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Luck or Quick Action?

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I just started playing the game geneforge 1 and i gotta admit-im liking it. Not an easy game, but not frustratingly difficult. I am currently a lvl 2 agent and will make a missile weapon user. I am using batons and was wondering about what to take favor over-Quick Action or Luck? Luck supposedly gives you more chance to hit, evade and other things plus adding 2 to your armor class per 2 points (as said in the faq). Quick action supposedly gives you a chance to get 2 actions, but the question is is that with just melee or both melee, missile, and spells?

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Luck in Geneforge 1 is useful and can be bought somewhere. It can reduce your chance of getting hit. It's usefulness is less in later games.


Quick action only helps with melee attacks and going sooner in combat. It won't be as helpful for an agent that uses spells and missile attacks.

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If that is the case then im only going to bump QA up to 5. The only reason that i thought it would be good was because the game faqs faq said it gives you a second turn by you going before your opponent. Kind of like in fallout 1 and 2.


Im still going to play with this character but it doesnt seem like missile weapons are at all favored by any class compared to melee and spells/shaping. Shapers would probably be the only ones using missile weapons besides the agents. I would be very surprised to see a guardian wielding them.


Are there any other skills or spells that enhance missile weapons at all or is it just blessing spells?

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Ive run into a problem. I havent finished the demo of the game and the shopkeepers in takiri dont have a high stock on baton thorns. Dont shopkeepers restock with supplies? I am only on the 5th area and am using a thorn baton. Can someone tell me how to make thorns or w/e to get more supplies. There has to be a restocking of items.

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No, no shops in G1 restock anything. Ever.


However, the game is FULL of thorns. Have you been to the shops at Ellrah's Keep? What about the shops at Pentil? Those are both places in the demo. There are also thorns you can pick up (or get from bushes) in the Thorny Fen zone (also in the demo). Finally, if you just keep exploring you'll find more thorns lying around.


I hope that helps.


Edit: sniped by Randomizer.

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
No. In fact...well, I don't know about G4 and G5, but in G1, G2, and G3, stores never restock their items (though starting in G3 they no longer run out of gold).
Nope, they never restore. There's a finite number of items in all Spiderweb games, with the possible exception of Avadon (windows user, don't know if this changed. Doubt it).
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Exile has some stores with unlimited supplies, and also infinite enemies who drop infinite items. At least some stores restock in A1-3.


—Alorael, who is not conceptually bothered by limited money in stores. Shopkeepers aren't known for having bottomless pockets with which to buy junk off of passers-by. It makes sense that they'll only buy so much of your random stuff from their discretionary funds.

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If we really wanted realism, the way to go would be to give shopkeepers limited funds, but gradually restock money (as well as items) as the game's date/clock advanced. These stories do take place over the course of months at minimum, perhaps sometimes even years. Of course, presumably shopkeepers would only buy items that they could reasonably resell, based on the general type of their shop, and there would probably be a lot of collection quests for specific items.


All told, I prefer Jeff's emphasis on fun over pure realism in his more recent games.

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I'm thinking of Silverlocke, of course, who gets bought out to provide more potions. There are also some stores that don't run out of items. Levy is the obvious and probably unintended one.


—Alorael, who tried selling Silverlocke to Levy. Nobody came out of that deal happy.

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Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam: Drunk on Coffee
By the end of G2, my agent had approximately 30% accuracy with any given spell, and 60% accuracy with my acid baton. Are you saying I built my character wrong?

If you're only hitting a third of the time when you try to use what should be your strongest stat, then yes, you built your character wrong.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
If you're only hitting a third of the time when you try to use what should be your strongest stat, then yes, you built your character wrong.

Wrong relative to the standard of optimization. If one desired to build the most powerful Agent possible, then yes, investing in missile weapons was wrong. If for reason one wanted to play an Agent that did not use magic, well, that's another story.
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Alright i misjudged this, it is a bit too tough. I might have to reconsider purchasing it. I finished the first 2 basic areas and got to vakiri village. That was easy enough. Brodus blade told me to take out some bandits up north and i get there and they are hitting me for 37 damage a pop. How are you supposed to survive damage that high when your life is 26??


Not even my old school days of bg1 were the creators bold enough to have me getting 1 shot koed in the beginning of the game. How are you supposed to fight these bastards when they hit for so much damage? There is no where to learn any blessing spells (which would help a lot), I cant figure out how to get the berries from the bushes or what they look like, and the game wont allow me to hostile the bandits unless i am right in front of them(where i will die). I dont know.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The only change in later Geneforge games was that shops now had infinite money to buy your loot. The early games in small isolated areas had finite amounts of cash at each store.

I'm pretty sure I've seen unlimited javelin supplies in stores in later Geneforge games.
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