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Formerly-Castle-Denied Dentist of Avadon


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Fightcat, don't worry, she's edible. You'll have to kill her before but drake's meat is definetely tasty. There is more than a thread on Zeph, sorry I'm too lazy to look for it. However two things are sure to me, that are 1) your party need plenty of high defenses spells, scrolls, potions, anything and 2) You better fight her more than once. Not simply to overcome her but also to practice and learn useful tactics from this fight, that is one of the longest and complicated of the game smile

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Ok, I found my way.


I very very rarely had used potions before so I have simply a stock of potions stacked up almost from the start of the game.


Team drink speed potions, Jennell summons a drake which keeps Zephyrine at bay as we hammer down the awakened watcher twice each round. The highest average damage is inflicted by the shaman, btw.


I tried with Nathalie to no avail. As she was the one since I've known her, Jennell saves the day yet again.


As soon as I take down a guard, I run away, leave the region, let the team rest to full HP and prepare the skills ready to go, I return to ram some more guardians -this will prevent at least 3 potions of each kind, I predict.

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Its kinda wierd. I played the entire game on hard. There were some challenging bits, and some easy bits, but I found Zephrine to be extremely hard. In fact, one of the two fights that I just seemed unable to complete on hard. Then I got bored and turned it down to casual. I hardly needed any stratagy then. She died fairly easily. Took a little while to take down the golems and then her, but it wasn't that hard after I turned it down. I guess that's why they call it casual tongue But still, possibly you could try turning down the difficulty level. (I missed out on the medal by doing this, btw, so if you want it really badly you should try something else)

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Changed my mind. 3rd watcher awakens after you take half of Zephyrine's HP down which is when Zephyrine gets hasted dealing quadruple attacks every turn. So you get quite battered until that point and for a couple more turns. Bringing down 3rd watcher is something I could not accomplish yet.


I'm not turning down the difficulty level, harharharrr >:|


Tips & tricks accepted.

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The key to this fight is to minimise the damage you take by spreading your party out so that Zephyrine can hit as few of you as possible at any one time. The problem is that there's an inherent tension between doing this and being able to keep everyone healed and buffed. Positioning a shaman's summoned monster on the opposite side of Zephyrine as a distraction works well: remember that enemies will usually attack whatever was the last thing to hit them before their turn. Expect to use lots of speed potions, group haste scrolls, healing elixirs, group heal scrolls and any other items you have. Even summoning wands can be useful to give Zephyrine something to chew on that isn't you for a turn.

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As other players already point out, Fightcat, you better not loose hits on Zephyrine before you kill the constructs, all of them, so try to keep her busy and far from your chars with the help of summons, knockback items and so on.


In the very beginning of the fight you could do significant damage to Zeph, it happens when you are lucky enough to stun her for 2/3 turns. But later on she heals herself, sothat this advantage becomes futile.

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