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Which Spiderweb game to get?


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in the past I played Avadon, Avernum Escape from the Pit and checked out Geneforge. Now I am wondering whether I should get Avernum 4/5/6 or Nethergate. And I though this would be the best place for such a "generic" question.


What I didn't like about Avadon was the very guided way you had to play the game, the very constructed game layout (every party member runs away and has a quest) and the very last part and the ending. The general story and the topic about whether or not it's good to "enforce" piece was great.


Avernum Escape from the Pit on the other hand - loved the open world, the difficulty was great (I love challenges in games) and while the main story wasn't as good as in Avadon I think it was still very good and I liked the writing in the general quests quite much...even though spider might have been a little too silly. ^^

Did every single Achievement in Avernum and spent 159 hours in that game. So yes, I loved it.


Somwhere I mentioned before that I think the Graphics and sound in Spiderweb gaes could massively benefit from kickstarter to buy some new assets. Buying new Art and Music to use in multiple games, but that's not really the topic here. The graphics and sound effects were something I could live with in Avadon and Avernum. I disabled the background noise/music as it was just horrible and replaced it by some Nox Arcana tunes.


Geneforge hower...well...I goess there is my boarder of "what I can get over with". The first four I couldn't stand longer than a couple of minutes and the 5th one was somewhat "boarderline" and I played it for just 4h.


So, now there are 3 more Avernum games out there and I am wondering:

Was Avernum Eftp a new version of the first three games as one game?

How much content is in Avernum 4,5 and 6?

Do these games play after Avernum Eftp?

Can you take over your heroes from 4 to 5 to 6? Like back in the days in EOB, Ishar, Wizardry, Realms of Arkania...well you got it.

How much content is in Nethergate?

Can I play the games in the same resolution as Avernum Eftp/ Avadon?

As far as I can see Avernum/Avadon have achievements while the others haven't. Were Avernum 4,5,6 and Nethergate older games which were "ported" to steam later on like Geneforge?


Would you recommend Avernum 4,5,6 and Nethergate to me? And what makes them awesome?


I know that I could probably have found most of these answers somewhere with lots of digging. But...I think the one or another might also be happy to talk about their favorite game and so I'd like to hear it from you. ;)

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Avernum: Escape from the Pit is a new version of the first game in the Avernum series, and the first game only. There will be new versions of the second and third games later.


I'd say Avernum 6 is about the same size as Escape from the Pit, and Avernum 4 and 5 are slightly smaller. All three are definitely much larger than Avadon.


Each Avernum game's plot follows on from the plot of the previous one. Each one is set a decade or two after the previous game, so NPCs from older games show up again in later ones, but you can't import player characters from one game into the next.


Each plotline in Nethergate (Celts and Romans) is about the size of Avadon, or maybe a bit larger. Some content is shared between the two plotlines, though.


Older games will generally play at a smaller resolution.


Avadon was the first Spiderweb game to feature achievements. You're correct that Nethergate and the second Avernum trilogy are older games.


If you're not sure whether you'll like a game, you can always download the demo and try it for free. Your savefile from the demo will carry over into the full game. However, if Geneforge 5's production values were a sticking point for you, Avernum 6's probably will be too.


Did I miss anything?

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Every time a game is remade there is extra content added. Avernum 4, 5, and 6 are recent enough that they won't be remade for at least 5 years. Jeff will probably remake Geneforge 1 before he does them.


Nethergate: Resurrection was a remake of Nethergate with some new content and using the Avernum 3/Blades of Avernum game engine. However the spell system is unlike any of the other games. Some players don't like the graphics so download a demo.


These games are more linear than the first 3 Avernum games, but not as much as Avadon.

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Avadon and Avernum: Escape from the Pit are Spiderweb's newest games, the pinnacles of graphical and interface evolution for Jeff. You will find ALL other Spiderweb games...I won't say inferior, because I think some of them of much better games than Avadon...but the graphics and interface won't be as modern.

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It sounds as though you'll want to hold out for the remakes of Avernum 2 and Avernum 3, which are coming soon-ish. You should also try Avernum 4-6 in the meantime, though they'll have some minor spoilers for Avernum 2 and 3 in them; A4-6 are about on the level of technical sophistication of the later GF games, but they're in the Avernum world, so you might find them more appealing simply on grounds of plot.


I didn't like A4 much, but I thought that A5 was pretty good. You might dislike the linearity of A5 (it's a river journey, so you pretty much go straight down the river, with a little doubling back). A5 takes a while to get going, but when it does, it's really good. Haven't gotten to A6 yet, so I can't say about that.

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I was trying to play E1-3 but I couldn't get them to work even in Wine. Sylae told me it was because of PulseAudio, which I don't know how to remove, so I just started playing A1-3 instead.


As I've said elsewhere though, the graphics have a certain painting-like charm that doesn't seem to be matched by the 3D-rendered, folded-down isometric graphics of Spidweb's newer games, at least in my opinion.

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ADoS, don't remove pulse entirely unless you fancy setting up another audio server like jack to handle all your sounds. you don't fancy that. just go to your Wine prefs, audio tab, and dink with things until they work.

Edited by Sylae
also go play blades of exile because i love you OP
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