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Destroyer of Enemies

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ok... I tried creating the Shapemaster Boots but when I put the items on the anvil, what I got was this Destroyer of Enemies instead! I did a search for it and got nothing on any of the SpiderWeb boards... Is this a case of one of the creators of the new G4 editors trying to have a little fun with us?!


This item is WAY too powerful and has given me 374% mental protection, and over 18K spell energy!



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And this goes in the Geneforge 4 forum.


Edit -and there is no such thing as too powerful.

If it is that good, keep it!


Edit2 -and mental protection isn't that needed.

And as for spell energy, it isn't nearly as important as essence.


Edit3 -I am starting to think you are pulling our legs (not much ow).


Edit4 -I have never edited this much before!

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this is from the Sarsparilla editor i downloaded yesterday, and i ASSURE you:

1) I have ZERO clue on how to edit the scripts myself, nor do i have the time to learn them! Which is why i really appreciate the efforts of those of you who DO take their time to help the rest of us out!)


2) I also assure you that NOBODY else has access to my laptop... it's with me at all times, except when i go to the bathroom and even then, i work at a heavy metal record label, and the others here are even MORE clueless than I am when it comes to computer-ey stuff!


3) So you know I'm not pulling your leg, I've posted the screen grabs here for you:






And BTW muffin, as you can see, I now have over 12K of essence as well!


Really, all i wanted was my flameweaver greaves back! smile Then when I read the description of what the shapemaster boots could do, I decided I'd try them out just to see, but wasn't going to use them until I found the legit Ur-Drakon skin. (i've just entered the 4th area) I was soooo disappointed when the usually "dink-dink" noise from the anvil produced this mighty charm!



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well, seeing how it's a charm and not a weapon, all i have to do is drop it to revert back to normal. So you were saying now that i have the item I originally lost, i can swap out the old script and it's as good as new? Didn't think of that. Good idea because no matter what option i used in the editor, i needed to select the "give me mulah" option to exit the editor! I really, really didn't want to have 30,000 coins! I like that it's a bit challenging... if some of the battles are too hard and i have to grow my character before going back to kill some enemy, i like it like that. The 2 shades near the anvil were like that. I've just entered the 4th area, (i think i'm level 27 with 7 drayks of L30) and i STILL can't clear the shaper camp in the SW corner! strong enough to last thru 3 waves of Rhots. and his cronies though. How many are there? or do they keep spawning? I think it's time i explore a little while my drayks are keeping the first R busy.


Every time i do that, i usually run into one of them lightning breathing dinos tho! I'm a shaper with low health... kept spending on Int and Mechanics early on.


thanks for the heads up about tinypic.com, i can't believe how FAST the pics uploaded!



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Originally written by Lennyhipp3:
and i STILL can't clear the shaper camp in the SW corner! strong enough to last thru 3 waves of Rhots. and his cronies though. How many are there? or do they keep spawning? I think it's time i explore a little while my drayks are keeping the first R busy.
You mean the Shaper Camp, in the far southeast? Yeah, the enemy creations there respawn forever. It's possible to get all the way in, but you're not supposed to and there isn't really anything there.
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muffin spoketh thusly:

If that charm ups your intellingence like that, keep it! You could create several of the most powerful creations you can create with maximum stats.


I would keep it.

That's just it... not only would it make the game WAY too easy, I didn't really want to cheat! Download Sarsparilla's editor yourself, and create the shapemaster boots (or whatever they're called) and have "fun" creating powerful creations that can wipe everything out with one hit!


Actually, I'm only able to make the first 3 in each shaping category now anyway... i'm level 27 or 28 still. Drayk is my most powerful character. With that much essence i could probably max out the stats on 3-4 drayks and they'd probably have 1000HPs per attack, and if i hasted the group, 2 drayks could take out a couple Roths. before they got a chance to attack!


The thing i like most about his game is that it's challenging!



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Oops! yes, i meant the shaper camp in the far SE not west! Duh. I was up for 22 hours when i wrote that! So, they spawn forever... then i'll have to haste myself and explore, then get the hell out because i like clearing the whole area on every board!


In fact, it really irritates me that this version of Geneforge that there are several doors i can't get into! I'm gonna have to start over when i'm done just to see what goodies i missed! It drives me nuts! smile



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Muffin opined:

And if you just happen to forge a great item, then you got it without cheating!

