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An epic game


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Excluding some of the graphical stuff and odd bug here and there this game proved to be incredibly challenging and really epic.


I played on torment except for when I fought Redbeard and Zhossa the first time. I put it on hard for those fights.


The story and the complexity and the depth of the political struggle and the really hard decisions of whom to be loyal to all was amazingly well delivered.

After playing Avernum I have to say although I do not like the tighter and more linear pathways I am/was impressed by the game.


I have my frustrations with some things that felt overlooked but overall I have to give proper kudos for an epic experience.


In contrast to so many shallow game experiences today this was a welcome reprieve.

I am definitely looking forward to the future Avadon series.

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Well, yeah it is an epic game. It is really awesome about the choices which some are really tricky. And the graphics were not disappointing, like taking a huge step from GF5 to Avadon.


But to me, no one would beat the awe inspiring storyline on The Geneforge saga.


-Epic games, Nightwatcher

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I agree. I really like Avadon, even though it has some major flaws (linearity, horribly imbalanced stat system, level caps out way too early). But it was also my first spiderweb game so I probably am more fond of it than some of the hardcore fans might be. Hopefully the sequel will correct some of Avadon's problems.


Like Rehct says, though, If you like Avadon you will love the Geneforge series as it combines the best of Avernum and Avadon: Avernum's openness/freedom with Avadon's focus on plot.

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Originally Posted By: Juan Carlo
Like Rehct says, though, If you like Avadon you will love the Geneforge series as it combines the best of Avernum and Avadon: Avernum's openness/freedom with Avadon's focus on plot.

Same thing...
You can also call me simply by reversing the letters on my name
-Rehctawthgin is, Nightwatcher
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Absolutely epic!


I've had to delete it off my iPad after playing through 2.5 times (I can get it back through the iTunes store later) - it's addictive. Once I played through on normal as more or less how I would act in the same situations, I played through on normal again, but this time was as mean & bloodthirsty as possible.


I was going through on torment/hard, and was just needing to put it down for a while. Seriously great replay value.


The only problem I've seen is that the overall plot doesn't seem to change no matter how you play. I'd love to see certain areas/quests/items only attainable if you've been "the good guy", or loyal servant to Avadon, or whatever for most of the game. Dunno how that would be best accomplished, but it would be one of the few tweaks to improve what is already an amazing game.

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Originally Posted By: ihavenothingprofoundtosay
The only problem I've seen is that the overall plot doesn't seem to change no matter how you play. I'd love to see certain areas/quests/items only attainable if you've been "the good guy", or loyal servant to Avadon, or whatever for most of the game. Dunno how that would be best accomplished, but it would be one of the few tweaks to improve what is already an amazing game.

If you haven't already found them, the Geneforge games pretty much give you this exact thing. They're not on the iPad, but you can get them for a really good price from Steam (or this very website). It's certainly worth downloading the demo and giving them a whirl!
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Geneforge series, whenever it gets remade for the iPad, has factions where you can only get certain quests if you belong to the faction or have a reputation favoring them. Avernum and Avadon are more open in that you can always get quests, but some of them have more than one person wanting the same item. Some of the later Avernum games have you choosing sides in their little disputes,

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If you're open to playing on PC/Mac rather than iPad, Nethergate might be what you're looking for. You choose your faction at the very beginning, and it alters not only every major quest and quite a few minor ones, but also the equipment you can use and the skills you can learn.


—Alorael, who got this in before Tyran came by with his standard response of simply posting the Nethergate splash screen.

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There are tons of Spiderweb RPGs for you to explore on your iPad, if you configure it correctly.


Connect your PC to the internet or Wi-Fi, depending on whether you are mobile or stationary.

Buy and install the Spiderweb RPGs on your PC.

Set up VNC, add SSH if you have anything important on your PC.

Install the companion VNC app from the App Store, more work if you require SSH.

Play PC Spiderweb RPGs to your heart's delight on your iPad. Easy peasy. smile

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I actually tried that with BoA, on several different apps, and got pretty mixed results. It's nowhere near a perfect solution, but if you're really desperate to play on the move it's doable.


The app that personally worked the best for me was one called LogMeIn, but I know that Tyranicus has had luck with another; just try a few out and see which interface works best - and which lags the least!

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