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Unstable Thahds, plated clawbugs[G5]


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When you learn three levels of a specific creation, a new variant is unlocked. Unstable Thahds and Plated Bugs are two such variants.


To select a variant creation, click on the base creation (e.g., to create a Cryoa, click on the Fyora portrait; for a Plated Bug, click on the Clawbug portrait) and then click the plus that appears in the bottom corner of the portrait. If the plus doesn't appear, that means you don't have three levels in that creation.

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There are a number of unstable creations. They're strictly temporary, as keeping them alive is painfully hard as they hemorrhage health.


—Alorael, who considers most of them useless. The possible exception is the shock trall, which is a very late-game creation and makes up for its brief life with overwhelming force.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius

They are great for taking down Unbound, as they have immense magic resistance. A moderately powerful Lifecrafter could manage to take down a roving unbound before completing Mera.

I did it with a sorceress. I also used the same tactic when clearing out the bandit nest is Mera, made about 4 of 'em and sent 'em in.
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I have an Infiltrator at normal difficulty. I tried 7 Corrupted Thad a bunch of times against an Unbound at Gorash-kel, but I keep getting killed.


I also tried using them at Lerman's Pass. I made some headway at Lerhmans Pass, but I had to burn through a lot of pods and spores and keep recreting them. They died pretty quickly there. I gave up for now. I could do it if I burn through most of what I have in terms of pods and spores. I am trying to figure out my best path South to meet that Drakon.

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Do you have regeneration aura? That lets them keep living despite their bleeding health. Also, put on as many buffs as you can and stay out of the unbound's range, but close enough to heal your units as they fight. If all of that doesn't work, then this may just not be a viable strategy, either due to a weakness on your part, or, more likely, it only works on easy. Not having tested, I can't say which.

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My battle shaping skill is 2. As an Infiltrator I focused more on battle magic 9, mental magic 8, spellcraft 6, intelligence 9.


My healing magic is only 2. I might have to raise it despite the high cost so that I can do a group heal or regeneration aura.


I didn't think my Corrupted Thads could take on the Unbound by themselves, so I stayed in rage to hurl lightning or accid at it. However, I could try staying back.

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Originally Posted By: marvin
I didn't think my Corrupted Thads could take on the Unbound by themselves, so I stayed in rage to hurl lightning or accid at it. However, I could try staying back.

If you stand at exactly the right distance, you can still hit the Unbound with ranged attacks, but its aura attacks won't hurt you.
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Having a battle shaping of 2 makes things difficult. I tend to pump up my battle magic to about 10 very early. Regardless, you definitely want to get regeneration aura, it's a life saver.


As Thuryl suggested, you can stand at a certain distance and attack without being attacked yourself. I recommend hitting it with wrack first to weaken it and then sling some damage over time attacks, alternating with healing and rebuffing.

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Having a battle shaping of 2 makes things difficult. I tend to pump up my battle magic to about 10 very early.

With an infiltrator? Not very recommendable.

I find one or two creations to be moderately useful with an Infiltrator/Agent, but no more. You shouldn't really need to worry about healing so much either.
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