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GF3 town background sound effects

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But I do hear the same phases over and over. Someone (a female that sounds just like my mother I might add!) says "let's eat later" in Italian or could be Portuguese since the language is simular. I know it's a loop of sounds, tinkering,etc. & I know it's not intentional to the game. I was just wondering what the sound effect was comprised of. It's definetely not jiberish!

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Originally written by frenchy:
But I do hear the same phases over and over. Someone (a female that sounds just like my mother I might add!) says "let's eat later" in Italian or could be Portuguese since the language is simular. I know it's a loop of sounds, tinkering,etc. & I know it's not intentional to the game. I was just wondering what the sound effect was comprised of. It's definetely not jiberish!
Oh, please. I bet that if you play it backwards, you hear the voice of Satan.
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And I know enough Italian to know that it is not. To me it is def jiberish, sometimes something may sound like a word but it's probably not. Therefore, I'll agree with Thuryl and say that if played backwards, you will hear the voice of Satan. Or perhaps JV saying "register the game, register the game, register the game.


Edit: And it's not Portuguese or Spanish either. It could be a mix of all the above and jiberish though :p

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I'm Italian. Born & raised in Ischia, Italy. I speak 2 languages & I thought I could hear a conversation in the background or sound track of a group speaking like maybe taken in a outdoor market place or party or gathering but I couldn't make it out. Sorry, I just thought someone else heard it too, but I guess not. Maybe it's my imagination! I love the idea that played backwards it might say "register the game..." that cracked me up! Thanks all.


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Sometimes when you can't make out the words in a speach you are hearing, your brain fills it in with random words you know. For example, sometimes I think I hear Russian or English words when people are speak a foreign language I don't know. The same effect is probably going on here.

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Originally written by Marlenny:
Originally written by MagmaDragoon:
Originally written by Marlenny:
...And I know enough Italian to know that it is not...
Really? Can you translate this:
Sono molto felice che qualcuno conosce la mia lingua.

I am very happy that you (somebody/someone) know my language?
Right! How do you know Italian?

For Kelandon: You are studying Latin? Me too, but I always taken bad marks... :rolleyes:
I go better in English. wink
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Originally written by MagmaDragoon:
Originally written by Marlenny:
Originally written by MagmaDragoon:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally written by Marlenny:
<strong>...And I know enough Italian to know that it is not...
Really? Can you translate this:
Sono molto felice che qualcuno conosce la mia lingua.

I am very happy that you (somebody/someone) know my language?
Right! How do you know Italian?</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">1) I know spanish and since it's very similar, I can just tell some of the words by just looking at it.
2) I've always liked Italian so I decided to take Italian classes in college. So far I'm doing well on them
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  • 2 weeks later...

DISCLAIMER: Sorry this topic is about a week old, but the boards are a little slow anyway.


You'd think Mr. Vogel would answer this... I suppose he's the only one who knows for sure.


In Geneforge and GF2, the cities had the same sound effects. The Geneforge towns were populated by serviles, and that high pitched babbling ("AI-chai-chai CHAI-cha, AI pa-pa sai" was stuck in my head) made the impression that Serviles have high voices. I buy that. They do have ridiculously long noses (which I don't like about them really) ... in GF2, I'm just assuming it would have been too much trouble to make new sounds, despite the fact that the cities were also full of humans or Drayks. The GF3 cities sound like they were produced; the "smithy" has got to be a spoon on a plate, and the voices are extraordinarily well-done. They sound very, very near to real language. Perhaps they are one. But not one that I know. Sounds kind of Middle-Eastern to me. The only clear voices are two women, rolling their r's a lot.


That's my contribution.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally written by frenchy:
Does anyone know what language the background sound effects are in when you're in a friendly town? It sounds like a bunch of Italians speaking to me. I recognize a few words and intonations, but it's driving me crazy to find out!
smile ) me too... I thought I heard some french and some german there too... but it's well done, cause it's hard to tell!
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