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It seems that in geneforge 3 (and 2 and 1) it was possible to see the specificity of the equipment, for example a belt increases the strength, another the health and so on... Have I dreamed that ? confused

I don't find how to have this description, I 've tried the keys but without result frown

Can you help me please ?

Thank you very much

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True, Macs have no virus problem. But those "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" ads don't mention the little Mac problem with peripherals and evil spirits. Two-button mice are the worst.


With my iBook I play it safe, and stick to the trackpad. But my office desktop has a wireless Mighty Mouse. Four buttons and a micro-trackball. I am so playing with fire.


On the other hand, having your screensaver drip blood is still better than NAV.

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I used to have trouble with two button mice. Then, I downloaded a freeware program from vaticancity.com, and it went right to work with the candles and salt. I couldn't find it the last time I checked, but it was called macpreist 1.2 or something like that. Perhaps its still around somewhere.

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I've always gotten better results from just caving in and offerings sacrifices under the full moon. Your efficiency will go up dramatically when you've got the demons on your side!


—Alorael, who just advises no careful examinations of fine print or asterisks in the contract. You're happier not knowing.

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Originally written by Student of Trinity:
Hey, who ever reads those 'licence agreement' panes, anyway?
The Feds cracked down on one company that had buried in the licensing term for free software an agreement to buy more software at a rate of $30-40 per month and that the "free" software would cost you if you got more than 2 of them. They had to pay up for violating a provision in the Unsolicited Merchandise Act.

This is why I wasted time reading some of these.
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