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A6 - The skribbane are dangerous???

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
You could go to a nice corner in the western reaches and dump them all in a crate. That way, no one will get any. Well, maybe a curious orge...

You are very surprised to find a giant back here, bent over almost double to keep his head from striking the ceiling. As expected, the giant is hostile. You are unhappy to discover that he is crazy too.

His mouth is covered with green stains. As are his face, hands, and chest. He has been eating anything he could find in this abandoned workshop, even things he perhaps should not have eaten.

Not quite an ogre but I personally think that giants are better.
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It's a good idea to keep some skribbane on hand for emergencies and very tough fights, but it's probably not worth the hassle of withdrawal or the expense of the habit to use it often for non-cataclysmic battles. If you don't mind going through the annoyance, though, use the stuff with abandon. That's what addiction is for, right?


Selling the rest judiciously at the end of the game can help a bit, but honestly the extra levels aren't going to make or break your game. Destroy skribbane only if you're doing it for roleplaying purposes and decidedly do not care about min-maxing.


—Alorael, who considers all situations emergencies. Pedestrians? Time for skribbane. Taxes? Skribbane. Bored? Skribbane.

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Using skribbane just isn't worth it, there are already loads of good potions, scrolls and wands without the negative side effects. Even playing as a singleton, I've got an overflowing stash to use.


The influence of skribbane is bad for military discipline and maintaining troop fighting condition, but I have no moral qualms about selling the stuff to civilians who make the choice to put it in their bodies. And if ordered to kill them, I have no problems with that, either -- it helps that they tend to be douchebags.


So might as well sell the stuff until the exp gains diminish, then whack that sewer rat peddling it for commendations and cash. And to hell with those zombie addicts; they brought it on themselves.

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