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I need to feed. Suggestions?

Angry Ogre

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Originally Posted By: Other
Also, there are challenges in the game you could set on yourself: All combat, all unarmed, evil, stupid, speed finishing the game, ect.
'Stupid' was actually one of my favorite playthroughs. Set your intelligence so low that you can't even talk to people, and you actually get some really interesting options throughout the game. Since you can't talk your way into Vault City, they end up convincing your tiny mind to remove your armor and surrender, and you do it without being given a choice and end up a servant in the city. Infiltration successful. It was hilarious. I highly recommend a stupid play through for both Fallout 1 and 2. I don't think 3 is the same in this manner.

Edit: Oh, for ammo, kill the two merchants in the Den, the second town you go to. You get all kinds of guns and drugs (which are as good as cash) from them, and no one in town will care that you took them out. If you still need more ammo, that's exactly what all those random encounters with mercenary groups are for!
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Originally Posted By: Monroe
I highly recommend a stupid play through for both Fallout 1 and 2.

Or if you don't have time for a stupid playthrough yourself, you can watch some other dude do it and document it. (Probably not safe for delicate minds, but this is Fallout we're talking about so maybe that goes without saying.)
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Actually, I believe the stolen stuff goes to one of the Den's merchants, not the bar lady.


I remember wasting a lot of time on the Vault City/Gecko chain. So much so that I actually ran out of time on the GECK quest. Had to reload and get a car because of that, but the car's totally worth it. Also, I highly recommend going to San Francisco as soon as you can and helping the Brotherhood guy there. You can get BOS and Enclave power armor early on, and also some pretty useful weapons.

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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
Originally Posted By: Other
If those children steal from you and you don't catch them, where would the items go? Would they be gone forever?

Thanks to my leet walkthrough-reading skills, they go to a shopkeeper... somewhere in the Den. Dunno where.
Originally Posted By: Monroe
The children take their stolen wares to the lady who runs the bar. Walk past the children while in combat mode to avoid getting pick-pocketed.
I know this, but I was asking if you killed the shopkeepers, and then the children stole from you, what would happen to the items?
Originally Posted By: Lilith
Originally Posted By: A Figment Of Your Imagination
I remember wasting a lot of time on the Vault City/Gecko chain. So much so that I actually ran out of time on the GECK quest.

I didn't even know that was possible. Then again, I always get the car ASAP.
Maybe he is talking about getting the fourth dream and the town being destroyed. But that isn't the end.
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The Children in the Den give the things they stole to he merchant named Flick. After which you can then purchase your stuff back from him. So, if you kill the shopkeepers, I imagine your stolen stuff is gone.


Or, in the Restoration Mod, there is a quest to open an orphanage in the Den, after a few days, the children no longer stand in front of the door ways.


There is a 15 year clock on the game, after which.... well, you'd have to really drag you're feet. Even with all of the stuff added in the Restoration mod, you should be able to finish the game within that time frame easily, even if you didn't use the car at all.

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Yes, Aquaria is really great. Though I never quite got the logic of cooking underwater, and the fact that you can pause in the middle of battle to cook up a ton of food is weird as well. But the mechanic of foraging and making potions is a lot of fun.


I'm really disappointed that there's not likely to be a sequel to Aquaria, because the two-man design team has split up.

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Aquaria is hands-down my favorite game of all time. I actually found myself in a pickle today because I had an interview for an internship, and found myself faced with the question of what I would change/improve in my favorite games. And I definitely blanked on what to change about Aquaria.


Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
I'm really disappointed that there's not likely to be a sequel to Aquaria, because the two-man design team has split up.


This. The ending of the game absolutely knocked me sideways, and knowing that there won't be a sequel is gut-wrenchingly painful. At least there will be Mariann, a so-called "spiritual successor".

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Originally Posted By: Ephesos
At least there will be Mariann, a so-called "spiritual successor".

This is what the girlfriend of one of the designers of Aquaria (the one that's making Marian) has to say about it:

"As someone extremely close to the project of Marian, I have to say....
I'm really stoked about Marian because I think it has immense potential to surpass Aquaria in every way.... which I'm sure we all realize is a difficult thing to do.
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but it will not have free-range 3-D movement. We're still on an indie budget and aren't trying to do anything beyond our scope
And it will (and already does) have amazing artwork, please have no fears about that!

Short form: have faith! It may not be Aquaria 2, but it is a beautiful, ornate, fascinating story in an amazing world. Think Aquaria's prettier and more mature older sister."

Anyway, I'm not really too bummed over Aquaria's unresolved to-be-continued ending. Making an immediate sequel is more of a "corporation" thing to do. They have the cash to blow on it, and in fact many end up splitting or taking away a part of their game, saying "this is for the sequel". Bit Blot doesn't really have any cushion funds to fall on if Aquaria 2 ended up failing to produce enough money. Besides, it's nice to take a creative break and then come back with something fresh.
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Which Aquaria ending knocked you sideways? I only ever saw the 'secret' ending, after faithfully tracking down the elusive hidden memories, following a walkthrough.


I'm hopeful about both Mariann and Spelunky, but also a bit worried. Aquaria succeeded so well, I can't help but think there must have been great synergy in the two-man Bit Blot team. I'm worried that neither guy will be able to do as well on his own. I hope my fears prove groundless.


Have you tried any of the mods? The one that tries to fill in the back story is pretty good, though it also shows the limits of what you can do with Aquaria modding.

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I've heard nothing but good about Spelunky, because it's already out. And I've tried one or two of the really short mods, but haven't tried the huge ones yet.


(Aquaria modding is also where I told myself I was going to go when I got sick of BoA... whoops.)


And yeah. I'm a completionist, so I only ever saw the secret ending. Imagine my surprise on my first playthrough when I saw "you've unlocked a new ending".


EDIT: And with regards to the interview I mentioned above, I got the job! An unpaid intern is me!

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I've never seen Ecco, but I think it's probably not as similar as it may have sounded. Ambrosia offers it with a demo for Mac, which is reasonably representative; I presume there's a demo for Windows as well. Not that the whole game is like the demo in the sense of being the same; there's a point in the demo at which the game radically changes, and comparable changes occur many times through the rest of the game, as you enter new areas or unlock new abilities. It also has a pretty absorbing (and somewhat disturbing) plot.

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