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Sage Olipha[G5]


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DV: He found the character that can teach him how to make a Rotghroth in the game. He doesn't know how to open up the dialog option, convince him to teach him, read him a poem, sing him a song etc etc...


Uber: Try to be careful on how you fraise(Sp?) your sentences.


Me: Kidnapp Uber's brother so he can teach me how to make a Rotghroth/ make a Rotghroth poem and e-mail it to jeff.

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Originally Posted By: Khyryk Eye
You have to say something pro-rebel (I forgot exactly what) for him to agree to teach you. I don't know how to fix it though, except for going back to an earlier save.

I think you have to have good standing with the rebels as well but I could be wrong.

Oh and if your bro can make Rotghroth have him teach me too! blast
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Why do people get their hopes up that someone in THIS WORLD (e.g. my brother) will be able to teach them SHAPING?! Have you heard of COMMON SENSE?


Edit: I figured out that I need to tell him 'I hope you master the Shapers' arts,' and then he let me be taught. His prices are exorbitant! It sucks! I'll see if I can do some quests for him and get the prices lower.


Edit2: No quests. He won't even buy research so I can afford his lousy prices!


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Originally Posted By: Uber Ur-drakon
Why do people get their hopes up that someone in THIS WORLD (e.g. my brother) will be able to teach them SHAPING?! Have you heard of COMMON SENSE?

Well, someone had to create the first tasty vlish. Surely you don't expect us to believe in spontaneous generation?

Ackrovan: Phrase, not fraise.

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Dear Uber Ur-drakon,


I was once your age. I thought I knew everything, and I unleashed myself upon the internet with that attitude. It was a learning experience. So please take some advice from a kindred spirit 15 years removed: you don't know everything and the sooner you stop being so dramatic about everything, the sooner people will start to treat you with respect.

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Originally Posted By: Slarty
Dear Uber Ur-drakon,

I was once your age. I thought I knew everything, and I unleashed myself upon the internet with that attitude. It was a learning experience. So please take some advice from a kindred spirit 15 years removed: you don't know everything and the sooner you stop being so dramatic about everything, the sooner people will start to treat you with respect.

Which is also true for life, actually.
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