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Southforge Item Stealing

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There are several places in GF4 where you'll need to follow people and find out what they're up to. The trick is to stay far away or out of sight until they stop at their destination. Once they're done moving you can approach and you'll get a message about how you've caught them red-handed (or whatever is appropriate).


—Alorael, who spent a long time working on the quest and then solved it entirely by accident.

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I recommend standing around the corner, well out of sight, and only entering the room after he's already by the pile of rubble in the room. He can't see you waiting for him if you aren't.


—Alorael, who in fact just happened to walk into that room at the right time in order to catch him. It's a neat mechanic that Jeff threw in. Does it appear in any earlier Geneforges?

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