. Diversion Control

462. Safe Word Gauge

463. Wonderful Limitations

469. Lynchpin

470. Could the heavens truly have sided with the apes?

475. Tempestuous Winds and Gusts

479. Safety in Numbers

480. Striking Silent Letter of Them All

483. Detales

488. _phantasmal coarticulation_

489. Don't Cross Carolyn

490. Four Letter Patsy

494. Identification with the Romantic Irony

498. Haxing the l337 and twinking it to the n00b

499. O wad some Pow'r the giftsie gie us

501. Sub Roma


"Unnatural Selection?"

1st-level linguist grammar in which sounds appear to spread

Advice for an aspiring apprentice -- from an old commercial

Duke Ellington's prescription for everybody

English Restoration, of modern sorts -- perhaps not quite in the spirit of its medieval antecedent

Fair and true counterpart to a materialistic PDN

Fast counterpart to being stripped down to the bone -- from a 1986 UK hit

Helps keep a suspect class in their place; may be an ACME Chief

In M.P. Sex Row -- Orgy Of Alcohol And Sex Near M.P.'s House!

In which Cloud is restrained, and takes damage -- until he has reached his limit...

In which the broken fourth wall starts talking to the audience

Ironic counterpart to the old Disambiguation Cage -- could be used well by MediaWiki programmers

Majoritarianism, unless you fail the identity test and plummet -- eventually down to the Lifts

Modular counterpart to a whole story

Roman Restoration offers a Trojan allusion -- this, meanwhile, is a Shakespearean allusion

Snow White -- for example

Something I have remarkably little experience with

State secrets, maybe

The Malachite Brooch, maybe -- this one will require attention to detail

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