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Everything posted by adc.

  1. Randomizer (again) got the really good points (of course, the early bird gets the worm). But here is another tip. ------------- Being solo has more disadvantages than advantages. Of course, you could always use magic and magic to make your attacks stronger. But I recommend Shaping. If you created a thahd for actually no reason and put it in your front lines, it can be suicidal for the creation but it takes the enemy's turn... ------------- -That's what real Shapers do, Nightwatcher
  2. Alright, alright. I didn't know that was included on the rules. If any mod reads this... they can put it back where they want it (just not on the veeeeeerrry back). ------------ -__-' ,Nightwatcher
  3. I want to make the New Arrivals see this. Heads Up!!!. Tell me what you think... ------------- -Nightwatcher
  4. The right comment I've been looking for. And yes, Jeff needs more time. Maybe after the Avadon series (maybe at 2016...) -------------- -If only time can freeze, Nightwatcher
  5. Mr Taygen. No, just joking. Rawal ------------ -Rawal, Nightwatcher
  6. You know... It would be really awesome to make custom creations and to command them. Or even make a scenario about a new "creation" project. I'm sure anyone already have thought of this (maybe even Jeff)... But why wasn't it created? ------------- Or... Maybe a new Geneforge series? Where the Shapers can finally make the rebels pay? ------------- -Something new, Nightwatcher
  7. That's soooo easy. I can teach you some. ---------- So, is it going to be scripts? or actual game programming? (Both are for absolute beginners) ---------- For scripts, you can check some posts about item and spell ids. ---------- For actual game programming, you need to download Game maker, the demo can teach you a lot already...
  8. Oh. Thank you. I didn't knew anything about an "off" button... ---------- -Nightwatcher
  9. Does this affect other programs? ------- -Hmmmn... Nightwatcher
  10. It has been posted by "SpidWeb" about those problems. On the non-steam version, it works fine, but sometimes, when you're too powerful, it overlaps. Jeff is already at work merging games at Steam, because all other games that are on Steam are merged. Example, you can trade at TF2 by using the steamcommunity usernames because it is merged. You can visit other recent posts about this. ------------- -It happens..., Nightwatcher
  11. adc.

    It happens.

    Me too... When Halley's comet arrives (about 2060). But it might go at any date... When you're actively posting. ---------- -Don't post something without actual sense. One is already enough, Nightwatcher
  12. Rothgroths. They run around like hell, and I haven't got one beaten on my party No really, I like zombies ------------ -Zombie, Nightwatcher
  13. Y won't you reply to my messages? btw, I updated something else at my site ------------ -Nightwatcher
  14. adc.

    It happens.

    You haz knives and cupcakes? :megusta: ----------- Anyway, what is this all about? ----------- -*shrugs*, Nightwatcher
  15. What do you mean? I gave the correct pronounciation of the one who greeted you outside GF3? ----- -Confused, Nightwwatcher _._
  16. Unless anyone joined... --------- ~ -.- Nightwatcher
  17. Was that it? It was "Litalia" I suggest. ---------- -It was Litalia, Nightwatcher
  18. adc.

    Forum Password

    Ah yes, Randomizer took most of the good stuff. But, it was really, really obvious in there. Maybe not because some site really secure passwords. ------------- -Passwords, Nightwatcher
  19. What do you mean? What does it say? ------- Err... here's to do it manually anyway: type: http://www.nightwatchman.ucoz.net ------- Simple, Nightwatcher
  20. Yes, yes it does. Oh at least some people's curiosity is ended... ----------- -Nightwatcher
  21. Yes, yes it is. A continuation of Geneforge 5 combined with my own RPG story. Click here The actual Chapter is going slow (because of the other unrelated side stories that I'm making), just go post a comment at the forums saying to continue making the story. I only do stuffs which are high in demand. ----------- Finally releasing into public!, Nightwatcher
  22. I can't actually remember the name, but it is about a Vahnathi crypt. ------------------- In some barriers you can't dispel, I found a way, change the piercing crystal's lvl to 2000. ------------------- So then, I tried to use them at the crypt, but found nothing. Was this actually on purpose? Anyway, it could kill the curiosity of people who needs some impossible barriers dispelled. ------------------- -Impossible barriers, Nightwatcher
  23. You don't need scripts, you need to change the graphics...
  24. Congratz at your milestone... ------------ Btw, I sent back a complaint report and a request... ------------ -Congratz Trenton, NIghtwatcher
  25. Seriously, it's actually funny -------------- Originally Posted By: Trenton We all have differences. True... -------------- Originally Posted By: Trenton Don't troll the chat by saying you dislike Geneforges You don't want to buy, get off the station. I lost every count of my sanity already, if you don't mind, I would like to speak with Trent co.'s complaints manager (I can't stand laughing XD) --------------- -Complains, Nightwatcher
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