That's just it! Someone on here said "There's nowhere in the scripts that item exists!" Or something like that... which leads me to believe that Sarsparilla was having a bit of fun when he made the editor. It's not a SUPER RARE item i just happened to stumble upon... it was mixing the ingredients that was supposed to give me the shapemaster boots. If someone that knows what they're talking about (and yes, i'm admitting i don't!) can say "There are some powerful items that have a very minute chance of appearing, and that you got one of the rare things!" Well, then and only then, will i go back and retrieve the charm where i dropped it.


If you want this item, download the editor and try to make the boots i mentioned, or get me your address and i'll e-mail my scripts folder and one of my save games.



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Originally written by Lennyhipp3:
If someone that knows what they're talking about (and yes, i'm admitting i don't!) can say "There are some powerful items that have a very minute chance of appearing, and that you got one of the rare things!" Well, then and only then, will i go back and retrieve the charm where i dropped it.
There aren't. It's definitely because of the editor.

Also, whenever IFM posts anything, you should probably ignore him.
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begindefineitem 308;

import = 0;

it_name = "Destroyer of Enemies";

it_graphic_template = 51;

it_graphic_sheet = 2;

it_which_icon_ground = 0;

it_which_icon_inven = 1;

it_variety = 11;

it_value = 600;

it_weight = 1;

it_graphic_coloradj = 64;

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 2;

it_stats_addition 0 = 322;

it_pet_stats_to_affect 0 = 2;

it_pet_stats_addition 0 = 20;

it_abil_work_in_pack = 1;


begindefineitem 309;

it_name = "Purest Emerald";

it_variety = 11;

it_graphic_template = 50;

it_graphic_sheet = 2;

it_which_icon_ground = 7;

it_which_icon_inven = 8;

it_charges = 1;

it_value = 20000;

it_extra_description = 8;


sorry if this got revived but that is the code. Purest emerald is also pink and has some sweet effects. You'll need the combinations though(which i don't have)

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There are some doors that can never be opened. In Quessa-Uss off the dueling arena to the northeast is a room with a eyebeast according to Jeff.


I went all the way to the end of the Shaper Camp back near the game's start. Do it in several trips to remove the regular guards that don't get replaced and to get to the controls to turn off the electrified field (the building behind it). The guards do drop nice items.

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There are some doors that can never be opened. In Quessa-Uss off the dueling arena to the northeast is a room with a eyebeast according to Jeff.
I saw that... yes, that was annoying. actually, in the same area, there are two doors in the bottom NE corner i can't get into either... help!?

I went all the way to the end of the Shaper Camp back near the game's start. Do it in several trips to remove the regular guards that don't get replaced and to get to the controls to turn off the electrified field (the building behind it). The guards do drop nice items.
Every time my character gets stronger, i go back to this part! I must have had 100 attempts at getting all the way back! Killed all the guards after I made it to Chapter 4. I'm now about to start Chapter 5 and my character is finally strong enough, but i think i'm gonna up my Essence (int) before attempting again. Made it as far as the fort, but then the monsters re-spawn. I think i'll make 4 Rothgoths and NOT kill anyone until my character has time to loot the fort. I got some pretty decent items in the 2 buildings SE and S... but every time i send scouts into the fort (so i can see where to go) that's when my creations start to die on me!
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Originally written by Lennyhipp3:
nevermind! I figured it out... Purest Emerald is made from trying to forge the girdle of succor. It also gives a ridiculous boost to your intelligence.

Any reason you would want 7 eyebeasts with their endurance and dexterity maxed out?! smile

Pffff I go for the 7 eyebeasts/ur-drakons with ALL STATS MAXED OUT tatic
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I was inspired by the Mental Focus item from the editor in G3. So, I made a better version. The Purest Emerald is supposed to be a highly valuble gem, used to sell if you're broke or keep if you want to have some spending money later.


I'm really not sure why these things are popping up on the anvil, of all places. They are items I added to the item list myself. Oddly enough, this doesn't happen in G3, where there are many more editor-dependent items.

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I'm really not sure why these things are popping up on the anvil, of all places. They are items I added to the item list myself.
yeah, it would have been MUCH better if you could still make the Shapemaster Boots and Girdle of Succor! After i used your editor to get an item i dropped and couldn't find again, i had to replace the script so i could make the Shapemaster boots.
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