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Even if I stopped posting now, I don't think spamming several thousand posts would be any kind of fun. Repetitive stress injury and boredom are more likely outcomes.


—Alorael, who's pretty sure Rowen's father doesn't know that day and hour either. Cordelia's and Miranda's father might. Their mother is even more likely.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Come on, people! Don't you love the Hitchcockian suspense, the thrill of knowing that at any moment, but mostly the moment you least suspect, the friendly UBB boards that you know may...transform?! Doesn't just get the adrenaline pumping?

But... But... I don't want to explode unexpectedly...

See? Nobody expects me to put this message, place the real meaning of "A", and expect this unexpected message. Expect everything!
Originally Posted By: don't call me Chuck
I think it's more of a cold sweat waiting for something to happen. Little activity, it seems, as everyone sits and waits...

And why is it always the moment you least expect?! Can't I expect it every moment equally?

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