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A2CS Remix -- testers wanted

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I'm coming in to the closing stretch of my work on the A2CS remix, thanks in part to some waking up from Aeolus (thanks, Aeolus!). It's significantly more ambitious than the first one and I'm pretty excited about it.


It'll be a few days before I finish, but as we're rapidly running out of summer, I'd like to line up a few testers for when it's ready, with the goal of a 1.0 release late next week. This will not be super heavy demand testing -- I'm not expecting long playthroughs or anything -- but I've made so many small changes that I know extra eyes will be helpful.


If you're interested and have some time free early next week, please PM me your email address. If I don't already know who you are, please also say something to give me some confidence that you would be a competent and helpful tester. Testers will receive some pretty nifty credit within the remix itself (as will Edgwyn and Dikiyoba, who gave me some great testing on another project that didn't come to fruition).


Also note that while this will run on Macs and PCs, including on Steam, it will not work on iOS copies of the game (or copies purchased through the Mac App Store). Sorry. (Blame Apple.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Do you mind if I ask how it's going, Slartibus? I don't post here very often but I really liked what you did with the Remix for Escape from the Pit, so I would enjoy it if you would keep us up-to-date.


I would offer to help you test, but I just started a new job and, if I'm being honest, I haven't played through vanilla Crystal Souls yet, so I wouldn't be comfortable or probably capable of contrasting and comparing the base version and yours.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the moral support, everyone. In typical Slarty fashion, I have started too many projects instead of just picking one and finishing it. I'm actually trying to remedy that right now, but this project isn't the lucky one. So, not quite yet...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 years later...
3 hours ago, Dry Peak, Soggy Bottom said:

Thanks.  I've just discovered that I do still in fact have the files for this.  I'm not sure I have the time to deal with the last 10% of stuff necessary to get it finished, but in the crazy event that happens, I'll PM you.

As we all know, in programming the first 90% of the project takes 90% of the time and the last 10% takes the next 90%.

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  • 2 months later...

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