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The background of the Geneforge and canisters...

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My theory is that canisters are actually pressurized gas cylinders made of an incredibly strong clear metal. When the user break the seal at the top, a computer system in the lid is activated and regulates the combination of the gas and water. The gas is an enzyme designed to make slight modification to the user's DNA. The computer then oversees the injection into the user via osmosis. When inactive, canisters are merely stasis pods to stop the decay process of the enzyme. The swirling observed in the canisters is simply an effect of the stasis process.


These canisters are obviously alien in design, along with the Geneforge. These designs were picked up by the indigenous humans. The computers are grown from crystals in a fractal design that, when a slight electric current is put though, creates a small yet incredibly complex electron reactor.


Any questions?

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Huh. I hadn't thought about it before, but it seems as though it would be pretty simple to imagine that the canisters just contain a virus. Viruses are known to go around altering DNA in very specific ways, and that's precisely what canisters do.


I guess this doesn't account for the fact that the canisters have addictive/psychoactive properties, too, though. Maybe something about the delivery mechanism: they're viruses that have been placed in jars of addictive substances.

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I guess it's possible that a virus could alter cells to produce more of one of the endogenous substances that act at the same receptors as psychoactive drugs do (i.e. endorphins, anandamide). If you had a class of viruses that all did that, and each one also produced subtle changes in DNA that gave new abilities, you'd probably have something very similar to the canisters. They'd have to be non-contagious but able to spread rapidly throughout the body, which I'd imagine is possible but unusual.


This would explain the dulling of certain parts of the brain, too, since some psychoactive drugs do that.

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One thing worth noting is that the rebels apparently have enough of an understanding of the technology to modify it. In G1, Learned Pinner said that using canisters kills serviles instantly, but you can use canisters when playing as a servile in G4 and get no more ill effects than usual. As for how the technology originated, it seems to be a relic of the Sucia island civilization that invented Shaping, then destroyed itself in civil war. (For more information, get into that temple in G1 that requires you to touch a bunch of pylons first, or else find the "Conspiracy theory" entry in this forum and click on the link.)

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Something can be psychological addicting with out their to be need for any chemical addiction (bitting you nails chewing on a pencil). As far as the bad side effects. I tribute it two things. First is that their is a certain amount of stress when changing your body sometimes your body doesn't react well to that stress. I imagine that their is a a cumulative effect that slowly goes away. Use more then one canister is like mixing your precipitations. A licensed doctor or pharmacist spends years of training to learn how to do this safely. Even if you put in safeguards the genes will start to interact with each other and start having unattended consequences probably and judging from how canister addicts act it probably has something to do with how the neurons in your brain form.

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Originally Posted By: feo takahari
I think they meant "prescriptions."

P.S. Regarding the "incredibly strong clear metal," in G2 we found they're made from purified steel that's been treated with essence.

No, the top of the canister is made from puresteel. The canister is mostly glass.

Also, riddle me this. If the canister is actually a gas delivery system powered by pressure, why does the canister melt down when used?

(I suppose it is worth noting that Geneforge was originally intended to be a Sci-fi game.)
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Interesting... I think it's much more a fantasy game. Especially regarding the moral-play aspect. And also the fact that, apart from the gene alteration, there really isn't anything scientifically 'advanced' to be found in the game... and even the gene alteration stuff seems to have been stumbled upon accidentally through shaping means... rather than, of course, technological means.


How the geneforge was stumbled upon, however, I can't answer. Maybe it's answered in G2, which I haven't played... or at the end of G1, which I never reached because I got bored slogging through area after area killing annoying things for no XP because I was 'supposed' to have cleared them 3-7 levels earlier. (Also, G1 is a little lacking as far as ongoing narrative. Area after area, with no story advancement, tends to bore a player like me. Maybe because I was used to the stronger linear narrative of G3 & G4 by the time I got around to playing it. I'm sure my reaction would've been different if I'd just come out of playing A3 and here was this new game Geneforge with a fascinating new plot and story.)


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Hey, What about that one canister that is supposed to kill if you try to use it in Geneforge 1? I can't remember what the area it is in is called but it is on The Takers' part of the island. Also, there are two bodies next to the canister to indicate it is fatal. Is it just a trick canister or a canister gone bad or.. What?

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Originally Posted By: Nioca
Also, riddle me this. If the canister is actually a gas delivery system powered by pressure, why does the canister melt down when used?
My guess is that it's got some kind of protective coating inside to protect the glass, and the substance inside the canister melts the glass upon contact.
Originally Posted By: Gargoyle2500
Hey, What about that one canister that is supposed to kill if you try to use it in Geneforge 1?
I say it's a trap designed to destroy (or at least harm) canister junkies.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: Nioca
Also, riddle me this. If the canister is actually a gas delivery system powered by pressure, why does the canister melt down when used?
My guess is that it's got some kind of protective coating inside to protect the glass, and the substance inside the canister melts the glass upon contact.

That explains the gas, but the metal at the top of the canister is also vaporized.
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Maybe the top also has a similar protective coating. Who knows?


In any case, when you use a canister, there's likely to be at least some leakage onto the top & sides, and with a substance that powerful, there's bound to be some destruction, regardless of its state of matter.


Nioca - Good edit reason. Now that I think of it, canisters could work as weapons, especially (as I mentioned before) against canister junkies.


I agree the contents would have to be under pressure, but I don't think the substance inside is a gas. I always thought of it as a sort of semi-liquid goo, maybe with a consistency similar to toothpaste or a really thick motor oil.

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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
I agree the contents would have to be under pressure, but I don't think the substance inside is a gas. I always thought of it as a sort of semi-liquid goo, maybe with a consistency similar to toothpaste or a really thick motor oil.

I'm pretty sure it's stated somewhere that canisters are full of modified essence, which would make the contents liquid.
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Well, it is something that you apparently use up from your body. Come to think of it, that shade on Sucia Island that talks about how the first Shapers destroyed themselves doesn't say how Shaping was invented--maybe we can argue that the first Shapers modified themselves to have some sort of essence-producing gland. If our dear Mr. Vogel permits, come the non-promised but financially likely Geneforge 6 we'll be able to stab enemy Shapers in it and make them bleed essence everywhere.

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During the start of G2 Essence is described as being warm and "half-alive" and only "Shapers" (Ie any being with ability of shaping) could store/absorb the essence in their bodies.

This was probably a mutation that first occured on Sucia island and spread across the world when the proto-shapers left the island. Also, the genes responsible for this would've been isolated and used when creating Eass(?), Drakons and shaping ordinary humans into Lifecrafters.

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