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Any point in joining the rebels after this? (might be a bit spoily)[G5]


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I visited Ghaldring with my lifecrafter after Alwan told me to. I noticed some locked doors in Gazaki-Uss and found some very nice canisters behind them. Now these were some heavily locked doors (actually had to go back and bought living tools from vendors for the first time!), so I'm guessing they were quest rewards for Gharldrings faction. Is there any point in joining them anymore, meaning do they have anything else to offer me should I choose to ally myself with them at some point of the game? Do they have an exclusive trainer for fifth-tier creations or something like that? I'm not sure I'd even like to ally myself with the arrogant lizards but for powergamings sake I might do it if the rewards were good enough.


I've cleared most of the first two areas and the quests there but haven't done not very much in the storm plains yet, so I'm thinking I still have lots of things to do left. I haven't joined any faction yet and I'm pretty neutral, one or two answers/actions on the rebel side of things with multiple opinion questions from different people still unanswered, so I still go any way and join any faction.

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You've got most of their best rewards already, yeah. Ghaldring's faction does have a guy who sells you high-level spells and creations if you join up, but it's nothing you can't get elsewhere. If you want to support the rebels for ethical reasons, go for Astoria instead; her path has a lot of overlap with Ghaldring's, but with unique rewards.

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Mostly now it is between getting some rewards, and majorly different end battles. Rewards are always nice, but it depends on what you believe in. Do you want to destroy the council and let the rebellion win? Or do you want to try to make a peace between the factions? Or end shaping? Or crushing the rebellion, or even killing all creations? Each choice gives you different quests, rewards, and endings. Only Ghaldring's faction has a different end battle. If you can't choose, maybe you could make a save, the after you finish one faction, go back to that save and try another.

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It's easy to get the Rawal ending, because you can finish Rawal's last mission while following several other sects. After he rewards you he asks you to stay on as his flunky, and if you agree, the game ends right there. So save first, see the Rawal ending, then go back to what you were doing.


I just now finished a Rebel game with a level 52 Shock Trooper fielding 7 Shock Tralls. I did the challenge areas early, then grubbed around for experience by storming every loyal city or guardpost I could find. So the endgame after that was pretty easy even on Torment.


But the Rebel game is well worth playing because it's quite different from all the others, more than they are different from each other. And if you play it right, you can enter every area in the game except for one small part of the Lost Dera Vault, so you don't need to miss much of what you see in the other plots.

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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
And if you play it right, you can enter every area in the game except for one small part of the Lost Dera Vault, so you don't need to miss much of what you see in the other plots.

What about inner gazakii uss (or whatever it's called now)?
Last I knew, only non-drakon followers could get in there, ironically.
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But the Rebel game is well worth playing because it's quite different from all the others, more than they are different from each other. And if you play it right, you can enter every area in the game except for one small part of the Lost Dera Vault, so you don't need to miss much of what you see in the other plots.

This implies that you can in fact get to inner gazakii uss as a rebel. Either I am mistaken or I would very much like to learn how to do this, as I am currently (and slowly) doing a power-game run through.
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Woops, that's right — no IGU as a rebel. But you're not missing much — it's a good fight as a non-rebel, but not an interesting zone without the battle. On the other hand you get to linger in the Shaper Citadel, without being pushed out by a cut scene. It's not a thrilling zone as such, either, but it's a fight you can't see in any other thread, and it's not bad.

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