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Which Game's Spells do you prefer?

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It's marginal because the differences between E2 and E3 spells are small. On the whole I preferred the earlier game. The mage version of ravage enemy was vaguely useful. Repel was a useful spell (for ogre mages, and so on) and I missed not having it in my Anama party. But the real clincher for me is, why introduce both falling asleep and paralysis (pretty much the same effect) but not give you a single spell to inflict acid? E3 forfeits points for a lost opportunity.

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I think that its due to the fact that the stronger you are, the more targets you have, therefore lowering the points. The more targets you have, the less points it takes off.


That said, it is a pretty weak spell anyway, and I never used it, so I would not know. Stick to flame, fireball or flamestrike.

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Originally written by The Holiest of Toenails:
E3's because there is an insane amount of spells, all used for fun.
This is the very important thing that Jeff seems to have forgotten. Well over 100 spells with 30 or so ones you actually use often mixed in is vastly better than 24 -ok- spells.
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Originally written by Drakefyre:
50, but it takes a long time.
I find it extremely easy to get to level 50 with a single character party, I havn't even solved the troglo/giant plague with mine yet and he's level 45 or so. Not due to lack of ability, mind you, just havn't gotten there yet. Avatar and major summon are the single man's best friend.
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Major summon? Phaw. I like Avatar, Antimagic Cloud, and Slow Group/Mass Paralysis.


But actually, most of the time when I play as a singleton, I don't bother with mage spells. I'll pile on the the encumbering armor. I just cast Avatar and hack away while nobody can touch me.


But that's true - singletons do gain levels much faster than larger parties. I've taken a party where everyone was under level 20 to the endgame and won, so level is more a factor of how much you explore than how powerful you are.

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