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The Bullseye Shaper

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The problem with getting creations to move through the door may also be a problem with the waypath algorithm not being able to find a solution that shows a clear path. Sometimes breaking a creation's movement into smaller segments works to get past a door or around other creations and the player.


Jeff has been trying to fix this for ages. If you play the game long enough you will see some really weird paths taken between two points.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
If you play the game long enough you will see some really weird paths taken between two points.
Been there. I once saw a Battle Alpha run all the way around the edge of a wall to get to the other side of an open, unblocked door. And the stupid creation got lost--three times, no less.
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An emphatic yes to short movement sections. If you're in combat and there is anything that could be considered an obstacle in the way, moving one or two spaces at a time can save you from wasting your entire turn on very little ground.


—Alorael, who has skillfully managed to get his characters killed by clicking somewhere and having them maneuver themselves into harm's way without actually launching any attacks. It's a distinct downside to melee.

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Whoa... Go away for a day or two, get lost in Illya Province, and look what happens? Seems our question touched a nerve. (heh, heh)


Okay. Since everyone seems to be in a talkative mood, here's a Q for GF4... (Looked through past posts and couldn't find it by topic. No time to read all of them. So, if this has been broached before, our bad... smirk )


So, here's the deal... Where the heck is Turabi Gates?


The Walkthrough calls for that area right after doing Secured Crossroads. Couldn't find it. We've gone on as far as Dillame Fields, skipped Swamp Crossroads & Illya West Road by accident (turned two pages instead of one blush )and then went through Purity Workshop B, North Illya Woods, Rocky Point and Electrified Fields, hoping the mention that Turabi Gates was North of the Illya Safehouse would bring the place up to our south if we were working above the Safehouse. No go. It still hasn't appeared. Plus, there doesn't seem to be a stairway, strange alcove that magically opens or trapdoor in any 'worked' area that leads to these bloody gates. So? What gives? Is the Walkthrough off and it comes much later??? Or did we walk right by it with blinders on? cool


Thanks for help from any person or creation out there...




BTW. The 'maps' link that LillBenny put out there no longer works or I'd use them. frown

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
... And please don't spam the forum. This justifies a different topic

The Last Archon

shocked ?? Spam ??


Excuse me for that. Guess I'll have to reread the forum's rules and regs and then go cruise the help files on when and how to start a new topic.

But, thanks for the directions. We're off to go find it. tongue

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
A meaningful question is not spam, even if it is posted in an inappropriate location. Ignore Ackrovan.

smile No prob, Thuryl. Thanks for defending... smile

Perhaps Ackrovan is having an off day. I asked a Q a few days ago that was off topic (go back a page or two in this topic) and Ackrovan was the first to answer, with no complains. No worries about me being upset or off-put. Once I get through GF4 one time, guess I'll just have to start a topic entitled: "GF4 Q&A; All Questions Welcome". LOL

Now... we're off to find Turabi Gates!


BTW... Avid is not a he! ROTFLMAO
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I'm sorry if I came off wrong, Avid. I answered first and didn't complain because I figured it was a one time thing. I was just trying to give you some honest advice, though perhaps calling it spam was wrong, which I apologize for the mistake. But if you keep posting questions in the wrong threads, you could be labeled a spambot. Which would suck because so far I like you smile

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Regardless, its annoying and she should stop.

Oh, Ackrovan, it's just such a bad idea to criticize other people like that.

We all do things sometimes that bug other people, and our job is to root those things out in ourselves first, not so much to point the finger at others' mistakes.

The first question maybe we should ask ourselves before posting something is, "will this be helpful?"

Repeating a criticism after someone has already apologized is really... not so much helpful. frown
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Topic necromancy is bad. Spamming unrelatedly in topics is bad. Spamming new topics is bad.


Asking a question in an unrelated topic? Maybe not ideal, but there really are worse crimes out there.


Conclusion: Mistakes were made but we can all be spam-free friends.


—Alorael, who thinks this discussion doesn't have anywhere helpful to go now. And thus, goodbye.

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