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how many and which permanent creations do you keep?[G5]

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as a lifecrafter i keep 2 permanent creations(and summon disposable ones like corupt thahds/rothdizons when needed) in all the games of the series.so i still get some xp while most battles can be easily won.:D

in stage 1 i have a fyora and cryoa or cryoa and roamer

in stage 2 i have a drayk and cryodarayk or cryodrayk and kyashakk

in stage 3 i keep a permanent drakon and gazer

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Last time I played, I ran and got 2 or 3 bugs. I then added 2 platted bugs once I got them. As some point, I got rid of a few bugs (2, I think) for some alphas. Had I continued, I would have probably scrapped the alphas and maybe bugs for some betas or roters. I would have ended with a couple of tralls. I was planning on adding some wingbolts at some point, but never built up essence and skill before I stopped playing that save.

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All we mean by permanent creations is creations that are carefully protected and not absorbed or readily used as disposable cannon fodder.


—Alorael, who mostly stopped doing that once Geneforge stopped including minefields that could be cleared by thahds in sufficient numbers.

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Your creations gain experience too, and as they level up they become more powerful. It's better to keep a specific creation rather than recreate it repeatedly. The bigger question is whether it's better to level up weaker creation types or absorb them for more powerful ones. The general consensus is for replacement, but not always and not for all creation types.


—Alorael, who recommends protecting a test creation or two. See what higher levels do, and then you can decide how much it's worth your time and effort to preserve your shapings.

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Everything you shape starts at a level equal to the creation type's base level plus the number of points you have in that shaping skill (e.g. Fire Shaping for fyoras and roamers, Magic Shaping for artilas and vlishes, and so on).


There's nothing limiting your critters to your level, either. Okay, you're summoning things at level 16. Great! Now keep them around and they'll keep getting better.


—Alorael, who recommends not posting multiple times in a row. Double- and triple-posting is frowned upon here.

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The cost of getting more points in shaping increases as you improve the skills, and you'll want to put points into things that aren't shaping. The difference isn't huge in most cases, but it's enough to make your creations noticeably more powerful.


—Alorael, who finds it most obvious in the endgame. Making war tralls or rotdhizons early and hanging on to them gives you an easier time with the final battles than trying to go in with fresh troops.

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