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My aMAZEing idea...


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I am just about to embark on a rather small scenario I hope to start in a day or to. It will not have a storyline, and will just be a series of different mazes on two mingling paths.


I know that I will make one of the mazes pitch black like the Deep crawler cavern in the Zha khazi run. Another one will be an entire area boxed into little squares with lots of scret passages.


I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ideas for this?

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Please don't do this! Mazes are bad, particularly when they have secret passages... they just aren't fun.


Originally written by Inthrall

It will not have a storyline

Aigh!!! Very bad! The storyline is the main reason that scenarios exist! This is an RPG, after all!


I suggest that you incorporate a maze into a true scenario, and make the maze, how shall I put this... less of a maze. By which I mean, make it less intentionally infuriating to the player, and make it fit into the story. (the Deep Crawler mission in ZKR is a good example of a justified maze... and it doesn't even look like a maze, now does it?)


Surely, you can be more creative than a simple maze.

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I suggest that you incorporate a maze into a true scenario, and make the maze, how shall I put this... less of a maze. By which I mean, make it less intentionally infuriating to the player, and make it fit into the story. (the Deep Crawler mission in ZKR is a good example of a justified maze... and it doesn't even look like a maze, now does it?)

Come to think of it, I could make it a bit like the minotaur legend. you know, where you travel to an island (correct me if im wrong) and fight a minotaur in a maze, and it has a king and other things...
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Well, I had a look and I have am getting ideas already.


Ariadne and the Minotaur


In those days, Athens was required to pay tribute to Crete, the controlling power in the region, a situation that sets the myth in the mid-second millennium BCE: each year, seven young men and seven young women were to be sent to Crete as sacrifices to the Minotaur, a bull-headed monster in the Labyrinth constructed by Daedalus. Theseus, determined to end this horror, volunteered to be one of the sacrifices, and the fourteen chosen sailed to Crete on a ship with black sails, for mourning.


In an episode recounted in Pausanias and Plutarch's vita of Theseus, soon after the Athenians arrived in Crete, Theseus boasted of his parentage, as a son of Poseidon. King Minos, a son of Zeus, demanded he prove his claim by bringing up a golden ring he threw into the ocean, and Theseus descended to the Palace of the Sea, a motif used by the 5th-century Attic vase-painters. In the outcome, Theseus was more than successful: he not only recovered the ring, but also brought up a crown of Thetis that Ariadne was to wear.


Ariadne was a consort of Dionysus. However, she betrayed the old order when she fell in love with Theseus and gave him a magic sword with which to kill the Minotaur, and a spool of thread. Theseus unwound the thread as he made his way to the center of the Labyrinth searching for the Minotaur, so that he could find his way out of the maze again. In some versions, Theseus found and killed the monster while it slept, but later versions have him taking on the creature in battle, and other versions simply have Theseus beat the creature to death. After killing the Minotaur with the magic sword, Theseus married and fled Crete with Ariadne, but then abandoned her, at Athena's demand, on the island of Dia, or possibly Naxos.


I think I could try something small along these lines instead.


Immediate problems I noticed were:

- I would need to add some fighting in to start with, perhaps the local militia wanting to stop me.

- I don't know if I could animate the thread. i would have to mention it in the storyline instead.


*cringes in corner, waits for more stuff to be thrown at him*

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Instead of fighting the local militia, you might have some tense questioning back and forth. A few dialog boxes would probably suffice to give the impression that there was some trouble brewing.


I agree that making the thread actually appear on the ground would be difficult. You could just indicate it by message boxes: "From here, you can see that your thread turns north, which must be the way out!"


Keeping it small and simple is good, especially for a first scenario.

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I suppose. I was just thinking that there wouldn't be much fighting in it.


Another problem would be finding a minotaur animation and/or a magic sword which is good against it. I guess I could make a custom item for the sword, and make it like Demonslayer with different wording. But I don't know about the minotaur. Any ideas?


Also, im not sure whether to make this story set in avernum, and just make it a demon. Im not sure on many things actually.

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Just a suggestion adding combat- we already have a boar graphic, why not use a slight modification? You don't have to stick straight to the legend of Thesus, you know. And then you can just plop them in certain areas.


As for a minotaur graphic, you could blow up and add horns to this graphic. It might need to be tinted red, but that's easy.

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Originally written by Kelandon:
Originally written by Inthrall:
Also, im not sure whether to make this story set in avernum, and just make it a demon. Im not sure on many things actually.
Better to keep it out of Avernum. Too many scenarios (one of them mine) are set in Avernum with demon villains.
Set it on the surface... we need more good scenarios on the surface. More specifically, some dry canyon kind of place would probably work well. And it'd save you work on graphics, since you could just use the dry ground floors/cliffs/walls.
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Awww... Just deleted my post. Better start again.


Set it on the surface... we need more good scenarios on the surface. More specifically, some dry canyon kind of place would probably work well. And it'd save you work on graphics, since you could just use the dry ground floors/cliffs/walls.
More specifically, some dry canyon kind of place would probably work well.
I think I will make the island of Crete a prosperous place. They are the dominating nation of the time. But, the area around the minotaurs lair will be lifeless. Yes, I will put it in a dry canyony place.


I was thinking that I could put the Minotaur at some ruins on the verge of collapse (after the maze). When the Minotaur dies, he knocks a pillar, and the place collapses. This means I wouldn't need to have to follow the magic thread out again.


Also, could someone sort out the Minotaur animation for me? Learning to script and making scenarios is enough for me.

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Why don't you make a text intro stating that you were thrown into the minotaurs maze as a sacrifice, and start it off with the player somewhere in the maze. Maybe have the minotaur moving, and to add to the suspense make the player aware of the minotaurs movement, maybe some hoofs galloping in the background.


Traps and hidden goodies are always fun in a maze. I don't know how you would end it though, I think it would be fun if you had to run from the minotaur instead of fighting it, and put a clue of how to escape somewhere in the maze to add a puzzle.

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