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I have some Problems:

1) How can i switch between the characters in the combat mode

for example, each character has some AP,

I wand to fire firebolt, then switch to warrior the finish

the enemy, then switch back the to sorcerers etc.

Klicking on the Portait doesnt work? Bug? Feature? Fix it!

2) Im playing it on the Tablet 10.1, and its allready hard to

see some small items on the Floor! Make a key to highlight


3) Hand Button? Seriously? I mean i have played BG1,2 and

IWD1,2 but this on touchscreen is a no go! Fix it!

4) Roundbased should be OPTIONAL! I dont want to fight 20

rats round by round? Im on hard,....still simply click

and wait,click and wait! Fix it!

5) Start Baldurs Gate 1, then look to the

animations,...well you have a lot to improve!

6) Hire someone to draw the backgrounds, it would extremely improve the graphics. I know its oldschool, but does it have to look ugly?( Sorryy for this last one, i had to make a point) smile


Thanks for reading, sorry for mistakes!

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I think so too, but I want to grab at point 4 anyway.


Originally Posted By: hellodolly

4) Roundbased should be OPTIONAL! I dont want to fight 20

rats round by round? Im on hard,....still simply click

and wait,click and wait! Fix it!


Combat in all SW games is round-based, nothing we can do about that. But ordinary wandering around happens in real time (in Avadon), so there's a bright point for you.

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Point 1 is a feature. You have to use all of one character's action points (or end their turn) before the next character can go.


Point 2... the best solution Dikiyoba can think of is to bring up the get items screen often to catch any items you might not otherwise see. Lamps and candles might help in dark areas as well.

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Point 1 is a feature since Avernum 4 when the wait command was eliminated. Before then you would have to type w to skip a character's action until later in the round and go onto the next character. There never was a way to pick and choose which character's action goes next.

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I doubt Jeff will go back to using a wait command because most of the old reasons for using it are no longer there.


It allowed characters to switch positions because under the old system once your character's actions were all completed the character couldn't be moved. This prevented putting a healthier character in the position of an injured one or to shift so melee fighters could reach targets when they were blocked in a narrow corridor.


Haste and slow were changed so it no longer had the last one casting it took effect no matter how may times it was cast.

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The wait command was very open to abuse. In particular, having your entire party "wait" before engaging enemies you knew were there would give them one free round after the enemies turns (of not doing anything, since the hadn't found the party yet). Not being able to switch characters is also substantially due to the system giving different PCs and enemies different positions in the turn order depending on Dexterity (and sometimes other things). If you could move your entire party as soon as your fastest character is active, your slow mages would become equally speedy.


—Alorael, who doesn't see this as reducing tactical depth. Having to decide how to use actions when the order in which characters act is preset is its own kind of tactical choice. And it's much less open to abuse. Most of the other complaints are about the basic nature of Spiderweb games as low-budget, mostly one-man turn-based games. Jeff doesn't want to pay others more for nice graphics or sound, and he doesn't seem to want to switch to real-time.

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He could go with a Baldur's Gate-style real time with pause, or with Dragon Age's automatically attacking targets until they're dead with only special abilities to control.


—Alorael, who predicts neither. Among other things, he'd have to give party member AI a serious boost. It's not worth the effort to abandon his niche.

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Guys I think, i have been misunderstood! Simply one should be able to SWITCH the characters in the CAMBAT mode until they run out of the AP! Back and forth back and forth! I dont want the wait Button, and since the Realtime incorporation(with ai etc) would be too complex.


So please allow us to klick onto the portairt and choose the character in the combat mode IF the have still some AP left!

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The difference would be that you can choose the order in which the characters act. hellodolly does not ask for a complex management where you move first character then wait and move another one then come back to first.


He only wants to be able to choose the order the characters play.

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Originally Posted By: Bewi
He only wants to be able to choose the order the characters play.

No, that's not it.

Originally Posted By: hellodolly
Simply one should be able to SWITCH the characters in the CAMBAT mode until they run out of the AP! Back and forth back and forth!

And there's a good reason you can't do it, which Alorael has already posted:

Originally Posted By: Alorael
Not being able to switch characters is also substantially due to the system giving different PCs and enemies different positions in the turn order depending on Dexterity (and sometimes other things). If you could move your entire party as soon as your fastest character is active, your slow mages would become equally speedy.
(bold mine)
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Im sorry I dont see the the Problem! Now we have 2 Phases one can say: Enemys turn and Players Turn! Right?! I dont care how it works right now to determine who is moving first, this system is too outdated and reduce the complexity! Simply (if you still want to use dexerity for somereason) it should determin who is moving first(BUT the Enemy or the Player), then each charakter should be able to use theit AP´s freely, and the switching should also work! This is System was used by many games: Fallout 1 and 2 BG1&2, IWD 1&2 and many many more, it is more logical and more fun then the system the game engine is using right now.


Im not asking the designer to do it right now, im just pointing out, that the system he is using right now, is not optional for the round based game.


You argument the the caster would be more usefull than the rest due to their hight damge output, it completly right, but it can simply be fixed with an increase of the ap ussage.


I get you point that the change is to deep for the game mechanics, all I am sying is that, the "other" system would incerease the tactical oportunities

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Originally Posted By: hellodolly
Simply (if you still want to use dexerity for somereason) it should determin who is moving first(BUT the Enemy or the Player), then each charakter should be able to use theit AP´s freely, and the switching should also work! This is System was used by many games: Fallout 1 and 2 BG1&2, IWD 1&2 and many many more, it is more logical and more fun then the system the game engine is using right now.

