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mindwarp chitrach


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There's an area just to the Southwest of where you fight the queen, when you first enter it the game pops up a text box... something about the area feeling funny.


I'm not sure about the exact sequence here (I did this like 3 weeks ago), but when I got that message I just kept leaving that area to the south (thru a series of narrow tunnels that connects to a different exit) and then doubling back to the "funny" area.


Eventually, I got a new text box to pop up that said a new exit had appeared in the West wall. Sure enough, I left via this new opening and it takes you to a tiny outdoor area that contains some mind-controlled monsters and (eventually) the Mind-warp Chitrach.


Be warned: you want to kill the Windwarp Chitrach as quickly as you can, as it has the ability to drain 100+ points of Spell Energy from the entire party every 7-ish rounds or so. Unless, of course, you're looking for an excuse to blow thru a half-dozen Energy Elixirs wink


Edit: also, I seem to recall getting advice on tracking down the Mindwarp from that crazy Chitrach Hunter guy in town; perhaps if you haven't done his quests and gotten his advice the Mindwarp's Lair won't appear?

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It's little things like that that prevent me from ever making those "make the game different" choices like old Gladwell's Geas that compels you to steal and make entire towns hate you. Sure, the storyline is somewhat different and you're getting rewards from Gladwell, but at what cost? Half of Lark's quest chain? It probably interferes with Shanker's quest chain too, I would imagine. Bleah.


The moral to me is that you should never anger a town if you can at all help it, as you pay for it some significant way almost no matter what - especially in A5.


--Marak, who wonders what happened to the Party-wide Reputation "stat", as he misses it greatly. He always strives to get the highest Goodie Two-Shoes Ranking possible in A2/3.

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Gladwell's quests don't interfere with Lark or Shanker, only times they interfere are near end and making certain group (besides Harkin's but those you need to make angry if you want that Cap) angry but at that time you have got chance to kill Gladwell.


As for A1 buy trilogy cd and maybe Jeff gives you discount due you own A2 and A3 already.

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Jeff will give a discount for the trilogy CD if you already own individual games. Specifically, he'll discount $8 per game you own. You still spend $4 more for buying one game as a trilogy CD.


—Alorael, who suspects that a cheaper Avernum trilogy is not more than a year or two away. Perhaps $25 for the whole series like Exile?

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Having the original Trilogy on CD would be pretty sweet, I would seriously consider it at a discount like that. (I feel obligated to throw more money at Jeff for all his hard work, but it needs to slip in under the dreaded Wife Radar, ya know? wink )


But... how would I go about it? Do I type in my registration codes for A2/3 when ordering or somesuch? Or is it something I should e-mail Jeff/Spiderweb Software about?

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If you're just ordering the CD with the standard $8 per game discount, there are fields where you enter the name and address of your registration for those games. Jeff keeps registrations on file, probably for purposes of world domination. For anything more complicated or for asking about when the trilogy will be discounted, email is the right choice.


—Alorael, who bought the trilogy after already having purchased the games separately. It seemed like a nice gesture and a much easier way to get all three registered across operating systems.

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Yeah, I need to read the site more closely, I didn't realize that the discount was a standard thing...


Thanks for the heads-up though folks, I appreciate it smile


Ugh, now the problem is remembering the proper address and such, I've moved since '04 when I bought A2/3... although Jeff WAS able to dredge up new Registration codes for me out of the blue since my copies of A2/3 didn't survive the Great Hard-drive Crash of '06, Operating System Re-install of '07, and Complete Computer Re-build of '09 as Registered copies. Imagine that!

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Originally Posted By: Marak
my copies of A2/3 didn't survive the Great Hard-drive Crash of '06, Operating System Re-install of '07, and Complete Computer Re-build of '09 as Registered copies.
This is kind of why I buy the games on CD; you don't have to re-register every time you reinstall. Keeping a backup of all the registration files is another good idea.

EDIT: Therefore, my copies survived registered through the External Hard Drive Crash of '03, the Laptop Monitor Break-off of '04, the Computer Tower Death of '07, and the Great OS Reinstalls of '02, '05, '06, '08, and '09.
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When I had my Windows XP computer, I had to reformat and reinstall the OS every year. There was also a motherboard crash and the installation of a new video card that necessitated reinstalling the OS.


I also buy all the games on CD, in case you were wondering. tongue


Haven't had to reinstall the OS on my new Vista computer yet.... (*crosses fingers and knocks on wood*).

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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
This is kind of why I buy the games on CD; you don't have to re-register every time you reinstall. Keeping a backup of all the registration files is another good idea.

Honestly, you should be backing up all the important files on your computer anyway -- preferably online, in case your house burns down.
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Last year, my wife took classes at a psuedo-technical school to get herself into the IT Job Market and got herself a handful of Microsoft Certifications.


In one of the first books she was given, Microsoft admitted IN WRITING that Windows XP breaks down over time, its performance degrades over time, and that periodic re-installs of the operating system are both expected and encouraged.


It's not just your imagination that Windows isn't running as smoothly now as it did when you last installed it.

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Well, no, because you can still reinstall from the original disc: planned obsolescence is when something fails over time to force you to buy new stuff. It's more a matter of Microsoft not being able to get their act together and release an OS without serious bugs (which, admittedly, is easier said than done).

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Thuryl, Slarty, SoT - Point taken. Also, I just thought of something as I reread the thread:

Originally Posted By: Marak
It's not just your imagination that Windows isn't running as smoothly now as it did when you last installed it.
Not necessarily, especially if you perform routine maintenance. The first time I reinstalled an OS was because I'd gotten a virus that my antivirus software couldn't handle. This was the only time I had to reinstall the OS on that computer, and it outlasted the computer itself.



Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
And what's wrong with rapidly degrading products, anyway? Food has to be reinstalled at regular intervals, but nobody disses farmers for that. Microsoft gets a bum rap here, I'm telling you.
Food is a necessity; unless you work from and/or take classes at home via the internet, a computer pretty much isn't.
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