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Southwest Wasteland Mined Chest Room[G5]

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So there's this room in the Southwest Wasteland that has one chest, 2 mines and like four mine triggers. As soon as I step in the room, the mines go off and I die. From reading the hint book, I think I know what is in the chest...but unless I have 900 HP, there is no way to get it.


Does anyone know of a way to get that darn chest?

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I was wondering about that too. I concluded it was a red herring because I do not think it is mathematically possible for my Shaper to get it. I would need about 20 endurance at level 50 before I could think about it. I suppose for the other classes, it is possible for warrior/guardians/serviles to take this hit, but it would be very hard. I would probably consider this a bug.

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I've tried disabling mines in combat mode and the trigger usually still goes off before you can reach it.


You do have to be about level 50 to get enough health to survive. My level 46 sorceress hasn't any luck so far, but I'll try again with some endurance boosting items to push my health over 600.


Edit- Dahak is right in that room, if you click on a mine, you can disable one before the other goes off. Even with +6 to endurance and high armor, I was about 40 health too low to get through the second mine. I'll try next level.

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Could be. Just curious, Dahak, what are the stats and equipment of your PC?


EDIT: I put on all my infiltrator items and find no observable difference in the time it takes to get killed. Most of the time, it is just right as I enter the doorway. I also tried boosting luck, to see if that made a difference, but no avail.

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It has been a while and I've leveled up, but I think I had all Infiltrator and Tinker gear equipped and around 21 mechanics (after equipped).



I had 20 mechanics. The is from the infiltrator charm.


Stayeye, your AP is 8 when you enter the door? The detectors will NOT go off if the door is closed. Thus you can position yourself right in front of the door. Open the door and hit f to enter combat mode. The mines are only 3-4 AP away. The detectors shouldn't go off until after your turn ends (assuming they don't hiss before hand, thus hit f right away)

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It has nothing to do with AP, I often have 10. The triggers indeed seem to start to hiss and explode during my movement. I do not get the message that they started hissing prior to me clicking on the mine, but they sure do on my way there.


Either way, something funky is going on with this encounter; it should not require weird, counterintuitive engine abuse to complete.

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This kind of stuff makes me so frustrated... This and that effing bug which means a quest can't be finished because you've circumvented it in one way or another and thus is dragged along in the journal until the bitter end.


Anyway, going into that room is fine one out of 4 quick loads but I only get the first mine, the other mine ALWAYS goes off before I have the time to click the second one. BUG!

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Jeff changed mines and pylons being triggered by creations because in the early game that was a tactic of creating sacrifical creations just for the purpose of mine sweeping.


That room is a pain because Jeff upped the damage from mines and pylons at the end of beta testing. Too many testers were going, I can take the damage so I'll just go through and heal rather than find the path around it.

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