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The Soultaker Pit


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Hi Folks


Having a blast with Avernum 5, although I should be writing my essays. Anyway, I am in Azure Gallery and am exploring the Soultaker Pit. I have a problem.


You see, I have killed everything in the pit, acquired the two keys off the two nasty guys and collected all of the clues for the puzzle that apparently awaits inside the central chamber. Oh and one of my guys is dead. However, I am stuck outside the central chamber where the soultaker possesses me and keeps summoning skeletal warriors. I killed the skeletal warriors for the better part of 20 minutes but they don't seem to want to stop coming and I am beginning to think that they won't stop coming and that I am missing something...


That leads me to my questions:


1. Do the skeletal warriors actually ever stop appearing?


and if they don't


2. How do I get into the central chamber of the pit or what am I doing wrong/what am I missing.


Thanks for the help



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This is a tricky one so if you have a save before entering the central chamber where you get possessed then go back to town using the egress to raise your party.


You are supposed to have a member of your party get possessed and then attack him/her to damage him/her. You have to also keep healing your party because possession changes every few rounds. After Soultaker takes enough damage in possessed bodies, he will summon vengeful shades. At this point the skeletal warriors stop being replaced.


I found it helps to summon 2 minor creations to keep the possessed party member and/or shades busy. Switch to the least damaging weapons so you don't lose a party member during the fights. If you have divine restoration spell or some other regeneration it helps.

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Originally written by Randomizer:
This is a tricky one…
That would have to be the understatement of the year.

This is the hardest fight in the game.

I also spent ages using unshackle mind and not getting anywhere. After that I didn't work out that you need to equip sticks (or equivalent) so spent a lot of time killing myself/being killed. I still haven't done this fight to completion.
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You need return life scroll or spell to go onto the next portion of the fight and that can be tricky to time with just one character. You rarely can make it through with just one character. At least since Jeff reduced the summoned creatures to 2. Jeff didn't like my army of shades pounding away at his undead.

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Hi Folks


For those having trouble, here are some hints/suggestions on the battle with the Mindtaker.










1. When he does the skels and mind possession bit, beat up the first two skels down to being nearly dead, but don't kill them. This way you will avoid the unlimited respawning of more skeletons. Try to avoid hitting your mages/priest when they get possessed and hurt the Mindtaker by having one of your fighters beat up the other when they get possessed. After about 200-300 damage has been done the Mindtaker will relinquish his hold on your minds and the skels will stop coming. Healing your possessed guys as you beat them up does not hinder your effort to hurt the Mindtaker so make sure you keep their health up.


2. The next thing he will do is retreat and split off some vengeful shades. Compared to some of the stuff you had to fight in his lair to get this far these guys are kinda weak. I found the easiest way to get rid of these guys was to haste my spell casting guys and use a combination of divine fire/fireblast/lightning on them. You can kill the skels here too if you have not done so already and they won't respawn.


3. Now the Mindtaker will come himself and try to take you out. He is pretty nasty but as long as your guys all have 100+ health you should not have too much trouble. Beat him up with your fighters and blast him with the firebolt spell or dispel undead spell. He has about 1000 health I'd say, but he will be dead before your know it.


4. Once he is dead you will be allowed to try and figure out the puzzle in the central chamber. I won't give this away but I will say that the prize is more than worth the effort.





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Originally written by Compound Tyr Hamsubstantiation:
Wait, does that mean that a singleton can't complete the fight?
A singleton, according to Jeff, automatically bypasses the possession part of the fight. At this point you are facing 2 skeletal warriors and 8 vengeful shades. If you retreat to the entrance you can reduce the number of foes that can attack you so you don't get swarmed.
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  • 4 months later...
Originally written by Randomizer:
This is a tricky one so if you have a save before entering the central chamber where you get possessed then go back to town using the egress to raise your party.
Well, seems like I made the mistake to go down this pit... obviously, my character is way too low level for the most difficult fights of this place. How can I actually leave this place without reloading back up?
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Originally written by Ishad Nha:
Use the Editor, type Shift + D, this brings up the Editor. Then type "backtostart" and hit Enter, leave out the quotation marks. This takes you back to Blackchasm Outpost.
Thanks... but actually, I was looking for a way to do it without cheating... and I'm glad, I finally found it!
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  • 1 year later...

So, this is going to be a digression.


How do I get to the soultaker pit? It doesn't seem to be a simple secret door from the honeycomb area in the Azure Gallery (I've killed the shade and it's lackeys in the honeycomb), and so I guessed that it was a mission from an NPC. However, I'm almost to what seems like the end, having done all but the Nasty Nashazzar tribute mission in Melanchion's lands, and have exposed the bottom corner of the world map (what I presume is Dorikas' Digs).


I don't really want to end the game quite yet (*whine*), and I'm REALLY going to need some level-ups before I can even think about beating Nasty Nash, much less Dorikas.


I also would like to clear out Gladwell's keep, and I heard you could access it from the Soultaker area.

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So uh, I think I know the answer to this one, but well, I never accepted Gladwells Gass, so will I never get into the shadow-key rooms? Silly sad me. I didn't like the sound of "geas" when I first heard it, but maybe I should have taken it!


Anyway I can "fake" those silly doors into opening? I don't think I'll be achieving 90 tool use any time soon.

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Yeah, the only way to get into those rooms is to take the geas. If it's any consolation, you were right to be suspicious of Gladwell's motives. Some of the rewards are very good, especially for how early in the game you can potentially get them, but they cut you off from other rewards later in the game that are almost as good and don't require you to do quite so many bad things.

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