If you're using Fallout as an example of what you're asking for, then I really don't understand what you're asking for at all. Fallout only had one character controllable by the player and all other characters were NPCs, so there was nobody else you could switch your turn over to.
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Originally Posted By: hellodolly
Im sorry I dont see the the Problem! Now we have 2 Phases one can say: Enemys turn and Players Turn! Right?! I dont care how it works right now to determine who is moving first, this system is too outdated and reduce the complexity! Simply (if you still want to use dexerity for somereason) it should determin who is moving first(BUT the Enemy or the Player), then each charakter should be able to use theit AP´s freely, and the switching should also work!

It's not just two phases. The player's turn itself consists of several rounds; one round for each character in your party. And this order (of deciding which party member plays first) depends on dexterity etc. This is the way it was made.

What I'm unsure of is whether the party is considered as a single unit (like in the first Avernum series) or if the "Enemies' Turn" and "Players Turn" are intermingled (ie, there is no such distinction). Can Party Member 1 attack, then an enemy attack and only then the control returns to Party Member 2 ?
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You can't compare character switching to Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, either, because those games had real-time with pauses. You didn't to get choose when characters acted, exactly. You got to tell them what to do next, and their initiative determined the order in which they did it. That's not how Spiderweb games work. (I know you'd prefer them that way, but it's not how they are.)


—Alorael, who could have sworn he's had his high-dex characters go before enemies and his low-dex characters go after them in Avadon. And still, if you can switch characters, it doesn't expand tactical thinking. It expands options, which either means the default is fine or you can pick one that's better and makes your party more effective. That's nice, but it throws off balance unless the game is designed for that. For a fairly minor benefit there's little incentive for Jeff to make the game work that way.

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Originally Posted By: BMA
the "Enemies' Turn" and "Players Turn" are intermingled (ie, there is no such distinction). Can Party Member 1 attack, then an enemy attack and only then the control returns to Party Member 2 ?

This. Sometimes it will work out that all of your characters act in sequence, especially if you're fighting one type of enemy. Or if everyone in your party has high Dex - which they will later in the game. But you will find with faster enemies that it may go:


or some variation.
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Originally Posted By: Lack of Dearth
You can't compare character switching to Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, either, because those games had real-time with pauses. You didn't to get choose when characters acted, exactly. You got to tell them what to do next, and their initiative determined the order in which they did it. That's not how Spiderweb games work. (I know you'd prefer them that way, but it's not how they are.)

—Alorael, who could have sworn he's had his high-dex characters go before enemies and his low-dex characters go after them in Avadon. And still, if you can switch characters, it doesn't expand tactical thinking. It expands options, which either means the default is fine or you can pick one that's better and makes your party more effective. That's nice, but it throws off balance unless the game is designed for that. For a fairly minor benefit there's little incentive for Jeff to make the game work that way.
okey lets see, if i attck with caster first with aoe, is the same if attack with him last?
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Having characters act in the order of some stat or roll is the standard. It's been the standard since early versions of D&D. What modern development are you thinking of?


—Alorael, who doesn't understand the question in your other post. Acting first and last isn't always the same. Sometimes going first is better, so you can hit enemies while they're still clumped. Sometimes last is better, so you can wait for them to clump. But having the choice gives you an additional tactical edge, which reduces difficulty. Not letting you do that is also a valid game design decision.

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Originally Posted By: Jerakeen
Originally Posted By: Paucity of Inadequacy
Jeff...doesn't seem to want to switch to real-time.

I hope not! He'd lose this customer if he did. Frantically clicking on monsters until they die is not my idea of a good time.

how about realtime battle but character uses main attack automatically on enemy until he/she/it dies?
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Originally Posted By: hellodolly
...the other system is much more fun.

That's your opinion. It's perfectly valid, but not everyone shares it. I personally enjoy how Spiderweb sets things up. If I want my high-damaging characters to get first crack and thus get an extra attack before they start taking damage, I have to invest in dexterity.

Originally Posted By: hellodolly
okey lets see, if i attck with caster first with aoe, is the same if attack with him last?

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not. If not, then let me point out that there is a big difference. With high-damage, low-HP characters, hitting first could get you a one-hit kill, while going last could get you killed before you can attack.

Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
how about realtime battle but character uses main attack automatically on enemy until he/she/it dies?

Alorael already mentioned this style:
Originally Posted By: Lack of Dearth
He could go with a Baldur's Gate-style real time with pause, or with Dragon Age's automatically attacking targets until they're dead with only special abilities to control.

—Alorael, who predicts neither. Among other things, he'd have to give party member AI a serious boost. It's not worth the effort to abandon his niche.
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Autosaving hangs on a regular computer too.


The Autosave shouldn't occur every combat turn since it's only suppose to happen outside of combat. You maybe seeing something else with the game's AI moving monsters or running a random number generator to consider monster's actions and paths of movement algorithm.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Autosaving hangs on a regular computer too.

The Autosave shouldn't occur every combat turn since it's only suppose to happen outside of combat. You maybe seeing something else with the game's AI moving monsters or running a random number generator to consider monster's actions and paths of movement algorithm.

You're right it is not autosave, but it is not AI either (there's no pause between my phase and AI phase). It is another save that is made, the one that let's me restore a game when I quit without saving. While in combat I get back to the beginning of last turn. Is similar save done on PC version too? (Seems like I'd have to check other ports of Humble Bundle).
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