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It's clear that we currently have some significant issues to discuss, the most obvious being that of the current lack of a stable review site. Also, there's that contest thing.


I propose next Tuesday (March 11th), at 9pm EST. Thoughts? Should it be a weekend instead?


I also prefer le week-end.


And I'd prefer March 8/9 or March 22/23 rather than March 15/16 (exam revision on this weekend).


If it's not a weekend, then I can try to be available after 2000 UTC and before 0400 UTC. Not guaranteed though.


I can make it either way (1900 or 2100). Eph and Thralni, it seems that you're currently making the boundary for the window - Eph said this coming Saturday is tricky (I assume that's why you want it late on Saturday), while Thralni is asleep by 2100.


I may be in and out. I work this Saturday evening (wouldn't it figure… I hate closing on Saturdays).


So let's see… 7:00 PM EST would be 4:00 PM for me, I think. I ought to be able to make it in for a while. Provided there are no undesired complications from my end, of course.


I mean, I'll be around later in the day, but then again I doubt that my presence will be that necessary.


Anyway, my higher priority right now is diagnosing my once again dead laptop. I get to hit the repair shop Saturday morning. frown

Originally written by Arancaytar:
I can make it either way (1900 or 2100). Eph and Thralni, it seems that you're currently making the boundary for the window - Eph said this coming Saturday is tricky (I assume that's why you want it late on Saturday), while Thralni is asleep by 2100.
EST is GMT-5, right? than 9pm is 3 am in Holland, which means I'm asleep. I'll only be able to participate if it were between 2 and 4 pm (for starting time). But please, don't start changing times because the time isn't right for me. As I said, i've got a lot of work, an orchestra rehearsal on saturday and a concert on sundayevening - I won't be able to participate, whatever the time is...

EDIT: 2 and 4pm EST.

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