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Anyone find Avernum 4 not as good as 1-3?


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As I recall, the general impression after A4 was released was it had pretty good hacking and not much else (except a few nifty things here and there, like the shades). To the best of my knowledge, the general impression of A5 is that it is a more complete game. So finish A4, enjoy the combat, and then head straight on to A5, which you'll probably like better.

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Avernum 4 had too much of a recycled plot from A3. The best addition was the Darkside Loyalists which become the major villians of A5. Jeff was mostly working on fixing the combat system which is better in A5 and he restores all those things that A4 lacks like elevations and boats.

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Originally written by Azuma:
Rumors, my friend..rumors..
Not rumours. Jeff Vogel himself has said that if it wasn't for the fact that Avernum 4 sold so well, Spiderweb Software may not still be around. I can't find the thread he said it in now, but it was said on these boards.

Avernum 4 isn't as good as say, Avernum 2, in my opinion, but it does it's job very well. It was never about the great plot - it was all about kicking off the second trilogy. I don't think Avernum 1 had a great plot either. It was all about setting up the player in a new location, and starting the trilogy off.

And, now I feel dirty for writing a post longer than a line.
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A4 sold very, very well, but this is not terribly informative in itself. After A1-3 and the huge wait time and anticipation, Jeff could've remade KOWP in the GF engine, burned it to a CD, and called it A4, and it would've sold well.


The purpose of the A4 that he actually made was to get the new engine in place and have some good hacking. It accomplished both of those things. The over-arching plot was never the point. But then, the over-arching plot in A3 was kinda stupid, too, and A3 was a great game.


I don't think I'll ever have the urge to replay A4, but I did enjoy it as I played it the first time. So even if it fell off the mark of A1-3 a little, it's still well above most of the garbage out there.

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All SpidWeb ga..no..almost all PC-based games requires a lot of clicking..

Sure. But I included the word 'just'. JUST lots of clicking. Clicking without any of the enjoyment usually attached to computer games.


Avernum 4 took the worst elements from the previous Avernums and Geneforges, and merged them into one terrible product. And I don't care if it sold well. So did Revenge of the Sith and Titanic.

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Once you're out of the area around and under Silvar and Cotra you're done with chitrachs except for a few isolated encounters elsewhere. Yes, you're almost there!


—Alorael, who wonders if any A4 beta testers had the courage to report painful chitrach fights as bugs in the game. He certainly wishes he did.

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A5 has an incredibly engrossing story, I've pretty much been playing nonstop for the past week, eat, sleep a little, go to work, and A5. I 'm just compelled to complete that next quest, or find Gladwells next item. I have to say I find the Lark and Gladwell quest arc's to be enjoyable and challenging, plus they lend a lot to the back-story of this area of Avernum.

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Originally written by macdude22:
A5 has an incredibly engrossing story, I've pretty much been playing nonstop for the past week, eat, sleep a little, go to work, and A5. I 'm just compelled to complete that next quest, or find Gladwells next item. I have to say I find the Lark and Gladwell quest arc's to be enjoyable and challenging, plus they lend a lot to the back-story of this area of Avernum.
Why must Jeff torture us Windows user so?
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Buy a mac and use bootcamp for any windows software you need to use. Among other advantages (macs are much more reliable, better for graphics and well, just nice) you'll get to play new SW games faster ;>


What's the point of having a PC today if you can run both OS X and Windows on a mac? It is a fact that PC's are cheaper, but macs are a better long-term investment. Couple of years ago, I bought myself a PPC mac mini, and my friend bought a Athlon. I'm using the mini today, with no problems at all, the only downside is that I won't be able to run graphic-intensive games like Doom 3 (and seriously, I don't give a damn about it laugh ). My friend's Athlon on the other hand had broken down about three times during this period. He had to purchase a new motherboard, a graphics card and a new hard drive. He spent more money than I did overall, and he's constantly frustrated because something doesn't want to work, or he's experiencing strange and critical errors of all sorts.


Sorry for the OT, this post may be deleted if it'll be deemed necessary to do so.

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Different strokes for different folks. I'm a Mac FANATIC for sure, but whatever works. Lotta folks like tinker this tinker that, not the platform for them. I know people that thrive on having problems with their frankenputers. I think they have a genetic irregularity that causes them to die if they don't have something to fix on their computer. I'd hate to see them wither away from lack of sustenance.


I'll tell you to get a Mac day in day out but XP with the latest patches, firefox, and AVG is generally pretty solid. Vista....that's a different story, BANE of my work existence.


As for reliability, 9 times out of 10 I'll agree but every so often you get a model that has some sort of inherent issue. I've seen a batch of Macs come in with say bad ram, and a batch of HPs come in with bad hard drives. In general I think apple tends to use higher quality components than the big box PC manufactures, however users building their own machine or getting a bit higher end windows box tend to purchase similar quality components.


In closing, I'm a Mac FANATIC, but no Mac Bigot. I'm down with whatever. However, if you call me after hours with your Windows problems @ home, I direct you to apple.com


I thank you Jeff for filling my Mac's voracious appetite for quality software. 20" imacs get HUNGRY.

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