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Have I been playing too much Geneforge?

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Originally written by Randomizer:
It's never too much until carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists makes using the mouse impossible.

Although taking a break might be helpful. When you see the game in your sleep you are nearing the end.
Don't be discouraged by such a minor obstacle as carpal tunnel syndrome! Simply switch from mouse to trackball and continue until you can't move your fingers either. smile
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I think the seeing Geneforge in your sleep is more worrisome than the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel can be blamed on other things. Seeing Geneforge in your sleep can't be explained away so easy.


Despite the fact that Dikiyoba sometimes sees Dikiyoba's self as a small, orange dikiyora plotting to build a Geneforge that gives massive amounts of power solely to Dikiyoba, Dikiyoba doesn't think that Dikiyoba has played too much Geneforge. It's not like Dikiyoba has attempted to create that Geneforge yet.

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If you cant move your fingers, you can always use your nose or just hold a pencil in your mouth. If you start screaming in pain from that, toes are always available. Eventually, you will end up with full-body arthritis. smile


Also, seeing Geneforge in your sleep isn't that worrying- seeing it while you are awake might be a little.....odd. eek

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Originally written by Randomizer:
See serviles isn't so bad. It's when they starting talking to you that's the problem. Especially if it's not with deep respect because you are a shapeer.
It's still not that bad as long as you don't go into a store and try to open every jar of pickles and put in your hand, hoping that it's a "canister".

PS This is beginning to sound like a kind of "10 signs you've played too much ..." thread. smile
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Originally by Zeviz:


PS This is beginning to sound like a kind of "10 signs you've played too much ..." thread.
Thirty signs that you've been playing too much Geneforge:


1. You're trying to create your own Geneforge in the basement of your house.


2. You count serviles to lull you to sleep.


3. You expect everyone outside of your clique to automatically give you respect and loyalty.


4. You frequently mistake pickle jars for canisters.


5. You wear hooded robes whenever you are out in public to hide your glowing skin.


6. You are disappointed that you are only allowed seven pets and only four types of pets.


7. People frequently ask you questions about your moral beliefs and spread your answer to everyone they meet.


8. You have red eyes in every photo and in real life, too.


9. You are already stocking up on candy canes in preparation for Geneforge 4's release.




Edit: There. Dikiyoba put together ten things.

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What have I started?! smile


14. When a conversation gets uncomfortable, you press Esc key on your computer keyboard, hoping this will end it.


15. Whenever you enter a house, you have an urge to pick up everything that's not nailed down.


16. When punishing your dog, you tell him "If you do that again, I will absorb you."


17. When your dog misbehaves again, you try to absorb him.


18. When you get a cold, you get into your car, drive out of town, and drive back in, expecting this to restore your health.

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There's a bit of an population expansion policy going on down here in .au, amid fears that we'll have a balloon of retirees and no youngins to support them in twenty years time.


One of the recent campaigns is:


Have three children.

One for Mum, One for Dad, and One for Australia.


So these days whenever I summon my third creation, he's "for Australia".

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Originally written by Michael Pearson:
There's a bit of an population expansion policy going on down here in .au, amid fears that we'll have a balloon of retirees and no youngins to support them in twenty years time.

One of the recent campaigns is:

Have three children.
One for Mum, One for Dad, and One for Australia.

So these days whenever I summon my third creation, he's "for Australia".
Uh, Michael, this thread is about one man's fierce, epic struggle with Geneforge-related dementia.

That said, why isn't it "One For Austraila" instead of "for Austraila"?

EDIT: Play till' your body crumbles into dust and you're reanimated as an Agent Specter.
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Originally by Mr. Bookworm:


Uh, Michael, this thread is about one man's fierce, epic struggle with Geneforge-related dementia.
Well, he should know. He started it. Therefore, his comment was on topic. Even though the thread has moved on to a massive awareness campaign alerting people about the signs of overGeneforging.



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28. You go from real time movement to turn-based movement every time you see someone you don't like.


29. Whenever you walk outside of your house, you expect to be taken to an outside map that will allow you to instantly travel to other places, no matter how far away they are, as long as you don't have to cross any large bodies of water.


30. You're so addicted to canisters that you have no interest in trying any drugs, not even skribbane.



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