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Health and spell energy


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Energy potions and elixirs are the only way to replace spell energy outside of massive first aid in the party, going up a level, going back to town and a few recharging pools.


Mushrooms replace grain as a source of flour. This is why Avenites really hate the Empire. Have you ever drunk mushroom based alcohol?

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Deliciousness is in the mouth of the bechewer. And consider: even if you had nothing but ice cream to eat morning noon and night, your opinion of its deliciousness might very soon change. Plus, there's probably some nasty mood-altering substance in the mushrooms growing in those dank, dark, drippy caves which puts Avernites in a toxic mood.


My brother considers anchovies on pizza delicious. I am unable to arrive at the same conclusion.



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Do mushrooms really possess enough sugar to be properly fermented?


Or am I missing the basis of the fermentation process?


Granted they're technically a fruit, but... they're also just a fungus.


Mushroom liquor... ugh.


I like mushrooms, too, but honestly... If I had to eat nothing but mushrooms for an entire day, I'd be pretty averse to them for a while, I think.

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mushrooms grow quickly, so i guess they use industrial amounts to produce even one liter of liquor.


Has anyone noticed that the only animal that appears to thrive without difficulty is the, well, RAT?...why don't avernites eat rats?...some cultures consider them delicious eek

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Originally written by upon mars:
Most avernites stuck down there went at the surface.
So it didn't improve much their situation.
Getting lucy in the sky doesn't help.
Obviously they didn't put the connection between shrooms and their tolerance for 3rd world living styles. They thought "If the caves are O.K., then the surface will be amazing". There are likely a lot of disappointed poeple on the surface now. No doubt, the addiction symptoms on the surface are an epedemic.

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Originally written by Mythrael:
Has anyone noticed that the only animal that appears to thrive without difficulty is the, well, RAT?...why don't avernites eat rats?...some cultures consider them delicious eek
Yeah, like dwarves for example. Why aren't there any dwarves in Avernum? Rat on a stick! mhh, yummie!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Must.. resist... temptation.. to argue... must not... topic necro..... Nope I gave in.


Nephil and Slith are essentialy the same as elves and dwarves. Elves are small, dextrous, and shoot bows. So do/are the nephil. Dwarves are strong, live in caves, are good a smithing, and use axes. So are/do the slith, 'cept it's halberds not axes.

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Elves also tend to be represented as highly intelligent and often magically apt. Elves also usually have lifespans in the hundreds of years. This definitely does not describe nephilim. (And in Tolkien, for that matter, elves are actually large and strong and obnoxiously good at everything.)


It's not halberds, it's two-tined spears and javelins. And dwarves typically sing lots of songs and drink lots of drink. More importantly, dwarves tend to have serious trouble with magic, whereas the sliths are represented -- particularly in Exile 1 and 2 -- as being possibly more magically apt than humans.


There are some parallels, but I think they basically boil down to "dex-oriented race" and "str-oriented race" -- while nearly everything else is not congruent.

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Yeah, well,


I was joking.


I like nephils and sliths, - no problem.

I don't care for dvarves or elves (or orks…). I don't mind.

I just care for rat on a stick… wink


(And my slith is still quite unhappy, because he didn't find any inn, yet, where he could get rat on a stick, - just mushrooms…)

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